Would anyone be up for some MP tonight at say 10pm? (EST time, I think GMT -4 right now during summer?)
Never played a MP match with humans before other than a few turns on Gamespy, which ended up with people leaving or disconnecting. But I'd love to try it with some of the people around here, I'm sure I could learn a lot by playing with you all!
Cjreynol Wrote:Would anyone be up for some MP tonight at say 10pm? (EST time, I think GMT -4 right now during summer?)
Never played a MP match with humans before other than a few turns on Gamespy, which ended up with people leaving or disconnecting. But I'd love to try it with some of the people around here, I'm sure I could learn a lot by playing with you all!
I'd play that if we can get a couple more... any takers? An hour earlier would be nice, but I can probably still do 10pm.
I'll play if we get 4/5 players at least - I think that's 2am my time (BST) but I'm not fussed. If we could push it an hour earlier like scooter suggested, that would be nice
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."