I've attached a new version of my "Tiltless" mapscript, which is identical to Tectonics except for the addition of a few extra options: You can increase grasslands, increase mountains, centralize the desert instead of maintaining north and south bands around a central tropical region (via "Axial Tilt" of "None") and/or (now) use the standard strat resource balance option. I wasn't able to easily implement this for Totestra because Totestra does a lot more crazy stuff with the map and seems to override the standard implementation, so I'll have to look into that further to make it work.
Some caveats: The strat resource balancer Krill described is the one being used here, and it has some limitations (which can be modified, probably, but it will take more time and effort) - to whit:
1) It does not balance Aluminum, Stone, Marble, or Ivory.
2) It does not distinguish between land Oil and sea Oil.
3) It places strat resources within 5 tiles of the starting tile as the crow flies, but doesn't check walkable distance nor even whether the resource and start are on the same landmass.
4) I'm probably missing or forgetting something. Hopefully this is helpful though!
With the attached script, Lakes (30% water) with slight grassland enhancement and slight or significant mountain enhancement or Earthlike (70% water) with no grassland enhancement but slight or significant mountain enhancement are worth a look to see if you like them. Pangaea with various settings might be interesting too.
Cool I'll have a look when I get chance. I'm always busier on weeks I'm not working trying to catch up on the delayed jobs. I'm not averse to using other scripts, so if everyone else is good with that script then that's good enough for me.