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I Have Some Bad News

Sullla Wrote:No one will ever be able to convince me that Civ4's gameplay is a step back from Civ3. And that's not just because I helped develop Civ4.

hammer When it comes to AW, I do miss the insanity feeling from Civ3. hammer

Sullla, I don't want to start a discussion here about which game is better, because that pretty pointless. However, I do think that some CIV supporters take the stand that a newer game must always be better and people who prefer C3C are backwards.

I know there are exploits in C3C, but people who do not play for score but fun, can choose not to use them. I personally never use RoP rape and other ridiculous features (such as blocking a resource with a scout). I do however, enjoy AW games in C3C tremendously.
The same can't be said about AW CIV games for me. Many features that have been put in place to curb human cunningness have resulted in a much less fun AW experience.

In the end, I understand that someone as involved in the development of a new CIV should prefer that game (it would be sad if it weren't the case). It would be downright sad though, if C3C fans are being treated as backward people.

edit: I want to add that the C3C community is currently having an exchange with Firaxis about the source code for C3C to iron out the exploits and bugs of the game. Firaxis isn't too cooperative though. In fact the way they treat they best supporters is telling a lot. I don't know what they are thinking, but I lost a lot of respect fot that company.

People are also saying that Civ4 has cartoonish graphics. They're also arguing that Civ3 is easier to mod.
Civilization IV sure runs like a dream on my new computer.

Nothing against Civ 4, but I always felt Civ 3 was just generally more fun to play. Not sure what it was. Civ 4 just always felt weird for me to play.

I think this thread exists simply to try to stir up controversy.

Yeah, seriously guys, if you want to debate this, go over to CivFanatics. Civ3 and Civ4 are both great games. Whichever strikes your fancy is entirely up to you. smile
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Sullla Wrote:Yeah, seriously guys, if you want to debate this, go over to CivFanatics. Civ3 and Civ4 are both great games. Whichever strikes your fancy is entirely up to you. smile

I also don't get why you hate Civ2.
Civilization IV sure runs like a dream on my new computer.

Lists like these can't simply be the "best games", they have to consider the time and gaming environment they were released in.

If you had never played Doom and Quake II, played them in a vacuum without knowing which was older etc, you'd probably prefer Quake II. However, Doom is higher in the list than Quake II because it revolutionalised the FPS genre - there simply wasn't anything like it at the time.

That's why Civ II has to be higher than the others in the series - it was simply the best game for the PC for the next 5 or 6 years after it was released.

Anyway, I haven't played a lot of the games on the list but some of my favourites are:

Golden Eye 007
Sonic the Hedgehog
SimCity 2000
Day of the Tentacle

And some of my favourite games not on the list:

Grand Theft Auto 1 (and London add-on)
Monkey Island 2
Worms 2

I think it's a shame neither of the first two Oddworld games got a mention, especially Abe's Oddyssey. There's a masochistic pleasure to be had from a game that hates you that much.

100. River City Ransom
99. Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
98. BattleToads
97. F-Zero
96. Mafia
95. Herzog Zwei
94. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
93. Quake II
92. Dragon Warrior
91. Virtua Tennis
90. Master of Orion
89. Alone in the Dark
88. Final Fantasy VII
87. Thief II: The Metal AGe
86. Final Fantasy X
85. Prince of Persia
84. Ultima VII: The Black Gate
83. Contra
82. Gunstar Heroes
81. Freedom Force
80. Baseball Stars
79. Shining Force II
78. Star Wars
77. Archon: The Light and the Dark
76. Tetris Attack
75. Crimson Skies
74. Syndicate
73. Return Fire
72. Galaga
71. Half-Life: Counter-Strike
70. Pokemon Red/Blue
69. Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
68. Starsiege: Tribes
67. Rayman 2: The Great Escape
66. Homeworld
65. Mech Warrior 2: 31st Century Combat
64. Advance Wars
63. Sonic the Hedgehog
62. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
61. Sam & Max Hit the Road
60. Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle
59. Bionic Commando
58. Super Smash Bros. Melee
57. Mike Tyson's Punchout!
56. Final Fantasy III (VI)
55. Fallout
54. Panzer Dragoon Saga
53. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
52. Metroid Prime
51. Grand Theft Auto III
50. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
49. Grim Fandango
48. The Secret of Mana
47. NHL 94
46. Super Mario World
45. Battlefield 1942
44. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
43. Soul Calibur
42. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec
41. System Shock 2
40. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
39. DOOM
38. Madden NFL 2004
37. Wave Race 64
36. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
35. Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty
34. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
33. God of War
32. Resident Evil 4
31. SimCity 2000
30. Halo
29. Golden Eye 007
28. Half-Life 2
27. Burnout 3: Takedown
26. Final Fantasy II (IV)
25. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
24. Tecmo Super Bowl
23. Super Mario Bros. 3
22. Half-Life
21. Deus Ex
20. Ms. Pac Man
19. Metal Gear Solid
18. ICO
17. Star Control 2
16. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
15. Super Mario Kart
14. Rome: Total War
13. Chrono Trigger
12. X-COM: UFO Defense
11. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
10. Super Metroid
9. Star Wars: TIE Fighter
8. Street Fighter II
7. StarCraft
6. Sid Meier's Pirates! (1987 version, not 2004 one)
5. Super Mario 64
4. Sid Meier's Civilization II
3. Tetris
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
1. Super Mario Bros.
Civilization IV sure runs like a dream on my new computer.

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