The following is my first attempt at C&D:
Best population: 359000. It breaks down nicely to three cities of size 8, 3 and 1. I'm sure it's Pocketbeetle with his +3 happy from Sprawling. (note to self: check his new traits)
Worst population: 111000. Top 5 cities say it must be Sareln with pop 5 and pop 2 cities.
Size 7 then must be Prespur, or whatever the calabim capital is called. It's interesting that this is the only capital that is above its initial happy cap. Could it be that they founded RoK? It'd be quite an unorthodox move for Calabim.
After substracting the pop in demographics and in top 5 cities from the total, there's 75000 pop left to assign. It's distributed either among three cities of size 4, 3 and 2, or five cities of 3, 3, 3, 2 and 2. How many of these cities are Illian, i'll try to figure out soon. The next turn food graph or demographics will hopefully reveal something.
In the meanwhile, a warrior defeated a skeleton.