As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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NobleHelium posts Hearthstone screenshots & lurkers get annoyed. Earlier: sound, fury

He actually has like 16 different quotes or something so you'll hear a lot more.

worst thread evar. frown



That's actually anti-value. Let me show you:

argent squire = 1 mana

3 argent squires + 1 light's justice = 4 mana

recruit = 2 mana

3 recruits + light's justice = 7 mana

7 > 4

I suppose I owe this thread a coda, as we have somewhere between 1-5 turns left, depending on if REM gets smart and snipes Bush and/or how adventurous Dreylin decides to be at Nixon.

There's not much to be said really. I think we had a shot at being engaged but ultimately we just weren't due mostly to factors mentioned earlier. I think if we were engaged there's a possibility this may still have happened. The biggest mistake we made was not getting Dreylin's graphs after getting REMs. We went for scooter first, because we have always been prone to boogeyman syndrome. That said, even if we saw them, I think there's a decent chance we would have only been slightly more prepared because I think we would have assumed they were meant for Donovan, whom they had gone to war with twice. Beyond that, all of our neighbors at one point or another took advantage of our disorganization - REM, carving a favorable border; Pindicator, sniping a barb city closer to us than him; Scooter, who may have gotten a barb city on our blob even without the Dreylin attack and who also settled the island between us in such a way that I doubt we could have prevented.

We were never in it, we were never contenders because we'd always rather be playing Hearthstone when we were playing together and always rather be playing Path of Exile (me), Heroes of the Storm (Noble) and other games when we were playing solo and/or with others. We joined on a lark and I'm grateful we're going to be out as early as we are. I did the best I could to defend in the circumstances but we were caught totally pants down and there was really nothing that could have made not being eliminated a possible outcome.

With that, a few kudos and a few apologies...

Kudos to Dreylin and OT4E for a well-planned and well-executed strategy and attack that would have likely been very difficult to fend off even if we had been fully engaged.
Kudos to Brick for putting up with our map complaints (valid if irrelevant) like a good sport.
Kudos to Brick for finally giving me twitch emotes. Kreygasm
Kudos to Harry for hanging with us until it was clear that there was no point in hanging with us.
Kudos to those who came into the thread and had some fun with us while there was fun to be had.

Apologies to the other 5 players in this game for being such a perfect patsy for the Khmer, I know how that upsets competitive balance.
Apologies to the other 6 players in this game for signing up when our heart wasn't in it and for not seeking a replacement before that had an impact on competitive balance.
Apologies to mackoti for making him a thread meme, I don't care enough about this stuff to make it the issue I did in the thread, which in fairness I mostly did for the luls.
Apologies to the lurkers for not really doing what I do best and making an entertaining thread which chronicles a hilarious failure.

And with that, I sign off. I will of course continue to play the turns to the best of my ability until I am eliminated but I don't think I'll have anything else to say in here.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I don't think you have anything to apologize for, at least as far as your in-game play goes. You died, but, it happens. Maybe you thought you coulda played better, but, like you said, at least half the people in this game, at the moment of invasion, woulda also been rolled if they had been in your spot, were they been more engaged or not. That Gandhi/Khmer/Kremlin rush was some hardcore shit... no need to think of yourself as a patsy.

FWIW, and IMHO, I thought you defended just fine. You're under no obligation to minimax your death with spreadsheets or spitewhip/selfraze your civ into the ground. AFAIK, based on what other players have been reporting about y'all, you didn't camp the timer (or abandon your civ completely) to hold up the game outta spite, you've been playing longer than 10 second turns, you've been consolidating units rather than just letting them get chumped one or two at a time, and you've been pumping new ones at probably as fast a pace as you could manage, at least without switching civics. That's as much as anyone can ask for, and far more than what most people actually do.

While I agree generally with Joys points I cannot agree with his conclusion. It is true that Gaspar and Noble delivered on the bloodshed (all blood spilled is blood well spent) that does not impact either blame nor shame wich can and should be given freely regardless of the primary objective. Also neither blaming nor shaming is a zero sum game and by awarding these players a high degree of such we remain free to do the same to the rest of the teams. Finally, while death in-game absolves them of turnplaying it should not follow that they are absolved of their "entertain the lazy lurkers" duty. Rants should still be delivered!

Yeah, I was looking forward to another hearthstone picture when I saw the update. mischief

(May 8th, 2016, 04:32)SadGit Wrote: While I agree generally with Joys points I cannot agree with his conclusion. It is true that Gaspar and Noble delivered on the bloodshed (all blood spilled is blood well spent) that does not impact either blame nor shame wich can and should be given freely regardless of the primary objective. Also neither blaming nor shaming is a zero sum game and by awarding these players a high degree of such we remain free to do the same to the rest of the teams. Finally, while death in-game absolves them of turnplaying it should not follow that they are absolved of their "entertain the lazy lurkers" duty. Rants should still be delivered!

oh! i think i gave the wrong impression!

to get this thread back on track: who do you think, player or lurker, has been talking the most shit, or complaining, about y'all? and what do you have to say about them in response!

(May 8th, 2016, 03:22)GermanJoey Wrote: I don't think you have anything to apologize for, at least as far as your in-game play goes. You died, but, it happens. Maybe you thought you coulda played better, but, like you said, at least half the people in this game, at the moment of invasion, woulda also been rolled if they had been in your spot, were they been more engaged or not. That Gandhi/Khmer/Kremlin rush was some hardcore shit... no need to think of yourself as a patsy.

FWIW, and IMHO, I thought you defended just fine. You're under no obligation to minimax your death with spreadsheets or spitewhip/selfraze your civ into the ground. AFAIK, based on what other players have been reporting about y'all, you didn't camp the timer (or abandon your civ completely) to hold up the game outta spite, you've been playing longer than 10 second turns, you've been consolidating units rather than just letting them get chumped one or two at a time, and you've been pumping new ones at probably as fast a pace as you could manage, at least without switching civics. That's as much as anyone can ask for, and far more than what most people actually do.

FWIW, other than getting boogeyman-syndromed into getting graphs on scooter before Khmer, I don't really have any regrets regarding getting rolled. I also don't think we particularly disregarded unit building, literally the only thing we built other than a military unit, settler or worker this game was 2 dikes, which have a pretty short payback horizon on getting more units and from what I can tell, our power was competitive with all the other players in the game. I think maybe I also sort of banking on reputation a bit - I may not have a rep for being a great player but certainly as a tough out - this will actually the first time I've ever been eliminated in a BTS game. I sort of figured that plus Donovan's very apparent sloppy play would have made me a less attractive target. What I wasn't counting on was that a well-executed rush was going to kill anyone and its actually better to leave someone like Donovan around to be munched on later and snuff Org Dutch in the cradle before all our production stuff really got firing.

No, my real regrets are in stuff that wouldn't have mattered in the face of this rush - I know that our lack of engagement had a lot to do with the smaller battles we lost against REM, Pindicator and scooter. While that probably just would have meant a longer battle with the same result, it still means we didn't play to our capabilities.

In terms of the defense, I mean, I definitely could have done better had a realized after losing the first city how much they had, there were definitely some units that got stranded to get chomped off in 1s or 2s that another turn of awareness would have allowed to get back to the cap for the last stand, but sure, I did what I could. I also didn't do much spiteful, other than maybe letting scooter get a couple workers but I think both of those were defensible - I did chop a far-flung forest for a few extra hammers towards another rifle and I only deleted a couple. But I didn't spite whip anything or pillage myself. (I know RB is split on whether this is okay but I have been pretty vocal on my position.)

(May 8th, 2016, 04:32)SadGit Wrote: While I agree generally with Joys points I cannot agree with his conclusion. It is true that Gaspar and Noble delivered on the bloodshed (all blood spilled is blood well spent) that does not impact either blame nor shame wich can and should be given freely regardless of the primary objective. Also neither blaming nor shaming is a zero sum game and by awarding these players a high degree of such we remain free to do the same to the rest of the teams. Finally, while death in-game absolves them of turnplaying it should not follow that they are absolved of their "entertain the lazy lurkers" duty. Rants should still be delivered!

I do enjoy writing in these threads and engaging with the lurkers. I have considered making a generic stuff from games I'm playing thread somewhere on the forum and posting the likes of Hearthstone screenshots, daily PoE reports, Arsenal commentary etc. just to get my write on but 1. It feels a little too vain and 2. I don't really think it would get enough lurker engagement to be worth it.

(May 8th, 2016, 04:35)The Black Sword Wrote: Yeah, I was looking forward to another hearthstone picture when I saw the update. mischief

Residentsleeper Noble is really the one for that.

(May 8th, 2016, 07:37)GermanJoey Wrote: to get this thread back on track: who do you think, player or lurker, has been talking the most shit, or complaining, about y'all? and what do you have to say about them in response!

This probably doesn't seem like it fits my personality but once a game is over I really don't give a shit about it. This was true even in the game we won (well, circumstances surrounding the game end notwithstanding, which did generate a bit of post-game buzz.) I still haven't really read an opponents thread in eons and I don't even always check the lurker thread. I highly doubt I'll ever read a thread in this forum other than this one.

I also can't imagine we were ever a particularly large topic of conversation given we've never looked like a contender and I'm sure most of the chatter is about scooter since Sullla's presence here is 95% responsible for the large uptick in interest in this game.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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