Pyramids are great. For whatever reason, I'm always scared of building them. I'm mocking my own hesitancy. They'd be good here, especially if we move off our starting hill and can save all those forests for another city.
Nice. I guess we both agree to move then?
The big decision is probably BW before AH or not, of which I wouldn't be surprised to see BW win out and delaying sheep. But that's real hard to figure out without playing through it.
Eagerly awaiting the sandbox update.
Not really. I can easily update it myself, but if you're feeling extra generous you can link me one.
Sent the sandbox. Yeah, I don't have much to say without playing out some lines. I can tell you via flying camera that there is jungle pretty much immediately to our south and that the water continues east, not south. I am notoriously cautious and indecisive so I always hate to delay BW but I think Animal Husbandry looks really good.
I'm having trouble coming up with a good plan for moving. Doesn't help that I'm watching Die Hard with a Vengeance in the background. Instead, here's my super farmer's gambit plan for settling in place. In spoilers, so it's not a bad influence.
We settle in place and build a 12 turn worker. We then go straight into a settler at size 1. After the worker farms the corn, he chops the forest 1N of the corn into the settler (burning a turn somewhere because BW comes in a turn late). We revolt to Slavery on the second turn of the settler's move to the hill 1W of the sheep.
When borders expand (as the settler is in transit), the worker moves to camp the deer. The capital worker completes and moves to the forest 1W of the corn and starts chopping. The capital starts on a work boat. The chop comes in and finishes the work boat as the capital grows to size 2. The capital starts on a settler. The two workers put chops into the settler and then move to pasture the sheep when AH comes in.
The second city just builds warriors (first warrior out t32). After the second warrior, it starts on a worker.
I've forgotten what good speeds are without Imp. No idea how this compares. I wasn't able to make a settler move work because, although we get our first worker 2 turns faster, I couldn't find enough for him to do.
How is the worker running out of things with a hunting-mining-BW line? Camps are hunting in this mod, are they not? And we have a riverside PH to mine -- that's a good tile.
As much as I'm intrigued by the novelty of a size 1 settler I don't believe it. I would've thought moving to the other PH was better even if it didn't speed up the worker. When you add that to the mix it just *has* to be better.
Settle deer into a size 3 2nd worker going hunting-mining-BW looks pretty promising at least. Settler finishes end of turn 29. With both workers free to move that same turn. One is on a plains hill that can be mined and then pasture sheep after, while the second can potentially start chopping the 2nd city work boat.
4 hammers into a warrior in capital. To replicate this you need to put 2 turns into the 2nd worker on size 2 before the 1st worker completes the deer camp.
Also worth noting that I put 2 (IIRC) turns into the furs to save worker turns later. I've not tested this against any of your opening yet though, in part because I don't think you went double worker in any of them.
If you do the same opening but make an early settler instead of a 2nd worker the settler completes at the same time I believe because there are no chops in time. I'm a big believer in double worker openings and this start ticks many of the required boxes for it.