New and improved micro. This one is MUCH cleaner, I'm way happier with it. Note that it's the same until T53, and similar until about 55, but then changes significantly, with much more satisfying results. We basically borrow Bourdain for 4 turns, then send Lopez up to help Ramsey instead of cottaging with him.
Copper connected T61, with an axe whippable from Coffee if necessary. Beer settled T57, monument chopped T58. Red Wine almost as good as before (we lose maybe 10-20 commerce, 0 production), and copper is connected 3(!) turns earlier, with a road the turn before settling like Miguelito mentioned. As usual, please nitpick the hell out of this still; while it's significantly better than attempt one, it's still probably got room for improvement.
T45: Ramsey/Lopez finish pasture. Bourdain finish road. Coffee 2-whip worker (Nat). Tea work horse.
T46: Nat chop 1NE Coffee. Ramsey/Lopez rd horse. Bourdain chop 1NW Water. Coffee take cap sheep.
T47: Cancel Nat chop. Ramsey/Lopez chop forest 2W horse. Bourdain finish chop. Water start settler, take cap sheep.
T48: Bourdain rd 1W Dye. Nat chop forest 1N Coffee. Ramsey finish chop. Lopez camp ivory. Water 2-whip settler. Coffee take cap sheep.
T49: Settler move to 4. Nat cancel chop. Ramsey move to forest hill. Bourdain finish road. Water start granary.
T50: Red Wine founded. Nat road 1NE Coffee. Bourdain pasture pigs. Ramsey chop forest.
T51: Lopez finishes camp. Nat finishes road.
T52: Chariot arrives at X. Lopez move to wheat. Ramsey finish chop. Nat new road 1NE. Tea start chariot, make sure has forest hill.
T53: Nat finish road. Bourdain finish pasture. Ramsey chop dye forest, cancel. Lopez farm wheat. Coffee take cap deer. Water take cap sheep. Tea whip chariot, work horse. Coffee size 4, start settler.
T54: Bourdain chop forest dye, cancel. Nat finish chop forest 1N Coffee. Lopez farm wheat. Ramsey road 2N Water, cancel. Tea start granary.
T55: Bourdain finish road 2N Water. Ramsey road 1N wine, cancel. Nat finish chop forest 1NE Coffee. Coffee 2-whip settler.
T56: Settler move to X. Bourdain finish road 1N cow. Ramsey start road 1N cow, cancel. Nat chop forest 2NE Coffee. Water size 4, start settler. Coffee finish granary.
T57: Found X (Beer), start monument. Bourdain finish chop forest dye. Ramsey finish road 1N cow. Lopez finish wheat farm. Tea switch to wheat.
T58: Lopez move to grass hill. Ramsey road copper. Bourdain cottage 1S Red Wine. Nat finish chop (Beer finish monument).
T59: Nat start Beer’s cow pasture. Lopez move 1N wine. Ramsey finish copper road. Settler move 1N cow. Water back to granary. Beer work stone.
T60: Found White Wine (yellow dot, start work boat). Ramsey/Lopez mine copper. Coffee take stone. Water finish granary, start chariot/library(warrior 1 turn, so can’t upgrade to spear in queue. Maybe swap to axe on 61 either way)
T61: COPPER CONNECTED. Ramsey/Lopez finish copper mine. Tea size 2, finish granary, start axe. Coffee size 4, start worker (could also whip axe if necessary). Coffee take cap deer, Water take cap sheep.
T62: Lopez/Ramsey pasture White Wine cow. Nat finish Beer’s cow. Bourdain finish cottage. Red Wine size 4, 2-whip granary (works pigs + cottage). Coffee 2-whip fast worker (could be axe if necessary)..
Overview pic ft. 'I worked out how to use FoV'
![wink wink](
Note that the whipped worker in Coffee can also be an axe if Lewwyn get frisky. So can the library in Water (we might not actually even be able to build that yet!)