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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

Tech set to Exploration. It's needed for HBR, right?

The other options i could see were either Runes or Masonry, but i think HBR is more important at this point.

Amelia Wrote:Tech set to Exploration. It's needed for HBR, right?

The other options i could see were either Runes or Masonry, but i think HBR is more important at this point.

Actually no, Exploration isn't needed for HBR, only AH.

And I thought the next tech was either Exploration or my Education? I can't possibly see why we'd want Runes or Masonry at this point. HBR is good for centaurs but we're not under immediate threat right? I'd go for Edu.

All right, will swap back to Edu. Sorry, kinda forgot about the discussion... at least i haven't spent any beakers on Exploration yet. Education next then.

Education for commerce then probably HBR.

We got 3 coppers. One of which is in my east near some corn, cows and a mana which would be a great spot for my 3rd city (which I forgot to take a pic of). There's also one between Malakim and Kurio's which needs some scouting for a potential city candidate, and one between the three of us with absolutely nothing else appealing nearby. We're still a while away from BW though, and besides we can always just trade around for the weapons boost.

I didn't realize how cheap Exploration was. It only takes us 3 turns to get that while Edu takes us 10, and we do need roads for connecting resources and stuff. I still think we should grab that after Edu before HBR.

Well, we don't need any techs for worker labor first though. Connecting resources > farms are more important currently, and education gives cottages anyways.

East of your city sounds good, and yeah we can just trade the copper around anyways. Second copper sounds interesting, but i don't think i can squeeze yet another supercity in there anymore. Does 3rd copper have anything else possible for a supercity? I need one oriented towards production as well.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0035-1.jpg]

Thoughts? I'll be around again in 8 hours time.

Amelia Wrote:Well, we don't need any techs for worker labor first though. Connecting resources > farms are more important currently, and education gives cottages anyways.

I was thinking more about connecting happiness resources, as I have gold and cotton that need roads before they can be connected.

Amelia Wrote:East of your city sounds good, and yeah we can just trade the copper around anyways. Second copper sounds interesting, but i don't think i can squeeze yet another supercity in there anymore. Does 3rd copper have anything else possible for a supercity? I need one oriented towards production as well.

Well here's the 3rd copper:

[Image: T36%203rd%20copper.jpg]

You can see Timberling taking up everything NE, and your 2nd city will take everything SW. Not much there for a normal city, never mind a supercity.

While I'm at it, my (likely) 3rd city spot:

[Image: T36%203rd%20city%20spot.jpg]

Don't know half the BFC yet, but what I can see looks promising. No idea when I'm going to get the settler though, it'll take me too long to build.

Amelia Wrote:Thoughts? I'll be around again in 8 hours time.

banghead Well you've moved the warrior already, so you may as well promote him to woods1 and hope for the best. If he wins, you can move everything on the city site and settle next turn. If not, the scout can hopefully cleanup and you should probably move the settler back to your other warrior. (perhaps waiting before moving out with a 2 unit escort would've been better, oh well)

BTW, what are your plans for the GS and your worldspell? And you also still need to switch to Edu.

Yeah i haven't actually played the turn yet. All i did was move the warrior, and go "f".

No idea what i'll do for the GS. Most likely an Academy in the capital.

I'm planning to wait till my third city before i use the Worldspell. Playing the turn now.

Edit: Crisis averted. Polar bear slaughtered.

However, i just realized i could do a double corn + copper city instead of corn + cow. This will be a production city as it's literally full of hills to mine (not to mention the copper itself.)


I don't think corn+copper is a bad idea. Care to post a pic with dot-mapping? I'm at work and can't log in. :P

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