So I think the biggest question is how I'm going to expand Northwards; Tarkeel is both closer, and IMP which allows him to contest more land. Also, if it was Tarkeel's scout that was eaten by the panther, he may have reached as far South as to have seen my borders and be aware of the distance between us.
The river forms a naturally defensible boundary, but it also effectively cedes the Pigs. It would let me grab a good overlap city to the East and then onto the Sugar in the SE. But what if I pull the North city back closer and push on with a second; that also pushes me to be more (or less aggressive) in the East as the Cow city has to shift. How to fill the middle is also a thorny question since I really have to settle on the far side of the river making it defensively suspect. (I've noted three Jungle locations which will obviously take a while to clear). So here were versions A & B:
OK, tweaking that second one a bit further, what if the advance city didn't stick to the coast, but went E of the Pigs to claim the full river valley? Since that's moving off the coast, do I pull the closer city back to the coast? It doesn't affect the rest of the dotmap, but - nah maybe it's not great. What about settling on the FP 1SW of the pigs? It doesn't allow me to share resources with the capital, but maybe it's got the flexibility I'm looking for?
Hmmm, I think that might be it; so we're probably looking at settling in something like this order:
Of course that doesn't account for anything to the South, but a) I haven't seen much of that yet, and b) what I have seen is Jungle, and so not very immediately inviting.
Oh, and also subject to what's on those fogged tiles and Copper placement - which I should find out while the Settler is in transit.