The coup was succesfull and i'm taking over the Hippus. There are some changes to the agenda.
First a quick look on how the civ is doing:
Well, commerce output is terrible, nearly two times lower than the average. With every tile in the BFC being either forest or hills it's not going to get much better soon.
I'm going to chop few riverside grassland forests and build there farms for future agristocracy, in the meantime a sage must do. I'm already 2gc above the free support limit, any further costs with such a low commerce would kill my research. Thus i've put a Palisade as a production filler before army support is lower.
The most important change is the location of the 2nd city. I want to put it right here:
There are three reasons for it:
- it will cost less maintenance
- it will be possible to maintain a shared defense for both cities
- it's built 4 turns earlier
There is a huge drawback though. If that 7 goblin archer stack moves it may accidentally fork both cities and then I'm in trouble.
- improve commerce: This will be a challenge. Code of Laws is far away and there are no easy calendar resources.
- expand: settler #3 will be in production shortly after worker #2. I want to grab a luxury resource with the 3rd city, so i'll put it either by the gems in the north or near wine and reagents in the south. I prefer gems, but it requires solving the goblin archers problem first