Very happy to have you, Ginger!!! Please feel free to talk about literally anything and everything, I'm pretty nooby too and would love to noob together w another of my kind
re: Steam session, your time zone is GMT +2, right? One option is that I could stay up late tonight and we could do something like 12 AM for me = 9 AM tomorrow morning for you (so roughly 12 hours after this post)? It's a little awkward but I'm down if you are
I could also do 5 PM my time but that's 2 AM for you, so I doubt that's better on your end. That also gives me less time to learn how to stream (although I can't promise I'll have it figured out by tonight in either case...)
(August 15th, 2022, 09:36)thrawn Wrote: We'll take 1 and 8.
TAD and Ljubljana to choose next between 2/7 and 3/6, and the remaining one goes to Woden and Banzai.
Thoughts on this? I think the answer may depend on which civs are allowed, and we don't have a clear answer to that yet... My metric for tiering the civs post-PBEM20 is essentially "which civ can produce the strongest combined frigate + caravel fleet the fastest", which I think places three civs from PBEM20 in the top tier: Indonesia, England, and Phoenicia. Luckily we are guaranteed one of these if we want it, and of the latter two I think England is a bit stronger, as the free ships from RNDs are about as impactful as Phoenicia's shipbuilding buff in the pre-frigates era and the total dominance England gets over Great Admirals is crazy good. Even the extra niter storage from lighthouses is surprisingly impactful since it translates to more total frigate upgrades the turn you hit Square Rigging. Meanwhile the Cothon settler buff is a bit overrated as it only takes you from +100% to +150% in the AH city in Colonization, and most of the other cities will want to be on ships + gold most of the time anyways. Of the other civs, I think China is the closest to breaking into this tier as well, with a mass-upgrade fueled by Stonehenge -> Tithe, Petra, and the Colossus TR, and (more importantly) big combat boosts to all the ships with Terracotta Army and the Great Lighthouse. I don't know how PBEM20 China never landed that combo, but I'm certainly thankful that they didn't...
I think Indonesia is a cut above the other three though...nothing really compares with a 20-turn window of Jongs when nobody else has frigates, and if the other player is diligent about trade routes and funnels cash to the Indo civ I'd guess something in the 10-to-15-ish upgrades range is possible on the turn Mercenaries hits. They also get the first pantheon for free to accelerate them to Mercenaries (t13 God of the Open Sky + worker first is almost a mini-Rome) and, while faith-buying ships is kind of a trap at 600 faith per Jong, what they can do is faith-buy a
Classical Great Admiral to boost the Jongs (the only Medieval era ship afaik). If we can snag them and pair them with an enabler civ like the new Spain, that could be an amazing combo. I will be surprised if thrawn does not take them first (indeed, I imagine they took the first pick specifically with this in mind), but...maybe they will have some off-the-wall idea percolating in their brain that requires a different civ and will let them drop to 2nd pick. It's very unlikely they'll still be on the board at 3rd though IMO.
I think Portugal messes things up though and is probably a top-2 civ with Indonesia, 7 free +50% trade routes just for contacting everyone is unmatched in terms of gold generation, and the Nau is actually pretty spectacular in its own right just as a caravel with a free Embolon promotion. Spam Naus out of a city with Victor 3 and it gets really crazy as you should be able to take Embolon + Reinforced Hull for +17 defensive CS vs. frigates right out of the gate. I haven't tested whether this actually works, though, and I also haven't tested whether Naus get the free promotion + Feitoria charges when upgraded from a galley, which will have a very substantial impact on their viability.
If NFP civs are not allowed, I think there are 4 very strong naval civs in the ones I mentioned and another 5 (Norway, Japan, Australia, Netherlands, Korea) that are varying levels of viable according to the above frigavel spam criterion. I'd be a little worried about a 7th pick semi-going to waste on something slow like Australia, win-more-y like Norway, or overly prone to bankruptcy like Japan, but I think a 6th pick should be fairly safe. But if NFP civs are allowed I think new Spain and Portugal (at least) cleanly break into the top 8 and we'll all get two very strong civs, so the negative impact of pick 7 is reduced compared to the benefit we can gain from pick 2.
I think with NFP civs allowed, I favor 2 + 7 for a guaranteed shot at either Portugal or Indonesia. With them disallowed, I'm not sure and am probably weakly in favor of 3 + 6 for one of England/Phoenicia + the best of the rest. Awkward...
edit: ps, i'm gonna go on record and make a prediction for thrawn's evil plan with 1st + 8th pick - Indonesia for Krill, and then thrawn taking a gold-generation civ if they're still available like Spain, Germany again, or (drumroll please)
Mali, who will definitely be on the board at 8th, and if anyone can make them work it's thrawn and their spreadsheet...
Would you be down to try Portugal + Indonesia for our first practice opening? It's not at all a realistic combo but I just wanna see how crazy it is
![lol lol](
Plus it would be nice to test some of the Nau upgrading + Victor 3 stuff mentioned above.