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FFH Adventure 9 Potluck Takeover

I've been playing EMM SP to get a better feel for it (I did indeed inadvertently have the Ice Age challenge enabled), and I think it's fine. AI seems less predictably psychotic than MNAI's (for instance, the Ljo don't Archer rush their closest neighbor every single game), though it also enjoys settling random isolated cities far away from its core. It's not as well balanced in terms of leaders as EitB (Volanna has an outrageously good AGG /SPI combo now for some reason, while the Clan have a CHA / RAI leader who enjoys the benefits of peace with the Barbarians without actually suffering from the BAR trait), but that doesn't really matter for a SP experience.

My initial impressions are different than Bob's. I get a distinct Civ2 vibe from this mod, where there's no point in establishing a positive relationship with any of the AIs, because they'll all eventually turn psycho and attack you. I didn't see the stack of 20 warriors marching halfway across the map to attack me on turn 50, which is a welcome relief from MNAI, but it seems pretty much impossible to avoid becoming everyone's worst enemy if I'm doing well. I start out with a -1 to -3 handicap from the mysterious "A first impression is a lasting one" modifier, and seem to acquire a -1 "We are afraid of your large civ" later. Add that to alignment and religion modifiers, and most civs won't even sign open borders. I managed to sign open borders and resource trades with Rivannah, then she attacked me anyway, right after I converted to her holy city religion, and when I was at something like 1.3 on the military power ratio.

If you're looking for map inspiration, the "Fractured World_mst" script with 60% land and expanded coasts (and lairs and unique features, of course) has been producing some awfully cool maps.

(April 27th, 2021, 22:05)Bobchillingworth Wrote: If you're looking for map inspiration, the "Fractured World_mst" script with 60% land and expanded coasts (and lairs and unique features, of course) has been producing some awfully cool maps.

Link? I don't see that script in my install.

Are you sure you're on the right mod? That script comes up automatically.

I'm finalising the save now. I have guests tomorrow night, so it may be within the next 2-3 days. If you already know what leader/civ combo you'd like to try, please let me know so I can provide it with the initial post.

The civ is likely to have 3-5 cities, medium tech.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(April 28th, 2021, 05:21)DaveV Wrote:
(April 27th, 2021, 22:05)Bobchillingworth Wrote: If you're looking for map inspiration, the "Fractured World_mst" script with 60% land and expanded coasts (and lairs and unique features, of course) has been producing some awfully cool maps.

Link? I don't see that script in my install.

I don't see that either so maybe we've done something wrong. I did everything as said here:

I found the script by googling though:

If you are waiting for requests for specific leader / civ combos, then I'm interested in playing as any of the new "scenario" leaders, particularly the ones with traits created for EMM; might as well experience all the mod has to offer.

Hum, I wonder if that's because Bob and I installed MNAI earlier?

Regardless, it shouldn't make a difference given we've already generated the map. Next post I'll post the start.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


FFH Adventure 9: Potluck Takeover

"Oh no..."

You look around in horror - you step outside for one moment, and
this is what you come back to? The place is in shambles, there are nasty things everywhere, and just nothing has been done quite right. Worst of all, the neighbours are smirking over the state of things, and seem altogether too keen on making off with the silverware.

It's not unsalvageable - you can sense a hint of what he was thinking, though the execution is entirely wrong. Still, with a bit of elbowgrease you're sure it can be put right.

As you grit your teeth and get to work, you can't help thinking "this is the
last time I ask Minister Koun to take care of things whilst I'm away..."

Your situation:
[Image: yUDsq1K.png]
[Image: sbbgCyk.png]

Special rules:
  • The AI has had 200 turns to play in this world, with limited settlers, always peace, and raging barbarians to keep everyone in check. You are taking over as the Leader/Civ combination of your choice, with no further instructions - do with this nation what you will!
  • Please post in the thread below (or message me privately) the Leader/Civ combination you wish to play as (including ones already present in the game), and I will post a save with that combination for you to use. I can also 'roll' you a random one if you desire.
  • The point of this adventure is to have fun, so there isn't strict scoring. However, everyone who plays the adventure to a conclusion (or for 150 turns, whichever is shorter) will receive one star, everyone who wins recieves a second star, and everyone who scores the fastest win in their category (Domination, Conquest, Culture, Altar, or Tower) will receive a coveted third star. Three stars will entitle you to a cameo in the next Adventure I run.
  • This adventure will run for 6-8 weeks. I will no longer post more saves from the 16th of June, and it will close for scoring purposes on the 30th of June. I'm comfortable with people posting reports at any time, even before the 16th of June (I trust everyone not to open threads until you've completed your game), but you don't need to post a report in order to score.
Note: as part of the transition of power, all remnants of the former administration will be removed. This means any buildings will be replaced by their equivalents, any heroes removed (the unit and existing promotions/experience will remain), great person points/tech progress reset, etc. I have also removed the 'No Settlers' and 'Always Peace' options.

Installation: as noted, this is the first Adventure to be played on the ExtraModMod game mode. My summary of changes, including links to the changelog, can be found here. Please find the installation instructions here.

Detailed information:
  • The tech situation:
    [Image: T40AD9a.png][Image: m3PZoCO.png]
  • Your cities:
    [Image: Q4cPApT.png][Image: pdmOBCf.png][Image: ERqfdUD.png][Image: 2GHZFFX.png][Image: RczoFLj.png]
  • Indicative neighbour:
    [Image: MPCLfGL.png]
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I would like to play as Shekinah of the Sidar please and thank you smile

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