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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Peter of Byzantium

Yes I meant T56 played.

I think you could accidentally put EPs on someone if you just never changed them from the start. Seems odd in such a game like this where you are only playing 1 turn a day

But it also seems odd to make all these friendly overtures like "oops I was roading that forest" and "oops I moved our warrior next to your borders" and then attack. Seems a bit over the top. But I could be wrong

Message back from Sulllllla

Quote:Dear regoarrarr and company,

We found your team last night very late, playing the turn at about 1am local time. I'm sorry we didn't send you a message immediately, but we were a bit sleepy then!

Let me pass on your greetings to Speaker, and we'll get back to you shortly with a proper message, hopefully by the end of the day. Cheers.

The Killer Angels

And the prize goes to..... darrell!!!

Quote:We are sending you a friendly declaration of war: "your head would look good at the end of a pole" smile

Let's try to work out a partition of the turn so that things proceed smoothly.

Kalin for Team A/K of the Ottomans

They have 4 chariots, plus the warrior that "mis-moved" last turn. We have 2 warriors in Paris, and a warrior on the forested hill SE of Paris. Our other 2 warriors are 2 tiles away frown

Check that, our other 2 warriors are 2 and 3 tiles away.

He also has another warrior 3 SE of Paris, and the initial exploring warrior to the SW of Athens.

Even if Paris falls, we are going to take it to them and cataphract them.

All their chariots are unpromoted (I think 0XP but can't be sure)

Okay - chariot vs. warrior in a hill wiht 20% has about 71% odds. chariot vs. archer is about 2%. We just discovered archery this turn so can't whip it from scratch.

In amusing news, in my WB tests, the first 2 chariots died to their warriors lol

We can move the 3rd warrior into Paris and stick the worker in between perhaps (though they'd still be able to move NW-SW)

Guys - sorry I moved 2 of those warriors out. They really could have made a big difference frown

Is Paris on a hill? And it sounds like if you can hold out for just 1 more turn, you'll be able to whip an archer, and hold the city.

regoarrarr Wrote:And the prize goes to..... darrell!!!

We can agree to a turn split if you want, but on defense I'd be inclined to just make sure I'm logged in at the start of the turn.

@Cyneheard yes Paris is on a hill

So if we move the 3rd warrior in this turn, and then move the warrior that's 2 turns away to go next turn (queue up the move), won't he move in automatically at the start of the turn? Would this be a violation of the double move rules? Obviously we have proven I'm not the best judge of that lol

So that puts 4 warriors in, with 4 chariots, which gives about a 25% chance for us to survive (70% ^4). Then we can whip an archer next turn, which would give us a probably promotable warrior and an archer vs. 3 wounded chariots. Possibly enough, since we'll have another warrior in there the turn after and we'll overflow into another archer before too long.

In Athens, I've swapped to an archer which we can double whip next turn into another archer if we want.

One other thought - do we a) abandon the Oracle, b) think about Oracling HBR?

Also, I'm thinknig of sending something along the lines of this to them. Please comment

Quote:I'd feel better about your "friendly" declaration of war if it hadn't been preceded by "accidentally" roading that forest tile and "misclicking" the warrior close to our borders.

Of course you have the right to try and mislead us the best you can, but it leaves a bit of a stick in the craw.

As for me, I will be resigning from communication between our civs. You'll be dealing with General Sunrise now....

But I'll give one last shot at it. No blood has been spilt. We've all seen in RPB1 how quickly war and peace were declared in the early game. You've reached a pretty good bargaining position for sure, so if you want to avoid a war that will surely ruin us both, let's hear your offer. You've been good at asking us what we wanted to give, but we haven't really heard what YOU want.

You might have enough to take / raze / capture Paris. You certainly have enough to choke us for awhile. But unlike with the Incas and Mortius, you don't have enough to eliminate us.

So that's fine if this is a CTON or a teamer game. But we have 7 other civs out there. All you're really doing is making sure we both don't win. While we're both whipping and slaving chariots / axes / spears / whatever, how are either of us going to be catching up to Phi/Fin fast worker Sullla who already has *3* cities! And that's even without us actively trying to ensure that you don't win.

Time is of the essence if you want to avoid that. Your move.

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