Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

Yeah I'm definitely rooting for you guys, the plucky underdogs...
All hail the Korean Island Empire! smile

banshee Wrote:I think you guys have done a great job recovering from your initial setback. Glad to see you back on the track - who knows what's still possible in this game? wink

I agree completely, you guys have been doing great, congratulations on your great lighthouse! It's also impressive to see how well your economy has been doing despite having fewer cities, you guys must really know your stuff!

If I may make an observation, I note that Seoul is the central powerhouse of your economy, but it is clearly still in a precarious geographical situation. Do you have any long-term military or diplomatic plans to protect it?

Chat with Athelete if he agrees I think we should take the deal and work on a NAP as part of another discussion. Nice thing about this agreement is we get our settling spot and while we are frendly we can not build culture buildings. Now if there was ever a falling out that could change.

Quote:Team Athlete and Kalin to me
show details 9:02 PM (3 minutes ago)

8:49 PM Team: Hey Paul
How goes it?
8:50 PM me: good how are you
was just going to play my turn in another pitboss
Team: lol no worries
good thank you
me: one where Ironically enough I am rome early game with iron...
Team: LOL
have fun with that
i was just gonna ask for initial thoughts on my e-mail
8:51 PM me: figrure 4 axes 5-6 praets and have fun
Team: but no big deal
oh fo sure
me: We are discussing it but may like a couple minor modifications
it is very close to a positive deal for us smile
8:52 PM Team: k well that sounds good then...I'm happy to wait to hear the formal answer
me: well informally may we talk?
Team: lol sure, i got a few minutes
me: 2 seperate concerns for us at least
8:53 PM Your stipulation that no city be settled more than 1 south is difficult I would suggest we settle 1 city 2 se 1 e believe but agree not to build any culture building except library?
Otherwise we end up settleing 1 off the coast which just bothers me smile
you are creative so should win the culture war
Team: 2SE, 1E of Wonsan?
8:55 PM me: yes I believe that is the spot
I just looked at the proposed sites
is only 1 tile more south than you requested but we agree not to fight culture war and you are creative
8:56 PM Team: was there anything else you wanted to ammend?
me: Plako would like to discuss lengthing our Nap smile
Team: I would prefer to discuss that as a separate issue if you don't mind
8:57 PM me: Can you remind me what our currnent nap situation is?
Team: I believe it's until T150 with a 10T cool down
8:58 PM me: ok he was just looking for till 180 but if the other ammendment is ok I believe we can move nap discussions to another discussion
wow that was aclukny statement
Team: lol np
8:59 PM so I guess if I understand correctly then if I agree to that settlement with the proposed non-culture fighting clause, we have a deal then?
me: I believe so I need to confer with Plako and we will send a formal message then
It is tough when I am not running the show smile
Team: sure, that gives me a bit of time to think about it
no problem
9:00 PM k I should probably run
me: ok later
Team: take care and send me the e-mail at your leisure
9:01 PM me: Just to clarify for myself turn 150 would be the earliest to notify of cool down correct?
Team: I believe that is the case, but it might be T140...again I'd have to find the e-mail again
I can dig it up later and let you know
9:02 PM me: ok that is just the way I read a nap to 150 with 10 turn cool down smile
Team: i biggie if it is...I just don't remember is all
we'll get it clarified
k i really gotta run
9:03 PM me: Later

Nice to see your income jump from +23 (T117) to +45 (T118 ) with the Lighthouse smile. I think with your (now) strong Economy you still have a good position in the game. thumbsup

Thank you for encouragement. It is highly appreciated.

We've been taking risks, that might materialize at some point. Focusing on economy has kept us competitive on that area, while we've been left behind on some other areas. Especially our power is alarmingly low.

m4gill4 Wrote:If I may make an observation, I note that Seoul is the central powerhouse of your economy, but it is clearly still in a precarious geographical situation. Do you have any long-term military or diplomatic plans to protect it?

GLH made our economy less dependant on Seoul and we don't have plans for it currently. I've toyed up with the idea of getting CoL soonish and generating 1 Great Artist to bomb Seoul. That would give us initiative on the border cities that were formerly ours and make it harder for Whosit to keep both cities properly defended + we could get access to Horses.

Concerning the settling deal with Kathlete. I'd like to add some kind of further conditions to the deal. Current one would allow a situation where we give the settler out and he could declare on us before we could take advantage of our part of the deal. There is also a chance that Whosit settles the island unless we make sure that Kathlete can make a deal that binds also him.

Also rooting for you guys because you are in the position that we were hoping to have been in, had a few breaks gone our way after we lost our first city.

Ok I was thinking tech path since we no have economy up to speed.

After Currency I am thinking 2 choices.

1) Grab COL for religion if still avaiable it is 5 turn tech now so with gearing up cash maybe 7-8

2) MC, Mach, Const,CS

Or just head for 2 first and skip the possible religion.

My reasoning MC gives us triremes and we can control the water
Mach gives xbows which beat preats fairly easily and make us more defensable
CS buero and macemen.

I like the idea of grabing religion if we can. Only 2 are down now right. Do we have a chance at jewish?

Both confu and Judaism are gone. Currency is coming in 5 turns then we need 2-3 turns to collect gold and after that we could go for Construction. After that maybe MC, CoL or Feudalism.

Do you have any foreign trade routes? I can't remember who you have open borders with.

Our borders are wide open for everone (except Whosit) wink.

This can be actually seen from the screenshots. The parchment paper icon in the bottom right corner after the leader name indicates open borders.

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