Turn 82 - 825BC
More discoveries abound. These turns are starting to becoming very interesting... if only they would come around a little faster.
mostly_harmless mentioned how our exploring spearman took quite a bit of damage from the barb warrior in between turns. I put the combat log in this picture to demonstrate how our unit was knocked down to 1.6 health in a 100% combat battle. Pretty unlucky. To make matters worse, another barb moved up to the south and is cutting off our retreat angle. What to do?
Well, we have two options as I see it. We can flee deeper into the fog by moving to the west, but there's no guarantee that there isn't another barb unit over there. We have no idea. Moving north or northwest is also probably not a good idea, as there was another barb warrior on the tile northwest of the rice last turn. It's likely still up there. We could alternately choose to do nothing and stay in place. It seems a bit silly, but we'll health for 10% of the spear's maximum health, taking us to 2.0 health. I tried to test this (although it's a little tough to get accurate odds for injured units), and it looks like we will have roughly 75% odds to win by healing in place and fortifying. That's not great, but we don't have too many options.
I haven't moved this unit yet. I suggest staying in place or moving a tile southwest. Recommendations?
We have better news everywhere else. Here in the east, our axeman moved up and found a rice resource along the river bend, just outside the barb city's borders. This axe will keep on moving up and has a good chance of spotting the barb city next turn, depending on local elevation.
The rice tile just misses the fat cross of Forbidden Fruit, which will be planted next turn. That's not such a bad thing, however, because it opens up the possibility of a VERY strong city on the red dot as shown, a city that can work irrigated rice + grassland cows and about a dozen grassland river cottages. That would then make the yellow dot a natural future spot to share cows and the western rice, continuing to follow the path of the river. We could also move the red spot a tile east to grab dyes, depending on what else we find over there in the eastern jungle.
I do not suggest changing the location of Forbidden Fruit, which has a great location in its own right and plenty of food to work with. We should instead concentrate on settling this part of the map in the next two dozen or so turns. It's very high quality land, it locks down another fertile river valley for Financial cottage cheese, it contains important Calendar luxury resources, and it expands towards our neighbors to claim disputed territory. Stone city will be #9, the oasis/fish spot will likely be city #10, and this red spot would be a great candidate for city #11. That's not counting the barb city either, which with luck could fall to us as well.
There's no need to worry about a defender for the settler; an axe will finish in Focal Point at end of turn, and will move to Forbidden Fruit before any barb units can show up.
CivFanatics told us that the route to their territory was safe, and indeed our scout has crossed over into the purple borders of India. That's good news because there was a barb warrior on the marked X tile at the start of this turn. Just barely dodged that guy, nice. Diplo team might want to tell CFC that they likely have another barb warrior incoming as a polite gesture, on the desert hill tile between the wines and stone.
I highlighted the floodplains cottage that we can see to demonstrate its level of development. Already a village, 34 turns left to become a town. That means that this is a very old cottage - our most mature cottage has 19 turns left to town status. Combined with the third-ring border pop, we're almost certainly looking at CFC's capital of Indira here. In any case, I plan to move two tiles southeast next turn into the forest, and that should reveal what city we're looking at. I'm kind of hoping that this is indeed their capital, as it would mean that we're in an excellent position to snap up most of the land between our two civs. We're doing a very good job of pushing up against the borders of all of our neighbors, with the two northern ones fighting their silly war and CFC seemingly absorbed in expansion elsewhere.
The southwest is fairly quiet. We killed the barb warrior after it moved to the hill as expected, taking our axe to 6 XP. Four battles to go, and at the rate of barb spawn that we're seeing, that should be very doable. Our other axe moved onto the plains hill tile, revealing another river and floodplains peeking out from under the fog. He'll keep heading northwest to investigate.
This is the overview for our civ and the tile micro.
We are still following the illustrated plan in this post, if anyone wants to follow along. Noteworthy tile usage for this turn would be the forested plains hill at Horse Feathers; working that tile gives us just enough production to finish the lighthouse at end of turn, which is a crucial city improvement for HF. Extra food from the fish and the lake tile, which will become a permanent 3/0/3 tile. I also did make one minor alteration to our worker micro: I had us road the grassland tile north of Focal Point instead of the plains tile to the northeast. This was suggested by someone a ways back, and it seemed like a good choice. We will certainly want to cottage that grassland tile soonish, and the road makes it much easier to do so. The main goal of the road was to get the settler onto the desert hill this turn, which can be achieved on either tile.
Elsewhere, workers finished the pasture on the cattle tile at Seven Tribes and a grassland cottage at Tree Huggers. The worker at the capital finished chopping a library, timed for when we go to 100% science next turn. On that note, the micro plan suggested we go to 30% science this turn to ensure we have enough beakers to finish Calendar tech eot 86. With the extra trade route income, I have no idea if this is still necessary or not. If someone wants to sim this out, then be my guest. I don't think we really lose too much by going 30% science this turn, and better safe than sorry. Let me know if you want me to change something here.
Here are the Demograpics with us at 30% science. We are still sitting in first in Food, and have surged above the average in Production as well. GNP is close to the leaders at 30% science rate; at break-even 60% rate, we have a rating of 101, and at 100% science, we sit at 110. This number will go up considerably next turn with the completion of the library in the capital and the resumption of max research. Everything else looks peachy: tops in Land, second in military now (after the bloodletting between WPC and Germans last turn), still the only team with trade route income, etc.
Next turn is the big one for us. We grow 3 pop between turns and then plant our eighth city after the turn roll. Then we grow another 2 pop (and build our Hindu Shrine!) on the turn after that. We'll have 31 total pop producing 125 beakers/turn and Calendar incoming in three turns.

In the meantime, do your best to avoid boredom as we wait out these long turns and let's work out a plan for our poor spearman in the barbarian hinterland.