Alright, how's this for a new version of the micro that emphasises SPEED OF SETTLING over most everything else. We get copper connected T64 with a couple spears in queue, and 6 cities + 5 (about to be 6) workers out by the same date. What do you think? It's worse in most respects, other than getting X out significantly faster. Red Wine unaffected, Tea very minor affected, White Wine (copper city) most affected. I know other peoples miro is neither easy nor fun to read, but these are probably the most important turns, so any feedback HUGELY helpful here. First of all, which plan do you like better? Is there any questions??
T45: Ramsey/Lopez finish pasture. Bourdain finish road. Coffee 2-whip worker. Tea work horse.
T46: Nat chop 1NW Coffee. Ramsey/Lopez rd horse. Bourdain chop 1NW Water. Coffee take cap sheep.
T47: Cancel Nat chop. Ramsey/Lopez chop forest 2W horse. Bourdain finish chop. Water start settler, take cap sheep.
T48: Bourdain rd 1W Dye. Nat chop forest 1N Coffee. Ramsey finish chop. Lopez camp ivory. Water 2-whip settler. Coffee take cap sheep.
T49: Settler move to 4. Nat cancel chop. Lopez move to forest hill. Bourdain finish road. Water start granary.
T50: Red Wine founded. Nat road 1NE Coffee. Bourdain pasture pigs. Ramsey chop forest.
T51: Lopez finishes camp. Nat finishes road.
T52: Chariot arrives at X. Lopez move to wheat. Ramsey finish chop. Nat new road 1NE. Tea start chariot, make sure has forest hill.
T53: Nat finish road. Bourdain finish pasture. Ramsey chop dye forest, cancel. Lopez farm wheat. Coffee take cap deer. Water take cap sheep. Tea whip chariot, work horse. Coffee size 4, start settler.
T54: Bourdain cottage 1W Red Wine. Nat finish chop forest 1N Coffee. Lopez farm wheat. Ramsey road 2N Water. Tea start granary.
T55: Nat finish chop forest 1NE Coffee. Ramsey finish road. Coffee 2-whip settler. Coffee and Water swap sheep/deer.
T56: Settler move to X. Nat move to X. Ramsey chop dye forest. Coffee overflow into 1-turn granary. Water size 4, start settler.
T57: Settler founds X (beer), starts granary (maybe should be monument for defense + line of sight?). Nat pastures cows. Ramsey finishes chop. Lopez finishes wheat (Tea switches).
T58: Ramsey moves 1N wine. Lopez moves 1SW Water. Bourdain finishes cottage. Water 2-whips settler (6). Coffee start warrior (will upgrade to spear when whip worker).
T59: Settler move 1N wine. Bourdain cottage 1S Red Wine. Rmsey road 1N wine. Lopez move 1N Wine. Water 1-turn granary (overflow).
T60: Settler move to copper. Ramsey finish road. Lopez road 1N cow. Nat finish pasture. Water start chariot (maybe should be library if writing?.
T61: Settler found White Wine, start work boat. Nat roads cow. Lopez finishes road. Ramsey roads copper. Coffee size 4, start worker. Water switches to warrior (will upgrade in queue).
T62: Ramsey finishes copper road. Lopez mines copper. Coffee 2-whips worker (5, Oliver). Red Wine grows to size 4, 2-whip granary. Water switches to chariot (warrior needs 1 turn). Tea takes cap sheep.
T63: Nat moves 1N Coffee (start cottage coffee river grass). Oliver cottage 1W Coffee, cancel. Ramsey/Lopez mine copper. Bourdain finishes cottage 1S Red Wine. Red Wine starts monument (2-turn with overflow). Water finishes chariot, back to warrior. Coffee starts chariot (1-turn with overflow), takes back cap sheep.
T64: COPPER CONNECTED. Nat cottage 1W Coffee. Oliver move 1SE Water. Ramsey finish copper mine. Lopez pasture cow 1E White Wine. Bourdain cottage 1SW Red Wine. Coffee finishes chariot, switches back to warrior. Water size 4, could whip worker or grow to 6.
Overview screenshot of the Empire T64 following this plan: