Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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A few things

since you asked about PoisonDagger ..

[Image: Kurare_stats.jpg]

LCS shows 1k too much for both PoisonDagger's min and max damage. The skill itself states 46,925-48,062 over 19.6 seconds. PoisonNova's listed damage is correct: 9,984-10,242 over 2 seconds.

The shown 6.9k AR give 70% tohit vs. hell Baal. It comes exclusivly from Kurare's combined 146 dex (100 base, 46 from gear) and +910% AR from PoisonDagger skill. No other source of AR is present.

If you wonder about damage numbers: beside combined +20 to Poison/Bone skills damage is further boosted by additional +50% poison damage and (not listed) -46% enemy poison resist. This is done with partial Trang's set (gloves, belt, head), poison-faceted Blackbog's Sharp and a 4-poison-faceted armor.

Not shown are Kurare's LowerResist and ClayGolem skills. Clay tanks critters with 14k life in hell and LR adds another -61% res all, resulting in -107% poison resist to none-poison immunes and -58% to breakable poison immunity. Monsters whose immunity can't be broken get trashed with Amp, merc aid and CE.

EDIT: The screenshot was taken in hell diff.


For us mortals, who would be jumping up and down with joy just getting skills up to lvl 30...

I am more focused on rate of damage over duration, hence the (Treachery) Venom/PD build.

Otoh, a HC toon with (especially with the death explosion bug) 1040 Mod'd Hp seems low for a up close and personal melee softy, so there isn't that many points available for str and more importantly Dex (for blocking and and tohit). That was my concern for trying to come up with a best compromise to make it into 2 slightly different builds with a "w" swap setup. SetA would emphasize on PNova damage as a caster (not necessarily using a dagger, and SetB would make use of a ITD dagger and heavier shield for stuff like blocking, DR and FHR.

Just making a rough estimate - The difference betwwen lvl44 PD and lvl 30 PD with slightly less Dex would cut your baal tohit to less than 50%. You could easily verify this with Kurare and get a readout from the LCS. It may go as low as low 40s if you are facing Baal at mid clvl80. I would apprecaite it if you can give me a readout with lvl30 PD and about 100 dex smile


KingOfPain Wrote:For us mortals, who would be jumping up and down with joy just getting skills up to lvl 30...
Skill level 30 really ain't hard to reach for a Necro. Gamble both +3 Poison/Bone amulet and circlet, add Blackbog's Sharp and Trang's head to the setup and you have lvl 33 PoisonDagger paired with both lvl 32 PoisonExplosion and PoisonNova. Add a Bone runeword armor and you have slvl's 35/34/34. Then it get's tougher wink
KingOfPain Wrote:I am more focused on rate of damage over duration, hence the (Treachery) Venom/PD build.
Kurare was build in pre-Treachery-times so he did not have that option.
KingOfPain Wrote:Otoh, a HC toon with (especially with the death explosion bug) 1040 Mod'd Hp seems low for a up close and personal melee softy, so there isn't that many points available for str and more importantly Dex (for blocking and and tohit).
If you plan playing him like a usual melee char just scratch that. That won't work. Playing a PD Necro is all about running: charge in, stab critter and get the hell out again. A golem and a melee merc help a lot here! Although being SC the point distribution wasn't much different to HC. Str and dex as needed with the main chunk of stat points in vit.
KingOfPain Wrote:Just making a rough estimate - The difference betwwen lvl44 PD and lvl 30 PD with slightly less Dex would cut your baal tohit to less than 50%. You could easily verify this with Kurare and get a readout from the LCS. It may go as low as low 40s if you are facing Baal at mid clvl80. I would apprecaite it if you can give me a readout with lvl30 PD and about 100 dex smile
The rough estimate is scratch 1% tohit per skill lvl.

Fully geared:
[Image: Kurare_lvl45pd.jpg]

Skill charms removed levels PoisonDagger to 33:
[Image: Kurare_lvl33pd.jpg]

This is the skill lvl i stated above. LCS still gives me 60% tohit vs. hell Baal. When i substitute Mara's and Trang's head with 4 skill charms to bring dex down to base 100 LCS reads 56% tohit with 3,503 AR. Add a Ravenfrost and all is fine.

To get these numbers Kurare had to stab hell Baal down:
[Image: Kurare_stabs_hell_Baal.jpg]

As you see his merc is missing who fell in WSK 3 to succubi hordes. I did not bother to revive him although i had to make my way thru poison immune Souls, Achmel and Ventar's pack in throne which are all unbreakable by LR. Kurare also nailed 2 Baal clones in the process with a clean 3:0 kill score devil

Dr. Disaster
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

Heh, it's not that hard for those who have. Tho I am stuck with Treachery armor, if anyone here got spare Trang head, Um(s). +3 BnP amulet and hat, I am taking donations [Image: bow.gif]

So I am not far off in the tohit department for a mid lvl 80 with no more than 100 dex (Blackbog req 88, and if I can spare a Raven Frost), it's going to be around the 50% mark - Definitely would want an option for ITD.

A swap setup sounds fun, caster mode as normal, and PD for the big uglies.
It sure does make a huge difference with builds when you know what items you have available. For example, if I know I would end up with +20 skills, I would only need 1 point in Lower Resist to get near max LR... only 1 point in Corpse Explosion for a huge radius, etc, etc. I am curious in how many hard points you have invested in Clay Golly and its synergies.


KingOfPain Wrote:Heh, it's not that hard for those who have. Tho I am stuck with Treachery armor, if anyone here got spare Trang head, Um(s). +3 BnP amulet and hat, I am taking donations [Image: bow.gif]
Heh stuck with Treachery .. given all the forge runs you do coming up with 2 Um's shouldn't be a big thing. Trang's head got delivered but on hcl +PnB stuff i can't help yet.
KingOfPain Wrote:So I am not far off in the tohit department for a mid lvl 80 with no more than 100 dex (Blackbog req 88, and if I can spare a Raven Frost), it's going to be around the 50% mark - Definitely would want an option for ITD.
A mid-lvl 80 with 100 dex and PD lvl 30 has 50% tohit vs. hell Baal! Adding a RavenFrost can up tohit to around 60%.
KingOfPain Wrote:It sure does make a huge difference with builds when you know what items you have available. For example, if I know I would end up with +20 skills, I would only need 1 point in Lower Resist to get near max LR... only 1 point in Corpse Explosion for a huge radius, etc, etc. I am curious in how many hard points you have invested in Clay Golly and its synergies.
As if i'd knew i'd end up with +20 PnB lol Building Kurare took about half of Ladder 3 plus a bit of Ladder 4 if i recall it right.

Maxed out are only the 3 poison skills, which are boosted by Blackbog's 5/4/4 and combined +20 to the Poison/Bone tree. CE was learned as pre-req only and not used until the first unbreakable poison immunes showed up.

LowerResist has 9 hard points and is boosted by combined +9 to Curses. All pre-reqs got 1 point with none in the AI curses. Of the pre-reqs only Amp get's used with CE as combo for unbreakables.

Right from the start i build Kurare's weapon swap as a Summon ClayGolem setup. ClayGolem itself has 14, GolemMastery 9 and MonsterResist 2 hard points. Those get boosted from gear and weapon swap with +11/13/16 to Summons.

EDIT: Point distribution in the summon tree sure looks odd, the reason behind does not. After the poison skills were maxed (62 hard points) and LowerResist was able to break 110% immunities (-55% / 5 = -11%) i started dumping points into ClayGolem and GolemMaster. Here i balanced both skills to get the most life onto my Golem.

Dr. Disaster
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."


Note, items in FullSets mule
There maybe spares on other mules if you only wanted parts.
The sets are not to be broken up. Use the full set, or not.

Available for high lvl Iron Golly
Eth Stoneraven
Eth Ribcracker

Armor (Multiples)
Skullder Ire
Skin if Vipermagi
Duriel Shell

Weapon (Multiples)

Also, a few elite 4soc polearms.


On which realm can I find you? And do you play LD or NLD?

We play on USWest, mainly Ladder HC.
Game names are
RBD1-3 Norm
RBD7-9 Hell

See you online smile


Heh, I figured I may as well whip-snap some character quickly and go for some Hell runs. smile

Towing Forge runners wholesale 5ish pst - 4 slots left

ET from normal act1 to NM forge is half an hour, and maybe another half an hour to Hell forge if we have NM Baal questers (Hell Tombs is a pain to get thru).


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