Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Lewwyn Wants a Worker

Lewwyn Wrote:Did you seriously leave the wines off just to set up that joke? What foresight! toast

Ha, if only.

Huzzah time to update.

Not much has happened beyond exploration. I've just been following my micro plan. I almost veered off the plan then checked and yep my plan was better than what I thought I saw in game. I've also met Scooter, who appeared on my border with a scout from the north, but ran away without actually entering my borders. If he had my strategically placed Q would have ended his scout. But lets take a peak at the SSs.

My Second Q is headed south:
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-07at43857AM.jpg]

I see Dyes and a FP to the East, Fish in the south.
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-07at125934PM.jpg]

I find a windmill on riversidegrass that is awesome.
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-08at43744AM.jpg]

Also, wheat, more FP, and Spices:
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-08at43812AM.jpg]

More FP:
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-08at122248PM.jpg]

Pig, nice site:
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-08at122256PM.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-09at122308PM.jpg]

Chasing Scooter, and find AWESOME plains gold.
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-11at120502PM.jpg]
That's a 9, 9! commerce tile.

So I need to see where copper spawns for my second site, but I may be settling that pig/gold site after the incense/crab site. I'm at 3 pop everyone else is at 3,4, or 5. I'm low middle or last in demos, but I have the most techs and I'll have my second city settled by T19. I probably won't be first, but I'll still be doing just fine when EVERY OPPONENT HAS IMP! LULZ!

That second city will either work the incense or that grass mine. Grass Mine gives the city a WB in 4 turns to put onto the crabs there. I've though about moving that city NE, but honestly this city is all about getting the snowball moving faster earlier. If I go NE I may have a better long term city, but I settle a turn later, won't have immediate TRs, I won't have access to that grassmine, I won't be able to build a WB for the Crabs and I waste the forest there. All of those factors are why I choose the less optimal city in the long run for faster growth now.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Looks like a double turn day.

Met Brian who cam the exact same way as Scooter:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-11at115824PM.jpg]

Forgot to mention I found gems and the beginning of my NE repeating:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-12at120057AM.jpg]

Also the repeat of my NW:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-12at120123AM.jpg]
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Found Serdoa's borders and a farmed oasis??

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-12at10453AM.jpg]
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Had a turn this evening. Played it quick. Not too much to report beyond making contact with Serdoa. Now all I need is to contact Commist.

I wonder what others are talking about it threads. I have a plan already so I guess I don't have as much to discuss. I was considering wonders and what might be useful.
-GLH is nerfed with the amount of water and AW.
-Pyramids would be nice for Rep but mostly Police state. Specs is sort of opposite what I want to do with FIN
-Stonehenge will not be necessary since I have Terraces and I'll grab religions.
-Oracle could be useful and Colossus would grant 4c water tiles. This is the one I'm considering. There's no marble in sight so I would be slowbuild-chopping. It will be a good build for the capital actually as I have plenty of forests to throw in. 5 to be specific. I should be able to start on the Oracle before T30. No one has founded any religions so I should be okay in terms of competition for the moment. I'm betting that 2 civs are building Stonehenge right now. They figured they'd build it while growing. 2 cities are size 5. But I'm #1 in soldier count, without BW. Very possible that I'm the only one who built only warriors.

Dunno I'll consider it more as I get closer. Would be nice to get the Oracle in one of these games.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Got a turn.

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-13at42814AM.jpg]

Hi Serdoa's empty capital.

"That's a nice capital you have there, it be a shame if anything were to happen to it..."

“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Heh, I have 8 turns to update. Its still early but things are happening so here we go.


Serdoa rolls out the welcome mat!

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-13at110619PM.jpg]

C'mon buddy! Where's the trust!

Also, BW is coming in hot. Will get it earlier. I didn't really sim out past BW so lets see what happens.

Top 5 cities (hint: mines the 'weakling')
[Image: Screenshot2012-02-13at110917PM.jpg]


No pics but I'm trying to juke round Serdoa. I've also decided that the most recent Q's should return home. Settler finished. wink


Here we see the return path:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-15at122836PM.jpg]

Also the settler has moved into position.

Serdoa ain't taking chances:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-15at123024PM.jpg]


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-15at123039PM.jpg]

I haven't put a lot of demo shots up because I'm not tracking everyone as hard. I'm reacting mostly by feel and reading my opponents. But you can see here I'm getting totally blown out in the crop and MFG areas, 3rd in GNP and BW? Lewwyn yer falling behind so hard! nono



Settler settles:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-16at22421AM.jpg]

Working incense and not growing... BW in and Poly in 3T! Yeah let's nab my religion.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-16at22406AM.jpg]



BTW didn't mention it, but you can see the iron next to the oasis under the mine Seven has graciously given.

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-17at35309PM.jpg]

Also, worker soon. Komodo will work the incense until it get 10H done for WB, then it will work the mine and finish the WB in 2 turns.

Hello! Hello!

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-17at34535PM.jpg]

Find out next turn.


Found a town:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-18at32155AM.jpg]


Winner is...

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-18at32218AM.jpg]

Commodore and Mist! And they win losing their incense plantation...


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-18at32721AM.jpg]

GNP and soldiers... The way Civ is meant to be played! HARHARHAR! Poly next turn if no one snakes me.


Hinduism has arrived! A note about me and Hinduism... I've grabbed it in 22, 29 and now 32. Not sure why that is, but I'm quite happy to have it.

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-18at123930PM.jpg]

Second settler by T26 I think it is.

More Commist:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-18at123948PM.jpg]

Yeah... they're losing that plantation. And I may have messed up their build pattern. Note the PHforest. He's got the deer, corn, mine, crab and at size 5 might be working a merc or that FPworkshop either would likely be better than PHforest unless you're trying to micro out a warrior or build a settler as IMP. In any case, I'm betting I made them change stuff.

Pottery 3Ts.



[Image: Screenshot2012-02-19at10148AM.jpg]

So, you going to take that shot at my warrior with C1?

Taking away that incense is huge. That's 7C tile they can't work until Calendar. I'm going south towards their copper mine next. Though I am betting they have horses. Chariots may be soon.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-19at10125AM.jpg]

HuZZah. 40 GNP at turn 23? Pretty good considering someone has Buddhism and someone else is CRE (which includes +2 courthouse EP) and everyone else has a grocer in their caps. My MFG is respectable, Land is bolstered by the border pop. Crop will go up next turn when I start working the corn. I'm keeping up with settlers by and large, I'll begin growing my cities in a couple turns and I got my religion.

So what's next? I'm working on a Pyramid plan. I got Stone there in the ring. I just need to tech IW to uncover it, Tech Maths to get math chops and chop 5 forests into the mids at 40h a pop. I'm ahead of everyone in terms of tech and can probably reach math and IW faster. I threw out my Oracle idea because Buddhism was quickly teched and with the obvious goal of getting to the Oracle. I really want Mids for Police State.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

When we last left our intrepid adventurers we had hamstrung the great Commist by pillaging their incense plantation... Let's rejoin them and see what happened.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-20at34322PM.jpg]

Bullshit. That's what happened. He had 30% odds and he attacks? Fuck you Commodore because that's dumb shit crazy stupid. I'm right outside your capital. You only have the one warrior. If you attack and die, my warrior gets shock and you have a shock warrior outside your capital. I don't care if you do have more warriors being built. You don't want that shit on your doorstep if you can help it. The only way you take that shot is if you have a chariot coming behind, because I know you don't have copper. Bullshit.

It's okay I'll still beat you, and I'll give up a Q to pillage your plantation. I'll take that trade.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-20at34804PM.jpg]

I needed a turn of gold. Go workboat, go settler, Go.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-21at82342AM.jpg]

Capital growth in 2 turns. Pottery in next turn. Settler moving next turn.

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-21at82539AM.jpg]

Hah I'm still small. Brian whipped from 4>2 again. Settler again. Probably his second. We have the same amount of cities and settlers? Dunno. He should have something more than me. I hope he's got a granary helping all those whips.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-22at125403PM.jpg]

Pottery in and cottage begun. Terraces too. AH will take 2 turns!!! BUwahaha!


Don't have a picture for you all but heres an outline of my tech path.

AH 2
IW 7
Masonry 3
Priest 2
Writing 2
Math 3

So the plan is finish AH. Build settlers while I tech IW and masonry. Have a worker chop the stone jungle while teching masonry, finish quarry, start mids, get workers in place with prechops, get maths, all chops into mids and finish it.

That's what I'm going to be working on. My cap will be able to push out 2 settlers at 5t each while teching before I start mids. Those settlers will settle horses and gold. Second city will whip workers. Copper city will grow and build terrace + spears. Horse city terrace+chariot. Gold city Terrace and work 9C gold tile.

I have my leadership Q next to Scooter now. Next turn he will move onto the pasture and pillage it, then the lumbermill NW and pillage it, then the windmil NW of that and pillage it, then Workshop N-pillage oasis farm W pillage. The gold should help me tech at 100% through IW. Hopefully Scooter hasn't gotten his copper hooked or an axe built.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

No pic of T28. Nothing much happened.


[Image: Screenshot2012-02-25at110336AM-1.jpg]

Next turn starting 4t settlers. I should be able to get 3 of them out before I start the mids. Will switch tiles to FP cottage/gras mine away from the village and the crab. Instead Komodo Dragon will work the crab, grow to 2 in 3ts then work the incense+crab.

Sorry Scooter:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-25at110358AM-1.jpg]

I need gold and your improvements will be helpful.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Scooter seems to have notice me:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-26at11311AM.jpg]

Home is looking fine:

[Image: Screenshot2012-02-26at11326AM.jpg]

I'm going to settle gold first since that has pigs and I can get the city up to 2 fast and then work the 9C gold tile.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

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