For those of you interested in classical wars, here I have some update how my second war with Sian is going:
3-4 turns after the peace with Slowcheetah is signed, my army is moving towards Sian:
I used 2 pairs of workers to build road on the tile 3 of the iron, then moved all I could in the forest in the Sian's city diagonal, 2 other workers included. I had put 1 Jewish missionery just to freak Sian out, stating: "I am here for the booty and I come here to stay. This is my territory and I am bringing even a freaking priest to convert your people to my religion". Must have worked to some degree as Sian had emptied the city so I took it:
Parked all my units in the newly conquered city and planned to move some units East to threaten possible undefended city there and some to South to take what I thought was the Christianity Holy City (because of it's relatively big culture).
How could I know Sian's culture will be so big from this city to cover the hill with the road so I wont be able to move to the darned uncut jungle my mobile stack is sitting at and was stopping me from the full speed blitzkrieg I was hoping to of course. And how could I know there will be no road on the jungle tile 6 of it? Of course "In war if there is something to go wrong, it will".
Next turn I took both Sian's cities of Alladin and Quack Pack.
There was a stack of about 6-7 Sian units staying in the hill 36 from Aladdin and I was wondering if I use my HAs to hit them, but I decided against as there were 2 axes on a hill and those had odds against my HAs. I was also hoping Sian will get more units together and will try to resist me there and I will just bring my catapults and kill most of his army in the battle. Well, Sian came at me attacking me in my new hill city. It must have been truth the old saying that "In foreign village, even the roof tiles are fighting you" because he won some battles he should not had.
Just now I saw the Great General I got is Belisarius. I always thought about this as good omen, as I know his story and also he was born not far away from my own birth place.
I pushed a bit forward to see if I can get his capitol unprepared, but alas:
I had to make a plan what to do with his stack when he comes west.
I decided to push with all mounted I have to be able to take Timon the next turn and then to cut the road 9 of it so Sian cant hit me with his catapults and fresh stack. If he is brave enough to come at me in 2 turns, I hope to be able to crush him.
Or if I get lucky and he stays at 66 from Timon, I might get him with HAs and kill his stack in the open - he does not have any spears in his main stack and I hope this to not change. Depending on luck, I might well crush his whole battle ready stack which is in his capitol right now and actually take Timon with slow movers supported with catapults.
I had left the single chariot on the Iron to possibly lure his spear out of the city to remove his 25% fortify bonus and to put even the slightest possible dent in his hitpoints to make it easier for my HAs to take the city if I so decide the next turn.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to be able to get Sian's capitol too (it's culture will touch Timon and will be danger, plus who does not want a nice capitol added to his empire?) With those cities and with the southern peninsula and east strips of land I will get full control of, I hope to make something like baby boom/economical miracle and actually get in the top half of the score before the game ends (fingers crossed conceding is not common fashion among the players in this game). Given my vicissitudes in the game so far - being declared war twice, losing settler and so many hammers in units just to defend, being unable to settle where I wanted on both west and east, being pinkdotted by Nakor on
MY continent ( note to self I might need to bleed just few more noses before started to being seen as someone who is not worth the pain messing with), plus me building and sacrificing to get TGLH just to be informed (actually reminded, as I should had knew the (numerous) bans and house rules of the game) that it is not allowed to be built, so I just flushed 1 World Wonder worth hammers down the canal to top all of this. So yeah, if I finish in the top half, that would be actually nice.