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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Yeah, tech-costs are really high + our detour to Masonry + a start that basically needs every early game tech means that we are behind on the techs we really want.

No pictures today for you guys.

But we did get SH. Third city in 4 turns or some such. That's T45, and for normal speed that might not be too bad, as that would translate to T30 quick. That's kinda ok I feel, especially as we have 3 workers as well. Not all that many improved tiles yet though. Also I'm currently to lazy to make worker micro so one is just building the road to the new site while the other is mining the hill he has chopped. We will want that 1/3/0 tile anyway as it is the next best tile to work for the capital so I think we are fine there.

What I am rather unsure yet is if we want to actually chop a workboat or if we want to slowbuild it via the PH-mine. Would of course take 6 turns with no growth while when chopping we would work it too, but just for 2 turns. So 4 turns growth on a 5/0/3 tile in exchange for a forest. Basically one pop more. Flipside is that we can't use the forest to chop Oracle for MC what I was kinda planning with the site (as it gets up to 16 hpt (I did tell that already, right?). But I think the faster growth is probably still worth it, even if it takes us one turn more to finish Oracle.

No, you didn't tell us about the Oracle plan. lol (at least I don't remember) I like it, by the way.

jive about Stonehenge.

I think things are looking up.

Chop work boat for sure, no question. We definitely need worker techs right now, let's not kill ourselves chasing too many shinies...

I'm running behind on turns right now. So, T43:

Scout died on a 10% chance to a barb animal... really unlucky there, especially as I know that someone is down there, the lion that attacked us before was damaged, so certainly someone elses scout was eaten. Oh well. I'll probably try to get another unit down there, but I feel it makes no sense with anything less than an archer / chariot. And we can't build neither right now.

Other interesting part of that turn. We got our minimap ... um, whats the word? Stonehenged? Anyhow, we can see where we are:

So, we are in the northern part of the map and from the looks of our continent, I assume there is another one out there (or it is snaky, but for now I assume at least 2 continents). Probably us with 2-3 other parties on this one, the rest on the other one. If that's the case, we might be able to take our whole continent before Astro and then mop up the other one. (Ok, that is "slightly" exaggerating our position...)

Anyhow, I feel even more strongly that we might want an early Astro so I agree with NH to ignore Oracle into MC for now. We probably can do without Colossus and we certainly are in a better position later if we work Cottages now. We will want to head to PH soon nonetheless because Courthouses and we also will need Monarchy it seems. No happy except the Ivory and gold way up north. And I think Sugar somewhere south.

That said, Pyramids? Don't strike me as really being helpful to our strategy, but without GLH those are together with Colossus the only early game "economy" wonder. Preventing someone else from having it might help us in the long run. On the other hand, I don't see us having that much food that we would run all that many specs anyway. The third city we plant now is the only one that actually will have a food surplus and we will want that for settlers and workers certainly.

So, the idea for techpath currently is:

Finishing Fishing -> Pottery -> (plant 4th city down south) -> AH -> Poly -> PH -> Monarchy (or not if Pyramids) -> Writing -> Maths -> Calendar -> Currency

Though I still think about if the better play would be to go Fishing -> Pottery -> Writing -> Maths while getting up to 7 cities (with the research times that's probably possible) and get HG. Get PH in the meantime and whip that new pop away for Courthouses.


Pottery before AH? That's crazy talk to me. We need AH to pasture those pigs, and seeing horses would be nice too. I say Fishing > AH > Hunting > Pottery > other stuff.

Mids is good because it saves us from going for Monarchy when we can be going for Currency instead. But let's not worry about it too much until we get our resources improved first.

Ok, so I will be gone tomorrow and Thursday. IF one of you guys want to log in for us, the password is still: rbpb12dj

As for the moves:

Worker 1+2 (next to the fish,fish city) are chopping next turn, finishing that chop and putting the hammers into the workboat. The city itself has to switch from the fish to a 1/2/x tile, to finish the workboat in 3 more turns. Unfortunately the 0/4/0 tile is not in range, I misremembered.

The turn after I have not planned what to do with those workers. I would move one onto the PH 1E and start mining it. The other one either as well (roading of that PH is also necessary to get the copper connected later on) or back to the FP to help the other work that farms it. Not certain on that one, worker will lose a turn by moving back, but we will want them down there anyway as the next city goes there.

Ok, so that's worker actions.

Capital should grow to 4. It is currently at 3 and set to a warrior, which I think is fine and doesn't need to be changed till I am back most likely.

SH-city is set as well. Not even sure to what tbh, but it needs to grow as well for now.

So yeah, I guess the next turns is just moving the workers around. I don't think any city will finish its build before I am back and tech certainly won't finish in time.

Ichabod or Noble, can one of you play the turns? I can probably do it, but I feel like ya'll have been paying more attention. Lewwyn will have too much on his hands right now.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

I can play the turns.

Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

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