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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Thanks for the update!

Think you've done really good work with this thread - informative, interesting and a healthy dose of detail. smile

The cities are looking good, that capital is looking particularly healthy.

BobRoberts Wrote:Thanks for the update!

Think you've done really good work with this thread - informative, interesting and a healthy dose of detail. smile

The cities are looking good, that capital is looking particularly healthy.

Thanks! Though somehow, Byss has even more health! Poor Kuat and Carida don't have a freshwater bonus, though.

By the way, a small observation I forgot to include here: Korea's capital of Seoul is currently at size 4, and does not appear to be growing. It has been whipped twice in a 10 turn period, so it's probably at its happy cap now. I think the first whip anger will wear off in a couple more turns, but I think that this is important info since it will probably be less attractive to whip the city at this point in time than later. The other cities will probably get whipped, though.

Although I surely need more troops, if the first attack goes well, I might build a Granary in Carida, since it really really needs one. If P'yongyang falls, my northern cities should be safe from attack, anyway.

Oh, and the Ottomans have pushed me out of 2nd place in score. And the Killer Angels have increased their lead, again. Yay.

I meant healthy in the productive, powerful looking sense rather than the more traditional - bad choice of words on my part!

BobRoberts Wrote:I meant healthy in the productive, powerful looking sense rather than the more traditional - bad choice of words on my part!

Oh, well, that too. smile If Carida can escape more whippings, it will become quite the production powerhouse, as well. Kuat, too. Funnily enough, I have too much production, hence my abysmal GDP.

Some other tidbits that I've recalled. Since I've stopped posting every single e-mail that I get now, sometimes I forget to summarize everything. Well, Athlete and Kalin have included Jowy in our longer-term alliance. I've not objected, and I don't really have a big problem with that, however . . . the fact that it is Jowy and not Nakor has not been lost on me. I think we all understand that, if we make it to the end game, we'll be at each other's throat. Keeping Jowy gives them an ally.

I don't want to ask to get Nakor in the alliance because that could create problems of my own. However, I do intend to maintain good relations with him, and vouch for him in case the Ottomans want to attack. I'm going to need someone to watch my back later, unless I can somehow manage to align Jowy with me.

Also, doing some math in my head outloud here. I've decided that I want a granary in Carida, and I want it now. It's just finished a Praetorian (Trooper PR-007 to be exact) and has 0 overflow. It is making 8 hpt, grows in 2 turns, where it will make 11 hpt. There is also a forested hill nearby that I will chop. The chop will finish in 4 turns (move, 3-turn chop).

So if I do granary first: 16 + 16 + 22 + 62 (chop) = 116/60 = 56 overflow.
That becomes 28 overflow into a Praetorian (+11). So 39 towards the Preat, then 60 (15 overflow). Granary done in 4 turns, Praetorian 2 turns later, so 6 turns total. 3 turns to next Praetorian.

Praetorian first: 8 + 8 + 11 + 31 = 58/45 = 13 overflow. This becomes 26 plus 22 = 48 + 22 = 60. So 6 turns total again, but this time the Praetorian is built first. But with no overflow, it will take longer to get the next out.

So I'll do Granary first. Unless my math is wrong?

Your EXP. The first thing you should have built in every city is a granary, with 1 chop going into it if possible. And the granary should be finished before there is 11 food in the food box for maximum growth (which equals quicker slaving and hence more preats).
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Krill Wrote:Your EXP. The first thing you should have built in every city is a granary, with 1 chop going into it if possible. And the granary should be finished before there is 11 food in the food box for maximum growth (which equals quicker slaving and hence more preats).

When Carida was founded, I did not have Pottery yet. By the time I did get Pottery, I expected to grow Carida to max size (and max production) without whipping it (and it was far enough along that I didn't think a Granary would help at the time). Clearly, it was a mistake, but I might as well get it done now.

Kind of a note to self moment here. I was looking over some of the older posts in this thread just to remind myself of what things were like way back when. Also hoping to see if LiPing dropped a return date, but all I found was "three weeks," so if she hasn't come back by now, she's probably not gonna show up, eh?

Also, I dropped the ball on long-term planning, though it does get a lot harder to plan things out turn-by-turn with so many cities and a war looming. I should still do something about it, though.

Edit: Plako also 2-pop whipped something, so I'd better go take a look at that. I imagine that he's whipped something in P'yongyang, but I'll see.

Well, P'yongyang did get whipped, and those axemen are nowhere to be seen. They're not 2S of the city, so they were moved into the fog, but where? Did Korea build a road network alongside the hills? Hmm. Taking a closer look at my screenshot, it looks like the road from P'yongyang heads 1S THEN 1SE! Yes, so that's what must have happened. Interesting. I guess it saves a turn by building roads that way.

So where are they going? Seoul? Probably not . . . . Maybe Wonsan, to prepare for an attack on Imperial Center? I'll have to be careful. I should have a few turn to see them coming, which'll be good. Either way, I now expect to face only 3 Archers and 1 (unfortified) Axeman in P'yongyang. If that's the case, then I should be able to capture the city! If I can take it, I should be able to hold it. If plako/Broker want to attack back, they either attack across a river or move onto flatland. Yay.

More in a bit. It'll be a little while before I can finish my turn.

Hee hee . . . .

Quote:Hi Whosit,

Could you consider stopping the military build up. Our economies start soon to suffer. I'll assure you that I won't stop building up defensive forces as long as I see your power raising.

Best regards,

Aww, I almost feel bad. Almost. If it weren't for the fact that I was going to attack in one more turn, I'd probably mention that I'm preparing for another military engagement. Which would technically be true.

Anyway, I won't reply tonight, but when the turn rolls over, I expect to send something along the lines of "prepare to be destroyed."


However, he does have a point about our economies. Hence, my one real hope is to absorb them relatively quickly and cottage the heck out of those river tiles. Even if, for some reason, I cannot grab Wonsan, I will settle the river "filler" to get some more income.

Exactly what I do after attacking P'yongyang will have to be seen, but overall, I'd probably try to heal up and move against Seoul to see if I have a shot of taking it. The capital's culture could be a pain. If left alone, Wonsan probably can't cause me as much trouble as the capital. Again, if Seoul is whipped much more, it's going to have a very low happy cap, so I don't mind if they whip two, even three units out.

OK, Seoul is at size 5, so some of their whip anger wore off. Oops. But P'yongyang WAS whipped, so they probably have an effective cap of 3 now.

Had a chat with Sullla and dsplaisted. I know I asked before, and I remember getting an answer, but I don't remember it and can't find it . . . but there's an easier way to copy the chat log than to manually copy it, right? Because that isn't happening. Too lazy for that, but I'll summarize.

I greeted Sullla, he said hello, and mentioned that Broker things that I am going to attack him soon. I told him that I had the same impression, but fortunately he said that he wouldn't try to make me confirm it. I brought up the end of the Byzantium Empire, and he basically said that the war had been decided for quite some time because the Byzantine capital had been completely pillaged for awhile (which I knew, but I didn't really mention that). We talked about Barbarians a bit. Sullla has seen a few, but no cities. I said that cities can be a pain, but he said that they are nice to capture, which is true.

That's basically that.

I talked to dsplaisted to see how he was doing picking up the pieces of his empire. He didn't say much, but he asked if I had taken over from anyone, so I told him that I was the replacement for LiPing's Rome. I asked if Barbs had been attacking, and he said "yes" and that they still are.

So that's it. Fireworks start next turn, probably tomorrow. Sorry I didn't get those chats in chat form, but I just don't know of an easy way to do it. If it really has to be done manually, then I admire those who type it out, but there has to be an easier way.

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