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[SPOILERS] BaxAmeliKnight's thread

That's good because at this rate i can build the ToD faster then we research sorcery, and that's at maximum food.

I can probably fasten up ToD to 14 turns, so we need sorcery before or by then.

(December 13th, 2012, 00:43)Amelia Wrote: T106. Got it. Will have maximum overflow ready by then.

How many nodes does Team Plako need to convert before they can build ToD?

2, Spirit and Sun. They have Law from Illian and Mind from Balseraph. Keep an eye out for mana gifts.

(December 13th, 2012, 03:00)Amelia Wrote: That's good because at this rate i can build the ToD faster then we research sorcery, and that's at maximum food.

I can probably fasten up ToD to 14 turns, so we need sorcery before or by then.

Actually, I'm running 0% science right now to save gold for binary research in the GA, so the ~20t is inaccurate. It was 11t when I was breakeven, but when I go into the GA it'll be less then that. I might delay the GA so I can build Hemah in it, but it won't be worth it if we don't get Arcane Lore first.

14 turns? Should be enough time for Sorcery and OO, but see if you can improve that in any way. Keep in mind that we'll probably be in a race for the Crown as well, but if the free GS is used for a GA then we'll probably be able to beat Luchuirp to it.

Will do. That's my current estimate because 6 of my pop are working farms, i can swap them over + chop a few forests if needed. I'm already bringing a lot of workers up to help.

Luchuirp got a Engineer, so they can rush ToD if they want. Strange thing is Bals are giving their Mind mana to Illians, so perhaps they plan on building it?

Team Thoth got Currency, and all of their civs have a massive GNP boost (presumably due to burning Clan gold) as well as Clan getting a massive MFG boost for some unknown reason. With team plako and us fighting over Arcane Lore, it can't really be much better for their team, and I think we'll have to team up with team plako to have a chance against them at all.

Amelia, could you move your centaurs onto the deer tile? I don't want that Wood Golem into my lands.

EDIT: Actually plako will probably use the Engineer for the Crown. frown

Moving the centaurs.

Team Plako now has the choice of either the Crown or the Free GS (or both). This is really bad.

According to mana gifts, it looks like the Illians are building ToD for Team 3 right now. Why davkoV decided to build it there is beyond me (most likely going to burn the GE there) but since it isn't the Luchuirp that can only be good news.

Mana gifts have been organized so you should be able to start ToD once you accept the Mind and Law gifts Amelia. Once I go into my GA next turn we should know the ETA of sorcery, and the ideal eta for your ToD.

Also we should start to think about when we should build the ToD for Malakim and Amurites, and what techs to take with them. Ideally they should be built as soon as we have the pre-req's to the techs we want. Strength of Will is almost a must, but there are some choices for the 3rd tech. The other consideration is the Infernal Grimiore, but it'll take a long time to get both Corruption of Spirit and Infernal Pact (especially since Infernal Pact needs State religion) and as a world wonder someone else could have their eye on it.

T106 - T107 = 2 G farms, grow at end of T107.
T 108 - Swap 2 G farms to 2 1/3 tiles, and add another 1/3 tile. Chop 3 forests.

Finish ToD in 10 turns.

Looks like overcouncil went through because of Mardoc. What do we want to do with it?

I have a settler in Nabaxo's Capital. What's the plan with him?

(December 19th, 2012, 02:53)Amelia Wrote: Looks like overcouncil went through because of Mardoc. What do we want to do with it?

Only resolution worth doing is Single currency for +1 trade route. Apart from that, not much (unless we want to be annoying and can assign a city from Clan to me, but I don't think we should do that until sorcery).

(December 19th, 2012, 02:53)Amelia Wrote: I have a settler in Nabaxo's Capital. What's the plan with him?

Send him to me, I'll probably settle him somewhere in the west once I can get enough units to cover.

Launched the GA, but I only managed to shave a turn off Sorcery. Oh well, GA yields on ancient forest Lumbermills are awesome nonetheless.

Looks like serious diplo has begun in the banter thread.

My thoughts, we should definitely team up with Team Golem to stop Team Thoth. Clan and Vamps both have scary demogs to churn out Vamps, Radier chariots and Warrened anything, and Vamps and Elohim are actually 1st and 2nd in GNP. plako meanwhile has Golems and adepts right now. As long as we keep Arcane Lacuna around we should have less to fear from plako in a post-Thoth world.

No reason we can't sort out some other things as well, perhaps we can negotiate on the goodies at Arcane Lore?

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