Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Gavagai climbs the chaos ladder

So, I played part of my turn yesterday and went to sleep because man should sleep once in a while. When I logged in back, I was greeted with a peace offer from Superdeath. I accepted outright (for war weariness reasons) then I saw this:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137517&aut...eight=1024]
See, Superdeath killed a heavy wounded Destroyer (which just killed Mig's Destroyer from the earlier picture) and, apparently, deleted the offending Caravel. Now, the turn order on the previous turn (as anyone can verify from civstats) was me playing first, then SD. On this turn, however, SD played before I finished turn and the only reason he was able to kill the Destroyer was that he caught me mid-turn. The ship had lots of movement points left and I was going to hide it in Bestcolonyever before hitting enter (not because I considered the possibility of SD attacking but to expedite healing).
Now, I understand the discomfort I bring to other players by playing my turn in a piecemeal manner but I still try to finish everything as early as possible and on the previous turn SD had no trouble to play after me. This is a very straightforward double-move and I do not agree to lose a Destroyer in a serious late-game war to bullshit like that. Reload to SD log in please and make him wait until I done if he is gonna declare.

[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137519&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (527).png
Far north. Greenline is dead now and I even got to keep BESTCOLONYEVER. Will be a nice airbase.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137521&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (528).png
Western front. Seven transports inside Chatgpt and two more 1SW. Nine transports in total can hit Mirror World this turn. I am not worried for the city itself but I am worried he can drop his army on the forest tile 1NW from it and it will be very hard to dislodge. So I did this:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137524&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (529).png
I moved 10 units on the forest together with two workers with the intention to chop the forest next turn. Unfortunately, it weakened the garrison of the city, so I scrambled to defend it. Unloaded all transports inside and even brought in some Redcoats, so I am really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here. Next turn I will bring back my forest stack and move in more good garrison units, it should stabilize the situation for a time.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137507&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (521).png
Southern front. Commodore parked his wooded fleet inside Air Barron which, unfortunately for him, opened the city for my attack:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137525&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (530).png
Got to keep the city.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137529&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link: Screenshot (531).png
Here I mostly cleared the waters of hostile ships with just a couple of wooden boats left. I lost two of my three Battleships in the process though, they died at 70+ odds. If Commodore has reinforcements coming from the West, he might push me back here.
I dropped a small expeditionary force on the island. The garrison of Air Baron is also on screen. Commodore can kill one of my tanks with his own and rush-buy another one in the city (not the best use of his money I would say) and get four defenders against my three attackers. But one of my tanks can take CR3 and I hope it can kill two defenders. If not - I will reinforce next turn.
Did I say rush-buy? Yes, Commodore started a golden age and revolted to US - Caste system. Don't ask me why you would voluntarily revolt out of slavery in his situation. The only reasonable explanation is a Hail Mary attempt to steal Sushi from Pindicator but I somehow doubt this is the reason.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137532&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (533).png
North-Eastern front. Commodore is very optimistic about the former Bangalore: renamed it in line with his naming theme, build a workboat in the city and is improving the tiles around it. No changes with Piccadilly.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137534&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (534).png
Mig is losing around 500 gold per turn.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137536&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (535).png
Demos. Rival best power is Mig and the gap is approaching 2:1 ratio. Also I assume that best rival mfg is Commodore in golden age and hammer civics and this is very unimpressive.

[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137551&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (538).png
Western front. I stabilized Mirror World and loaded up four transports. Very theoretically it might be enough to take Gao next turn which has just sixteen defenders. Most of them are trash units but there are some good defenders and the city is on a hill, so some of my attackers will almost certainly be lost.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137553&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (539).png
Here I made an unpleasant discovery. This is Mig's main fleet, 26 Destroyers. He has nine more inside Chatgpt, so this is 35 total in this neighborhood only. However:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137555&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (540).png
The military advisor screen only sees 31 in total. It's good I discovered that thing is bugged because I sort of trusted it.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137557&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (541).png
Southern front. Captured Air Baron at the total cost of two tanks (killed all Commodore's airships though). No reinforcements from Commodore in sight, so for now my ships rule supreme. Still, putting two Airships in this freshly captured city might be reckless. I can no longer build those things and, in theory, Commodore might have a transport in the fog.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137579&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (552).png
A big-picture view of the Southern sea. It is now almost clear from all hostile presence. There are only a couple of Mig's wooden sentries in the northwest and I believe Pindicator must have a Caravel somewhere, probably hiding in the deep south.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137559&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (542).png
South-Eastern front. Moved forward my fleet in an attempt to zone out Commodore. I hope he tried to Airship this stack, I have a nice surprise prepared for him.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137560&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (543).png
North-Eastern front. 1N from Ahmedabad is a small stack of Rifles that split off from Piccadilly's main stack. Well, that's an opportunity to thin out my defenses a bit and move units elsewhere.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137569&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (547).png
Check this out. Fast workers are rebuilding a mine on the Gold near Bombay. I wonder, how much an idiot Piccadilly feels himself now for destroying all his improvements.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137564&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (545).png
Demos. Rival best power is Mig.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137575&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (550).png
Commodore's golden age is now visible on graphs and it is pathetic. His golden age mfg, with US and Caste, is still worse than Pindicator's normal mfg.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137577&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (551).png
On the GNP graph, his golden age is barely visible. And recall how dominant he was fifty turns ago, just before our first war. That's the price you pay for going crazy, sabotaging your civ in order to build three DEATH FLEETS, and then losing them for the net gain of zero cities (which I expect to go negative very soon).
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137581&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (553).png
Question. What does "War weariness 272" represent here? Is it mine war weariness or Commodore's war weariness?

Forgot to show this:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137567&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (546).png
Mig is moving away three transports and some of his Destroyers. Don't know what is this about but if he thinks he can weaken Western front, I can only welcome this trend.

And by the way, on the previous turn Commodore spent all his bank, around 2000 gold, on cash rushing (he still ended up being below Mig in power which sort of shows you how weak cash rush is). Given that this war will be decided by the nuclear race, I am very happy he is doing that. What is even going through his head, I wonder? He is behind in tech, his war opponent is researching Fission - sure, let's revolt out of slavery and buy some tanks! Lol.

Тhe "War weariness 272" is the WW you experience because of fighting with that civ.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


(July 23rd, 2024, 22:40)GeneralKilCavalry Wrote: Тhe "War weariness 272" is the WW you experience because of fighting with that civ.

Thanks! I suspected it but it looks strange. I have more war weariness with Commodore than with Mig but I mostly fought Commodore in my territory where I should not accumulate WW at all while my large battles with Mig were in his land.

Does commodore have SoZ?
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman


(July 24th, 2024, 12:25)GeneralKilCavalry Wrote: Does commodore have SoZ?

SoZ gets obsolete after Gunpowder in this version of the mod. I don't think anyone even bothered to build it.

Surprisingly not much to report this turn, everything's stagnant and there was barely any combat. The biggest development is probably this:
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137601&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (561).png
Commodore has more defenders than I have attackers but his defenders are mostly trash, so I am gonna rely on tanks' ability to kill two units per turn. I am putting my fleet at risk here a bit, trying to cage his two Destroyers inside the city. But it is very unlikely he has much of a fleet in this area.
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137592&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (557).png
And this is another important development, though not war-related, at least not directly. Pindicator now has tech for Sushi and I expect him to found the corp this turn. I wonder whether this would be the moment for Commodore and Mig to realize that something is not going according to plan...
[Image: embed?resid=2C3E4D99C4716F1F%2137603&aut...eight=1024]
Direct link:  Screenshot (562).png
Rival best power is Mig. Also, Pindicator completed Wall Street in his shrine city and now has a higher GNP than I do. I believe this is an honest GNP: he does have more raw research ability than me, though not by much.

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