Small diplomacy update.
Whosit is extremely inrested in to sign a NAP with us. In the latest message from him he is even willing to pay something for it:
Quote:The Galactic Empire values our peace with the Korean Empire and will make every reasonable effort to maintain it. You have mentioned, twice now, the necessity of "payment" for this peace. Seeing as how we are unsure as to what you want, perhaps it would be better if you made an offer. Bear in mind, however, that any request which would disrupt the territorial integrity of the Empire will be rejected out of hand. I am certain that if we both come to the bargaining table in good faith, a mutually beneficial deal can be made.
Well this isn't going to lead anywhere. It might be best just to ask for too much so that the negotiations dry out.
Meanwhile Kathlete has tipped us off that Whosit would be attacking Slaze on T150 and has requested us to delay our attack against Whosit. He don't seem to mind us doing it that is good news. Maybe the alliance strucutres can be reconstructed at some point.
Kathlete is probably joining the attack with Whosit on T155 after his NAP with Slaze expires. We've promised not to tell this forward and I've kept my word, but the attack was pretty comon knowledge even before this. e.g. I sent this to Non-rebels before I got the message from Kathlete:
Quote:It seems that there has been founded a group of nations that call themselves Rebels that in my eyes are forming a alliance or at minimum group that co-operates quite heavily. e.g. Whosit has liberally gifted/sold Praetorians to all his allies. It seems to me that after they failed to take over the India they are seeking for weaker opposition. Their most probable next target is Slaze, but it could be also us. I suspect that Mali and India are in a bit more secure position because of the fact that they have 1 safe border. Now I'm asking, if you would you be intrested in to raise the level of co-operation between our nations? We don't had to form an ever lasting tight alliance, but I strongly feel we need to somehow try to counter the Rebel alliance. If we don't do it they can easily pick us one by one.
The 1st action I suggest is that we consider thoroughly what kind of NAPs we sign. I think best and most natural way to help each other is that each of us keep our border nations on their toes and not allow them a privilige to concentrate all their troops against one of us. Concerning this I won't renew my NAP with Whosit after T150, but I try to keep my NAP with Kathlete. My NAP with HRE will cease to exist, if I declare against Whosit so it doesn't cause me any "troubles". I hope that you would consider carefully when you sign NAP so that we don't offer Ottomans and Rome free ride to attack Slaze and on the other hand to HRE and Rome possibility to attack me.
This would give us quite natural security. No one has to send troops far away. We just make sure that we've posibility to tie the hands of at least one of our neighbours in case of Rebels attacking one of us. Naturally this suspects that everyone of us has more than a token army so that it forms a some kind of threat. What do you think about this?
This message didn't get the response I hoped for. Only Killer Angels bothered to answer. All in all it seems that Slaze and Dantski are not responding to our emails that promptly. However Dantski is easy to get to chat. Still I think this is better than joining the Rebels where we basically wouldn't have any room to expand to. Now we at least theoretically could get some from our neighbours via war.
I've had uncomfortable chats with Nakor. I basically think we both know what is going on, but still pretend everything is fine. I've all the time the feeling I'm giving too much info out. Maybe it would be better to avoid chatting with him.
I've signed a NAP with Jowy until T200. That is a long one, but I suspect Jowy won't be around that long assuming Killer Angels will keep them busy.