December 4th, 2009, 14:56
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Paris' borders expand on T66. I see that your plan has Alexander and Charlie both in the area, I assume they will both be mining the copper.
Do we need to road it or will it auto-connect since it's on the river? I wasn't sure since part of the river will not be in our cultural borders.
Obviously if we need to make a road, we can do that first, before the borders pop.
December 4th, 2009, 16:30
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I was planning on roading it. We have some spare Worker turns and it seemed like a good idea to have faster access to it.
Have you thought about our next message to the Ottomans yet?
December 4th, 2009, 19:15
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I plan on sending something incorporating what you posted above.
December 4th, 2009, 21:23
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Email from athlete
Quote:Hello Byzantium,
I played the turn remotely as with Kalin being unavailable until Sunday this would be the only chance I had to get the turn in. I have some technical problems when playing remotely so I try to avoid it as much as possible but alas I could not this time around. When you next log in you will notice our warrior Momaw Nadon (I'm pretty sure I saw it right) has moved closer to your border. He was intended to move N as he's headed home for MP duty. I realize he could be perceived in a threatening position (hence this e-mail) but sure you aren't scared of a single warrior at this point right?
Hope all is well,
Athlete for A/K
I'm inclined to believe him but I think I will move our NE exploring warrior up on the hill to be adjacent to their chopping worker - see how they like it!
December 5th, 2009, 05:33
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T58 played. Workers moved appropriately.
Hinduism founded IBT. Nakor, IKZ and Jowy are the 3 civs that appear to have discovered a tech - I will drop each of them a quick note to see if they were the ones that founded it. My bet is on IKZ.
December 5th, 2009, 05:39
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Email sent to athlete / kalin
Quote:Hey Athlete / Kalin,
Before replying to this longer message, I wanted to briefly touch on a few minor things that you have brought up recently.
EPs - thank you for stopping your spending of EPs towards us. We had actually assumed that it was intentional, so we are glad to hear that it is not. We will be happy to swap off of you once we have reached a level of also being able to see your graphs.
Your mis-clicked warrior. Obviously remoting in can be challenging. We have moved our warrior "Bear" to the forested hill NW of your warrior's position so that the 2 of them can have lunch together. As a sign of good faith, although there were some talks in our forum about moving our exploring warrior to the NE of Paris next to Owen Lars this turn (since it's only a warrior after all), cooler heads prevailed and he moved to a less threatening position. Do your borders provide for any land path to the N of your capital, or has your culture blocked off all passage?
So, on to more meaty matters....
We have no problem with you settling a city on the coast, of course. However, when we said no more settlement in your direction, we meant towards the east of Paris. We're heartened that your plan left room for us to have a city as well, the situation seems very manageable. To be specific, we planned on settling due north of Paris, also on the coast. After some discussion, we feel we can move that city to the west by one tile. In the spirit of cooperation, we will also as part of this agreement acknowledge your right to one of the three city locations SSW of Paris. While we're reluctant to do so without seeing the juicy site first, we feel this combined agreement is the best way to move our border dispute forward. Hopefully as the time comes we can further discuss which of those spots provides the best fit for both of us going forward.
As to the Worker, yes it had crossed our mind that we were Expansive and you were not :-). In fact, this might be another area of cooperation. We can provide one Worker for free as a token of friendship, but in the future we can trade Workers for other units, splitting the 25% hammer bonus down the middle. We even think trading UUs would be on the table, we both have very useful ones that are available at around the same time. The would combine to make a devastating force. With tech trading off, we belive the teams that come up with creative ways to cooperate will have the big advantage, and this idea is one we feel has merit.
Email from Jowy
Quote:We've met you, India, Ottomans and HRE. I believe Korea, Rome and HRE are pretty far away from both of us. Don't really have an exact location as I have to rely much on what little tidbits of information I've gathered :=) We sent Indian scout a long ago towards you. They have taken their time but I'm pretty sure they'll find you soon (or have already found?).
and my reply
Quote:We actually just found the Indians this turn - so thanks! Also, as you may have noticed, Hinduism was founded this past turn. That wouldn't have happened to have been founded by you would it? We hope not since it might interfere with "The One True Faith" aka Buddhism :-)
Yup - we found an exploring Indian scout to the SW of Athens. Luckily they can't see that it's garrisonless :-). Note that Sullla / Speaker already have 3 cities
December 5th, 2009, 05:54
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Email to IKZ
Quote:Hey IKZers,
As you may have noticed, Hinduism was founded this past turn. That wouldn't have happened to have been founded by you would it? We hope not since it might interfere with "The One True Faith" aka Buddhism :-)
And an introductory note off to sullla
Quote:Hey Speaker / Sullla,
Seems we've met! It's funny I was actually logged in game and thought I would check each civ to see how many cities they had, for informational purposes. I started at the top of the scoreboard (cough, cough) :-) and saw your guys. Then Nakor didn't work but Athlete did. I figured maybe Nakor was online and that's why his diplo screen didn't pop up. It took me quite awhile to figure out you a) could only view diplo screens of people that you had seen and b) that we had already met you!). Then in more coincidences, I got an email from Jowy in the middle of all this, saying he had just sent an Indian scout our way. I blame the fact that it's too early for me this morning (5 am on a Saturday...)
So, well met! You have already met the Greeks I see - if you are trying to win the race to meet every civ, as a good faith gesture I can tell you that the Ottomans are to our east, with the Incas to their SE, and I believe Rome is in that direction also. If you move Chamberlain S-SE, then he should be able to head straight SE for 3 turns through woods, at which point you should see our city of Paris. You should be able to scoot around the southern borders of Paris to meet the Ottomans. Watch out as there is a barb warrior near Paris, though it's likely (hopeful!) that we will have killed him by then. You're free to scoot NE between the peaks the turn after next if you want to continue to see our borders but I promise you it's not that exciting :-)
So am I correct in assuming that you come from the SW? Or have you explored as fast as you seem to have expanded? :-) It appears that we are on some sort of panagea / connecting continents as with you, I believe I've heard talk of meeting of every civ except Mali, who I assume are out there somewhere. What other civs have you met?
In any case, this game is proving to be exciting for us at least. As far as contacting, you can use this address to contact us, and I will post in our thread for sunrise and darrell to see. Note that in your case, I will be posting your replies with one sentence per post, for thread post-count inflation purposes, of course :-D
Hope to hear from you soon
December 5th, 2009, 06:05
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Email from Jowy
Quote:Not us. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention to the religions, I was sure they were all taken much earlier in the game considering that 5 civs started with mysticism. Anyway good luck finding the infidels 
Our citizens are quite fond of this buddhism religion you speak of and wouldn't mind if it was spread here :P
~ Jowy
My reply
Quote:Cool. We hope that Buddhism spreads to you also to cement us into an even closer friendship. Hammers are very precious in the veryearly game, but if it hasn't spread naturally in awhile, we'd be happy to provide you with a missionary. Alternatively, if you'd like to buy / trade for one, I'm sure we can work something out
December 5th, 2009, 06:50
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regoarrarr Wrote:T58 played. we could whip an Archer now. We're still a dozen turns from our first metal unit. After hooking up Copper I'm thinkng those two Workers should be chopping the few Forests at Paris. We need units and a Granaray/Forge/Barracks their. Athens simply has to focus on Settlers, we're fallling behing the expansion curve with our Oracle bid and while we've locked down a few sites diplomatically we still need to get a move on.
BTW, in terms of the city N of Paris, I'm content with S of the Rice. I thought we'd ask for the coastal spot but negotiate to that point if necessary.
December 5th, 2009, 06:59
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Actually I just logged in an I think you meant to type turn 56 played.
Maybe they switched EPs off of us because they realized we'd never catch up  . I don't see how you can accidently put EPs on someone. I still think they are gong to attack in the next few turns.