The A/E has been working pretty well.
The build I've been using the most:
- Shadow Form
- Glyph of Elemental Power
- Sliver Armor
- Rust or Gale
- Obsidian Flame or Aftershock
- Shadow Refuge
- Death's Charge
- Dark Escape
Rajazan's + Earth Scroll (Earth +1, +30hp)
Longbow to pull a group to me
Rajazan's + Earth Scroll (20/20)
Full suit of +energy type armor
Only a Major Vigor rune and Superior Shadow Arts.
So far its been useful against Scar Eater, Jayne, Spiritgarden, Sunreach, Ssyn, and Darkroot.
I can take Scar Eater, Jayne, and Spiritgarden in one run, even with about 15-20%DP. I just haven't killed Everthorn during that run.
I'm thinking I can kill Sskai and Everthorn too if I can just aggro enough to do enough dmg to them and get sliver armor to target them.
Edit1: Also been able to kill Milefaun with it.
Edit2: Just killed Everthorn.
Edit3: Killed Kenrii, Monk Construct, Mesmer Construct.
Edit4: After about an hour, and some close deaths, on my first attempt (lucky me) I killed the Ele Construct and got the Kaolin water staff, then I died and had to take about another 20 min working my way back to the area to nab it. What a pain. After that I took about another 60-70 min trying to kill the Mesmer Construct and got the Kaolin Domination staff. I'm not soloing those guys anymore. No more soloing for me that far into Sunjiang. Its a pain and too time consuming since I'm not a master sliver armor farmer. At least they decided to drop stuff AFTER green weekend. Monk Construct is proving very difficult to kill because sliver armor won't target it most of the time. At least its the first construct in the area so its easy to get to. I'm so tired of farming right now.

Edit5: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, if anyone does decide to use this to farm constructs, I suggest taking Shadow Refuge. Shiro'ken elementalists use burning speed or whatever it is that sets you on fire if you're not moving and all Shiro'ken use Song of the Mists which can deal 20 dmg even with shadow form up since its not a direct attack on you. Considering how many afflicted and Shiro'ken surround some constructs, the 20 dmg from most of them can take roughly half you life.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.