Howdy folks, just made my way over here (I'm a little slow), very nice site.
While I'm not in your alliance, I certainly do love me some gvg, and I'd be happy to fill in some ranks if you have room on Tuesdays. Just in case, thought I'd post my info.
My information:
Name: Ed -- irish2
Account Name: Fionn Macaill
Your time zone and its relation to GMT: EDT (GMT -5?)
Classes you have PvP experience with: Monk, Elementalist, Necro, Ranger
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Monk, Elementalist, Necro, Ranger
How much you've played...
GvG: I do not have any idea, well over 100.
HA: I do not care for HA, but I have played a little back when it was still called tombs (ok, and a little since then, but really very little.)
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Monk, Blind Bot/Warder, Ele damager, Ranger spiker, Ranger Ganker, Necro. Not much of a caller/leader, and I don't like to, but I have done it in a pinch. Lead split teams also, I like that much better than leading 8.
[Adding my own catagory, sorry lurker] Roles I would like to try playing some day: ganker assassin, I mean come on, that just looks like fun.
While I'm not in your alliance, I certainly do love me some gvg, and I'd be happy to fill in some ranks if you have room on Tuesdays. Just in case, thought I'd post my info.

My information:
Name: Ed -- irish2
Account Name: Fionn Macaill
Your time zone and its relation to GMT: EDT (GMT -5?)
Classes you have PvP experience with: Monk, Elementalist, Necro, Ranger
In order, the classes you feel the most comfortable playing: Monk, Elementalist, Necro, Ranger
How much you've played...
GvG: I do not have any idea, well over 100.
HA: I do not care for HA, but I have played a little back when it was still called tombs (ok, and a little since then, but really very little.)
Where you've spent most of your PvP time: GvG
Roles in GvG you have experience with: Monk, Blind Bot/Warder, Ele damager, Ranger spiker, Ranger Ganker, Necro. Not much of a caller/leader, and I don't like to, but I have done it in a pinch. Lead split teams also, I like that much better than leading 8.
[Adding my own catagory, sorry lurker] Roles I would like to try playing some day: ganker assassin, I mean come on, that just looks like fun.