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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Selrahc Wrote:Is it a spoiler though? It doesn't really affect the game. A now dead civ could see their research doesn't really have any current application to the game. I know we err to caution, but I'm just not seeing any effects.

I argued about this after we died. My take then and now: we can reply to messages sent to us "in game" with info we knew in game at the time of our death. So we can't prompt someone to ask us something or even respond to a post in their thread with in-game knowledge, but if S+S wants to ask "the Indian refugees" where a city was planted via their diplo thread that should be allowed and is consistent with the in-game features (dead civs can still chat but not learn any new map info).

At the time many lurkers disagreed with me though.

Selrahc Wrote:Is it a spoiler though? It doesn't really affect the game. A now dead civ could see their research doesn't really have any current application to the game. I know we err to caution, but I'm just not seeing any effects.
I'll admit that there is little obvious way that it would impact the game, but it is nevertheless in-game information that Spullla do not know (and indeed have no way to learn retrospectively). Ergo it is a spoiler, and carries a risk that they will, in some way not immediately obvious to me, derive benefit from it. So, not allowed.

So Kathlete is going to attack Slaze with Slaze's own army? Wow that's a shady move. At what point does Kathlete lose all credibility?

Axiis Wrote:At what point does Kathlete lose all credibility?

For me that happened when they declared on poor, innocent Byzantium smile.


Axiis Wrote:So Kathlete is going to attack Slaze with Slaze's own army? Wow that's a shady move. At what point does Kathlete lose all credibility?

Well, if we're counting, it's pretty much athlete now, right? I haven't seen anything out of Kalin in months.

And that's pretty shady indeed

regoarrarr Wrote:Well, if we're counting, it's pretty much athlete now, right? I haven't seen anything out of Kalin in months.

And that's pretty shady indeed

It's so shady I'd almost want to quit.

This is a joke right?

Athlete has no morals and no honour, very shady indeed.

Without reading Athletes thoughts, it might be something else?

He could be trying to mislead India and is hoping for an easy ride against their border down the line. With a reason to build a large army up without it being noticed.

But I agree, taking Slaze's garrison troops and then backstabbing him would be pretty cheap.

darrelljs Wrote:For me that happened when they declared on poor, innocent Byzantium smile.

Poor and innocent Byzantium?? It what game where Byzantium poor and innocent?? wink

Ultimately, he's either intending to backstab Inca or is outright lying to India. Which would be really shady or somewhat shady, respectively. Personally I'm looking forward to Sullla's reaction when he sees the power graphs adjust (no chance he won't realize what happened IMO).

There's been so much bad faith diplomacy in this game, it's kind of depressing. The only bilateral relationship that's really been honorable is India/Korea (also, not coincidentally, the only one that seems to be holding up long-term to the benefit of both sides). Whosit's been quite honorable - the most so of any player - but his "allies" are selling him out.

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