Darrell, I have the save, but am in no rush to play the turn. If you want to replay it, and then send it to me, that would be fine.
PBEM4 - Email and Technical Issues
Greenie game should be started, and the save should emailed to you Seifer
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter
Thanks I got the file. The first thing I did was check the settings under the victory conditions and it's got Always War listed there. I assume that once we meet someone in game it'll automatically declare war on them then. I was under the impression that our game wasn't going to be played AW. If I'm right, do we need Speaker to fix that up for us?
greens info
players: (in updated turn order!) 1. Strike700 Pacal II of China GMT-4 StrikeOfChina@gmail.com 2. Kyan Catherine of Maya GMT+-0 kyanrbpb3@gmail.com 3. Malakai Suleiman of Inca GMT+-0 Malakai.1st@googlemail.com 4. Seifer_Md Victoria of Babylon GMT+10 seifermdbabylon@gmail.com 5. Jowy Peter of Egypt GMT+3 JowyRB@gmail.com 6. Cull Darius of Ottomans GMT-4 pbemcull@gmail.com Map: Inland sea Speed: Quick Espionage: No spies Huts/Events: off Map Trading: off Tech Trading: off Mods: No score mod (download and set it up!) Contacts: Allowed, but only after in-game contact. + Cristo Redento and Nukes are banned. http://pbemtracker.com/game.php?gameID=55 pass: craptastic This is how playing & reporting works: First Strife will play his turn and then save and upload it to the tracker. Then the next player, Seifer, will download it from the tracker site and play his turn, then upload his save and the next player plays, and so on. Should be relatively simple. If I understood correctly, only thing you need your email adresses for is diplomacy. Remember that you can't send emails to the other team until you have contact in-game (not sure if we agreed on this, so let me know if anyone is against this). When playing your turns, remember the rules, f.ex. don't build spies. Reporting is somewhat optional, but very much encouraged. We'll have our own RBPBEM4 sub-forum here sooner or later. We'll each start our own threads over there. You should post reports of your game, your thoughts, plans, and such in the thread. It's an interesting read for the lurkers while the game is on, and for us players once we're eliminated or the game is finished. Remember DON'T read others spoiler threads!! You should check out some of the spoiler threads FOR OTHER GAMES so you understand the concept. There'll also be three extra threads in the sub-forum. The IT thread is for everyone, it's a thread to discuss any technical problems. The Player Public thread is a thread where you can easily talk to everyone in the game (IT is only for technical stuff), but you can't post or read the Player Public thread until you've met everyone in-game. There will also be a Lurker Thread, where all lurkers (those not playing, but following the game) can discuss the game. Players are not allowed to read that thread. That SHOULD be all. Let me know if I missed something or if you disagree about something.
Whoops, I'll have to try again at lunch time. I just went with the settings speaker put in didn't realize they were for the vet game.
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter seifer_md Wrote:Thanks I got the file. The first thing I did was check the settings under the victory conditions and it's got Always War listed there. I assume that once we meet someone in game it'll automatically declare war on them then. I was under the impression that our game wasn't going to be played AW. If I'm right, do we need Speaker to fix that up for us?Good catch. We were not supposed to have AW checked, but No-tech-trading instead.
Btw did you have no-score-mod on? Everyone should have it if we're planning to play with it. I don't mind dropping it though, may be too much hassle for us greens.
I started the game with the no score mod, however i can change since I'll have to restart it anyway. Its up to you guys.
RPB1: Spoiled RPB2: Spoiled RPB3: Dedicated Lurker of Pericles PBEM2: Spoiled PBEM3: Lurker of Scooter
Okay, save sent with corrected name. Thanks!
Darrell P.S. I PM'd Griselda a second time. In case she is out on vacation does anyone else have the ability to make forums? |