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RB Civ 5 SG 4 - Ryder Cup American Team

Taghaza is not currently being razed, don't worry about that, lol.

Brief report while I process the images.

Didn't die.

Lost Mickelson.

Every AI except Askia has wardec'd us. That includes Ghandi and Bismark who are on the other side of the world and have no possible way of reaching us rolleye. It's just like CIV III, AIs v. Human in the Ind. age! lol.

Cannons are wreaking havoc on Washington. Could probably redeploy one or two north of Holmes to breakthrough to Wu's old Capital. That'll also hook silks for us and give more GPT.

Losing Mickelson messed up tech timing by 1 turn it looks like. Oh well.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Wait what? We lost Wu's old capital too? Stewart Cink was Beijing which was Wu's capital which has Chichen Itza in it.

NobleHelium Wrote:Wait what? We lost Wu's old capital too? Stewart Cink was Beijing which was Wu's capital which has Chichen Itza in it.

No no, we still have that. It hasn't come under any serious pressure. Just the colony out near Arabia.

My point was is that it's cut off from our network, so we don't get to use it's silks for happiness.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

[SIZE="5"]HUMAN - You Smell Bad and Must be Punished![/SIZE]
  • [Image: T205_Pile_on_the_Human_1.jpg]
  • [Image: T205_Pile_on_the_Human_2.jpg]
  • [Image: T205_Pile_on_the_Human_3.jpg]
  • [Image: T205_Pile_on_the_Human_4.jpg]
  • [Image: T205_Pile_on_the_Human_5.jpg]

In other news, we bulbed Rifling, consumed the GG near Boo for more GA turns, Researched Banking, Started Economics. Also finished burning Jenne and got our happiness out of the red. Killing the Barb Knights earned us 36 culture and then we also finished a social policy so I took meritocracy for the finisher and picked a GSci (In Boo) waiting for Economics research to finish so that we can double-bulb to dynamite.

The AIs have brought in most of the city states as well, so be aware of which ones are not engaged.

Losing Mickelson was actually a net-happy positive since it was costing 11 happy (3 + 8) and only bringing in 8 (2 * 4). Some theaters have also finished so we should probably remicro to grow Holmes for more production and maybe some other cities that can gain from having more pop points. Our next social policy is due in ~20 turns and I think we should take the order opener as we're going to be picking up cities left and right and we want to be using our units to attack, not garrison. The other two options are the 2 honor choices. Taking the +happy +culture for garrisons would let us gain more policies faster, so if we think we'll take all 3 choices eventually that's probably a solid choice. The other option is +50% XP from combat which is awesome naturally.

Also, Venice Endures (though its wines are pillaged).
[Image: T203_Venice_Endures.jpg]

My preference for overarching strategy is to Anchor our front at Taghaza and swing north and around, smashing Wu & Genghis and perhaps even picking up city states with missing happy resources before descending onto Washington. Tech wise I think we need to fill into at least Caravals for naval units as we need boats in the water to keep Arabia on land and away from our shores. This will cost us time, but make us secure.

The alternative is to commit just enough in the north to keep Wu & Genghis well behaved while hammering Washington with our tech advantage. We'll be exposed to slow moving units from Germany/India/Arabia & their vassals but we'll nip the potential problem of Washington in the bud. Then as we gain more units we can commit enough to clear the north while simultaneously pushing west and south for the remaining capitals.

Whichever way we choose, we have to be very careful of the diplo victory possibility, so it may make sense to smash tech leaders first and then work our way down.


Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Sareln Wrote:Cannons are wreaking havoc on Washington.
Er, is that Washington city, or just the American nation?

Quote:Our next social policy is due in ~20 turns and I think we should take the order opener as we're going to be picking up cities left and right and we want to be using our units to attack, not garrison. The other two options are the 2 honor choices.
I'd like the Honor experience policy next. Our city count won't really balloon much until we've had a couple dozen turns of pushing with artillery.

I'd also like to keep going Honor all the way. Both of the right-column policies add happy. Anybody know how much the Honor finisher gives in gold per unit killed? If it's a lot, that's probably our best target to end the game faster, using that gold to keep upgrading and buying units. And that synergizes with the last policy of -33% upgrade cost.

Quote:My preference for overarching strategy is to Anchor our front at Taghaza and swing north and around, smashing Wu & Genghis
We don't need to attack Wu. Only the capitals count for domination victory and we've already got hers. And it's probably more straightforward to get to Genghis by going through Washington first rather than walking the long way around. And Genghis is no threat long term while Washington is big enough to pose some difficulty.

Quote:Whichever way we choose, we have to be very careful of the diplo victory possibility
The United Nations comes at Globalization tech, which is still about twelve parsecs away. No danger there.

Quote:My point was is that it's cut off from our network, so we don't get to use it's silks for happiness.
Does it work that way? I don't think so, that's Civ 3/4 thinking. Mickelson was never connected but we had its happy all along. And Furyk wasn't connected early but its spices counted.

NobleHelium <-- Up Now
I'm on deck; I'll be out and offline all day Saturday, can play on Sunday.

Yeah, Wu doesn't matter. We can whack whatever units she sends at us with city defense and maybe a ranged unit or two, she's really backward anyway. When she's willing to pay for peace we'll take it.

I haven't looked at the save yet but we should just take the most direct path to capturing capitals for the win.

I'll probably play tomorrow.
Reply swallowed my report so I'll have to summarize.

I attacked rather over-confidently west of Taghaza and lost most of our outdated units. Fortunately no cannons/artillery were lost and I only lost one rifleman. However this means that I haven't made a dent into Atlanta or Philadelphia's defenses (beyond killing a bunch of Washington's units). This also has the pleasant side effect of improving our finances substantially. I annexed Taghaza and built a courthouse and barracks.

I also gifted a couple outdated units to Venice for some influence, but then Venice fell to Genghis. But that's okay because we have a small party headed to liberate it and Genghis stands no chance against riflemen and an artillery unit. This force also demolished Houston which was in the way.

Wu asked for peace for some small amount of gold + 5 gpt, which I accepted.

Genghis and Arabia declare on Songhai, so I finally figured out that those camel archers trying to sneak past Taghaza are trying to attack that new city Askia planted. lol

[Image: arabia219.jpg]

A note on worker micro here near Furyk. The worker to the north is building a road. After that road finishes, the selected worker needs to remove the road it's standing on, which will improve movement from the southeast.

[Image: micro220.jpg]

[Image: overview220a.jpg]
[Image: overview220b.jpg]

So in summary: improved balance sheet by getting rid of a lot of outdated units (also removed the old Songhai roads that weren't doing anything for us). Destroyed Houston. Made peace with Wu for a small amount of gold. Made little progress in the west but upgraded cannons to artillery. Venice will be restored shortly in the north and then that party can push into Mongolia. I also basically doubled our worker count by capturing Washington's, so I hope T-hawk is happy. lol

And the save.

Whoops...I forgot to fire the scientists in Holmes. banghead

Oh and we should remove the two roads heading northeast out of Cink. I guess nobody ever noticed them before. The opposite of ugly roads is invisible ones I guess...

Got it, will play in a couple hours. Thanks for getting rid of Houston. thumbsup Will liberate Venice. I don't have a good sense whether that army (three rifles, one artillery) is enough to keep conquering Genghis, how backwards is he? Anyway, looks like we need to combine that stack with some others to finally make headway on America.

Scientists in Holmes... Maybe it's worthwhile to keep them for another GS now. I figure tech is heading towards Rep Parts and then Combustion, could be good things to bulb.

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