Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Rusten prepares to face the music

Well that's rubbish. My C2 spear lost the first battle against a HA in the assault (HA had 10%). I had expected him to beat at least 1, maybe 2 HAs before dying.

Mackoti offered peace. Him offering it is a sign that he's run out of steam and can't threaten any more cities and that it's a convenience for him. However, it's also a big convenience for me, so I took it regardless. I just recently finished the SoZ and HBR is due next turn so I'm not in a position to punish him. I do not forgive or forget, but I will pick my battles. This is not the time.
He's now bordering a 100+ culture city of mine so his recently aquired possessions are very vulnerable to an attack at any stage.
The #1 power did drop so I think it's safe to assume that's mackoti as expected.
If I get overrun by catapults powered by Aretas' forests then so be it. Hopefully he's not there yet. And in 10 turns I'm not sure how appetizing of a target I will be, although I do hold the SoZ and a shrine.

My expansion has been severely halted and I'm not in the prime position at this stage, but backlash at some point is to be expected. I'm a few cities behind TBS and mackoti now but my wonders and shrine helps to compensate. To look on the bright side, if I had another tame neighbour in mackoti's place then this game could've been real boring. Now I have to work for it and make moves -- not just phone it in. 
TBS settled 4 cities this turn and is still low on military. From the outs he seems to be in a very good position. Obviously mackoti is doing well too.

It's a little annoying that so much happens now that spring has arrived and I'd rather spend my time outside than writing these reports. If this happened a month ago it could've turned into 2-3 full pages on its own.

I settled 2 new cities last turn. One of them an island city for better trade routes and got my prophet for a shrine in Kaputt (currently "only" worth 8 GPT, but that will increase quickly).

[Image: al3uftD.jpg]

[Image: eE8jUqM.jpg]

deLillos is one of Norway's most loved bands. Originated in the 80s and is still listened to by people of all ages. Has had a huge impact.
Very limited availability on youtube so the quality is fairly poor. From a VHS recording.

Gunship I don't know much about, but the song is a tribute to John Carpenter's works (Escape from New York, etc) and even has him voicing the intro.

Can only post 1 video per post and I CBA to make 2, so if you want to listen it's available here:


Should have time for an updated state of affairs later tonight or tomorrow. I might be at war again his turn (by choice). Superdeath had a single dog soldier in one of his new cities last turn and razing it with my 2 nearby chariots would suit me just fine. I have a settler there ready to plant a city of my own and his city is currently in the way. There's also a worker for grabs. Mixed feelings as I would rather attack him unsuspectingly and get his size 3 city with a bunch of food resources to go with it, but I can't leave this opportunity. So I'm currently waiting for him to log in and play his turn.

He offered me silver for silver 2 turns ago and I haven't offered back so he probably knows something is up already anyway. I have a sneaky galley coming along the coast too.

And to clarify I am delaying my turn to avoid a double move. I just so happened to move after him last turn.

Lost a 70 percenter to start the turn. Makes a big difference in these small skirmishes. Forced to retreat for now.
Had 2 chariots and a spear vs a chariot, warrior and dog. My better promoted chariot lost to his.

In hindsight I would've been better off waiting 5 turns for my HAs to get there before doing anything, he has time to whip and prepare now, but you have to pounce on player mistakes and take that risk IMO. 2/3 times I gain something there.

Sorry to those who come by for regular updates, I've been slacking. Here's my excuse:

[Image: e33woq4.png]

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Norwegian climate, but weather like this doesn't come around often. It's peak summer and as good as it gets. Been like this for almost 2 weeks and supposedly it will stay this way until at least the beginning of next week. Need to enjoy it while I can.
Posting will improve and the weather will worsen, for sure.

That does look like pretty much perfect weather!

I guess we'll still be here when you get rain again.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


My boss is based out of Copenhagen, and she has been taking meetings outside a lot lately smile.  Meanwhile its hot and rainy in South Florida.


The good weather continues, but to give a quick update.

Superdeath has gone pure defensive and built a bunch of spears and walls which would've been stopped any aggression, but..

I have catapults now, and going pure defensive is a recipe for disaster IMO. You need to be able to threaten counter-manouvers. If I'm the only one with siege it doesn't matter if he has the defender's advantage. It's going to be slow, but long term I just need the land. Obviously I'd prefer to roll over him within a few turns but that's not going to happen. Just going to make the best of it. He's started a premature GA and his development suffers compared to mine.

I moved my stack towards one of his cities but I had no real expectations of getting the city yet. However, he has way overcompensated and put 6 or so spears in there leaving a different city with only 1. I might be able to use my movement advantage and grab a city before the catapults arrive.
But overall I'm going to have to rely on siege.

Superdeath sent me a PM asking for permission to log in and take pictures out of turn a while back. I didn't want to be an ass so I let him have it. Regret it a little bit right now because turns like the current one can fuel my paranoia. He logged in right after me and when my strategy relies on getting him out of position the idea of him loading galleys and moving defending spears around after I play is very disconcerting.

I'll try to give him the benefit of the doubt though -- he does seem like a good sport. But if I have 2 units landing on my island next turn we will need a very big reload. smile

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