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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

I agree. I say we wait for the snake-pick before making any more decisions. Now we at least have a feel of what we're after.

My feeling is still that Grigori are damned good in a team setting.

Strategy 1: Horses. If we get Cardith we should probably go horse style.

Strategy 2: Religious stuff. Malakim goes that way.

Strategy 3: Lanun - Probably use Lanun to get an advantage with Clan.

Those strategies are all valid.

Also Clan+Amurites are a good mix as well. Amurites for Great People and magic and clan as brawn. They also share fire and body mana from their palaces. We'd only need a techer in this combo and I think Cardith, Varn or Lanun are all good picks with Malakim being my favourites in this particular combo.

Alright, first team picked Beeri of Luichurp...There you have it. They have a completely different trail of thought than we do. I'm confused.

Wow... that was unexpected. That puts you in very good shape. Decent chance of getting Cardith; if not Cardith, Falamar.

I can follow their logic though, the main advantage seems to be Mud Golems. They're already half the cost in EitB, are even cheaper with IND, and improve faster then normal workers. Late game wouldn't be too bad either, defending Golems are rough plus the threat of Dwarven Druids. Not a horrible pick, but 1st? Dunno.

Don't want to go into too much analysis until all the picks are done. At least we're guaranteed Cardith or Falamar now. jive

Wait, when did Falamar become a top-pick of ours? Wasn't it Flauros first? xD

Let's see the second then. We might not even need to argue about Falamar/Flauros now...

Now that I think about, I really, really want Cardith. With 12 civs this map will be big and allow quite a number of super-cities for the Kuriotates. D:

Can't T1 go ahead and PICK A CIV?

Alright, I'll go ahead and pick Cardith if that's okay with the rest of the team?

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