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Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread

Turn 157 - 960AD

So the turn went pretty smoothly. Only 2 hours this time instead of 3, so maybe that'll be less intimidating to watch. As I posted earlier, there was just two longbows in Wien.

[Image: t158_wien_garrison.JPG]

The Battle of Wien went very smoothly:

c2 knight vs g2 longbow: 22% loss (4.0/6h)
c2 knight vs cg2 longbow: 22% WIN
c2 knight vs wounded g2 longbow: 71% WIN, 98g

Really solid dice rolls there, and a granary/lighthouse to ice the cake:

[Image: t158_inside_wien.JPG]

We moved up our sentry chariot to see things in the vicinity are also pretty empty, so we've moved everything forward:

[Image: t158_current_stack.JPG]

Wittenberg is defended by a single Quechua. They really do seem set on defending the WPC front. If it remains lightly defended, we will probably just blitz it with Knights again and move up. The bulk of their army is in/around Warendorf and Wilhelm, so that'll be the big battle. After that, it'll be easy to mop up the northern tundra cities which should be basically empty. We did move up some combat workers into Wien:

[Image: t158_combat_workers.JPG]

This is in case we need any combat roads up at the front. In theory they could pillage an important road, and these guy will be ready to fix it. If they are not needed, they'll jump down and do the banana plantation next turn when Webringen's borders pop. We set it up to have 7 workers total in range of the banana next turn. If we have a use for these workers, we'll use the other 5. If we don't, we'll use these 2 and 3 of the other group. I believe we'll want Webringen working the banana and Denial working the corn. For reference, here is the garrison of Wilhelm that I posted prior to playing the turn:

[Image: t158_wilhem_stack.JPG]

We do have enough in Wismar to protect against those, but we'll keep an eye out. One thing we may want to discuss:

[Image: t158_eastern_dealers.JPG]

Eastern Dealers grew last turn, and rather than work a coast, we feel it's best to hire a Priest which will speed up our great person by 1T. (We don't need to turn on PP this turn, but starting next turn we'll want to.) I think speeding this up is way better than working coast, but I'll leave it here in case we want to talk about it. This is our favorite city to debate after all. smile

[Image: t158_roads.JPG]

Can we just take 15 seconds to marvel at this total lack of a road network? This is just incredible. And yes, we just walked through this area so this map is fairly up to date. Amazing stuff. Demos:

[Image: t158_demos.JPG]

I'm fresh out of GNP jokes ya'll. Stray notes:

1) I offered a map swap with CivFr. I doubt they accept it, but it would be nice. Everyone has our maps now so I don't care about that, but it would be nice to get full visibility on their front with CFC.
2) Sooooo: I drafted the 3 cities you said (Starfall, Ditchdigger, French Riviera). We talked about drafting Mansa's Muse next turn. That may be a better use of pop there than a plains hill mine, and its draft anger will be gone after this turn.
3) I did not end turn. Noble and I went through each city, and I think we're all good, but if Sooooo et all want to browse through them and make suggestions, we can discuss that tomorrow, and I'll end turn tomorrow night. I do ask that people hold off on making spontaneous changes just so we can keep it straight. I'm not too bothered by last turn, but it's just good practice to not have multiple people changing tiles around. Don't worry, I won't end turn until we've discussed any possible changes.

This German war seems to be going exceedingly well.

Even WPC's collapse up north hasn't really affected us yet, and it will most likely result in us trading more maces for more cities.
Active in:
FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth


Nice results there around Wien!

Can we send Welcome Wagon (our scout) up towards that peninsula to Apolyton's northwest? They have at least one city up that way. And yeah, I've been puzzling over their lack of a road network for quite some time myself.

Military stuff: We should promoheal the shock knight in Wismar to C2 - it needs 4 turns to heal right now. Maybe also promoheal the other knight as well.

City notes:

Mansa's Muse: should we put down some windmills on the two bare plains hills? I think so.

Tree Huggers: can pick up a mature cottage from Cutting Edge and still grow. Though we save 1t to size 12 if we work the farm throughout (28F total needed to reach size 12).

Forbidden Fruit: doesn't need TC's spices to grow, so back to the plains cottage. We should chop the plains hill forest into the courthouse.

Eastern Dealers: the extra priest, yes. Once we have the courthouse and the GP we can fire the priests and work mines and farms to get a market up (merchant slots) and quicker growth.

Winter Wasteland: whip the lighthouse next turn

I think we should get at least two workers into our core. Tree Huggers, Simple Life, and The Covenant still has jungled tiles to improve, and we have several hill tiles we can put windmills or mines on.
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(July 6th, 2013, 23:41)Ellimist Wrote: This German war seems to be going exceedingly well.

Even WPC's collapse up north hasn't really affected us yet, and it will most likely result in us trading more maces for more cities.

Maybe we should make peace with the Germans, they'll probably take over all of WPC at this rate and it would be amusing to watch.

But I guess we have to kill them for not ending their turns.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

(July 7th, 2013, 02:41)kjn Wrote: Can we send Welcome Wagon (our scout) up towards that peninsula to Apolyton's northwest?

Northwest or northeast?

(July 7th, 2013, 03:00)NobleHelium Wrote:
(July 7th, 2013, 02:41)kjn Wrote: Can we send Welcome Wagon (our scout) up towards that peninsula to Apolyton's northwest?

Northwest or northeast?

In this case, definitely northwest first. If nothing else, that's closer.

I also think we should put Let It Snow on the forge this turn, and then 2-pop whip it next turn. We should grow back immediately, and could then put an extra +1hpt into the courthouse.
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It would be far more worthwhile to whip the courthouse.

We can't whip the courthouse for several more turns. The city is size 4 (19/28 and +7F). The forge is at 41/120, and the courthouse at 17/120.

Forge first:

T159: whip forge (46/120 -> 126/120); size 2, 26/24F
T160: size 3, 14/26 +7F, courthouse 17/120 +12
T161: size 3, 21/26 +7F, courthouse 29/120 +6
T162: size 4 15/28 +7F, courthouse 35/120 +6 - whip courthouse

Yeah, we will have plenty of whip anger, but we have plenty of spare happiness there, especially with the forge.
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(July 7th, 2013, 03:25)kjn Wrote: We can't whip the courthouse for several more turns. The city is size 4 (19/28 and +7F). The forge is at 41/120, and the courthouse at 17/120.

Forge first:

T159: whip forge (46/120 -> 126/120); size 2, 26/24F
T160: size 3, 14/26 +7F, courthouse 17/120 +12
T161: size 3, 21/26 +7F, courthouse 29/120 +6
T162: size 4 15/28 +7F, courthouse 35/120 +6 - whip courthouse

Yeah, we will have plenty of whip anger, but we have plenty of spare happiness there, especially with the forge.

Seems like a good plan.

In Eastern Dealers, I would not work a non-gems mine over a specialist, the market is not urgent since our next GP is for a Golden Age anyway. Grow to size 13 on farms and work 6 specialists (with the option of working a seventh spec over the gems mine in a pinch), slowbuilding the market to completion. ED's current configuration is fine, btw. We do need the final jungle farmed very soon. (Or not - stagnating at size 12 and 6 specs is another option.)
I have to run.

BTW, Scooter, your turn numbers are off. We're at T158 right now, not T157. I think you did the same mistake last turn as well.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width

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