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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Peter of Byzantium

Apparently I was wrong and they moved in last turn. I logged in just now and Paris has been captured. We apparently won 1 battle as there are only 2 injured chariots and the one healthy one.

So.... grr

My personal feeling is that we play nice now, potentially take peace (if they will even take it), and pretend like we're okay with it, that it's just part of the game, and then


They've made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for us to win this game, so the least we can do is ensure that THEY do not win.

Not sure if the best would be to continue operation cataphract, or maybe try to Oracle HBR and attack with HAs, or maybe both.

Of course, we are going to need to get a few archers up in Athens or we'll just be out of the game smile

Some diplomacy

email from the scum Athlete

Quote:Hey guys,

Let me clarify that post I put in the technical forum. I didn't want to do this there as there might be spoilerish information.

If I came off as accusatory I apologize. That's not what I meant. I am simply trying to keep the game moving. For all I know you guys needed to make a decision about your other units or something that required you to wait and see what we did. All I am trying to accomplish is a way for us and hopefully for everybody to manage their time in war such that it doesn't hold everybody else up too much.

We did propose to work in a turn order with you and we never received any response to it even though we are almost naturally looking to play like that. You've earned every right to be able to move before us on T58 and attempt to retake Paris as we were the last (between us) to play on both T56 and T57 and as such it should only be fair that you move prior to us in any given turn. Anyways I'd hate for this to become a spouting match between us on the forums so I hope that clarifies what I was trying to accomplish by the post. I did take Darrel's post in jest as I hope he takes mine in jest and I hope outside of the game there are no hard feelings, certainly none from us.

And one from sullla
Quote:Dear Byzantine Team,

I'm sorry that we seem to be meeting your team at an inauspicious time! We saw in-game that athlete's team just declared war again you. As clueless bystanders from far away, would you be interested in telling us what the conflict is all about? We certainly would like to wish your team the best of luck in fending off Ottoman aggression!

Now, in response to the rest of regoarrarr's email. Thank you very much for your information about some of the local geography in your region, and the teams that share your neighborhood. In return, we can tell you that we are located to the south of Jowy's Greek team; if you keep heading past his cities you will run into our borders eventually, although it's a bit of a haul. Dantski's civ is located even further south than us, if you manage to have a unit make it all the way down there! We have met with Jowy and Dantski thus far, and then in the last two turns had a flurry of encounters with your team, athlete, and the IKZ trio - all of them near your borders. We're hoping that our exploring warrior can keep moving to the east and meet the rest of the crew eventually.

On a more random note, could you explain why you have a capital named Athens, and a second city named Paris? As a team that shares a border with Greece, who also has a capital named Athens, this is extremely confusing! smile

You are welcome to post our emails one sentence at a time, we will still beat your team in "thread views" no matter how much thread spamming takes place! :P Anyway, if you have anything else to bring up, please let us know. Both of us enjoy bantering back and forth with other teams.

The Killer Angels

I'm trying to figure if I am just pissed about the war and so I'm trying to complain about every little thing or if there's more to it than that

We have no metal. We can hold Athens for now at least, they aren't going to be able to get through the 3-4 Archers we can churn out, but the game is definitely over for us. I'd say Oracle sling Iron Working, try and claim nearby Iron, and then just bother them for the rest of the game. They don't have Copper (most likely) so its possible we can do some real damage to their chances. We'll not be getting to use our cool UU or UB I fear.


Wouldn't swapping off Pottery to AH make sense? I still think slinging HBR makes more sense than IW.

So what do we say to them? Anything?

Email sent to Sullla

Quote:Yes, well, athlete may seem to be playing a fine game, talking about "misclicks" due to "remoting in" causing warriors to "accidentally" move near our lands. And "not coordinating with the wishes of his teammates" while building a road towards our lands. "I thought I was trying to get trade routes!" So IMO they can get off their high horse about whatever turn order garbage they're posting in the forum.

But whatever. It's certainly possible I'm just bitter and looking for excuses. They launched a strike force of 4 chariots and have captured our city of Paris. As for why our cities are named the way they are, you'll just have to guess. Too bad we may not get a 3rd city - you'd definitely have it by then!

Thanks for the map info. Maybe I will be in a better mood to talk in a few days

And here's an email that I have composed to Athlete. Let me know if this is bad form. I can't decide whether it's time for some "chainsaw diplomacy" or again, if I'm just pissed right now


Oh come off your high horse. Talking about "misclicks" due to "remoting in" causing warriors to "accidentally" move near our lands. And "not coordinating with the wishes of his teammates" while building a road towards our lands. "I thought I was trying to get trade routes!" Not to mention the whole pretending to negotiate in good faith while chopping out a chariot army.

You can talk about that being "just diplomacy" or whatever but I personally find it *quite* lame and IMO the both of you can just drop dead.

If you want to come by Athens, bring it on. Otherwise I suggest you start figuring out what you want for peace. Because if you think that you can win this game while another team is doing their best to ensure you don't, and the other 7 civs have free rein, you've got another think coming. And I'm sure you don't want to spend a YEAR playing a game you have no chance at winning, as you have just consigned us to doing.

I'd rather not send that email to the Ottomans. While I certainly agree with some of the sentiment in it, I just don't feel strongly enough about what happened for some of the wording. Really, if they hadn't attacked I would have thought less of them wink. I think the diplomatic lies were shameful but its done now and I don't feel like leaving the game with a grudge.

All that said, if you want to send the e-mail still go for it...I also don't mind leaving the game with a grudge smile.


regoarrarr Wrote:And here's an email that I have composed to Athlete. Let me know if this is bad form.

Yeah I think that would be bad form. Sleep on it before you send it.

Yeah. I'm not going to send that one. That one was just to make me feel better smile

Having said that, I DO plan on sending them something like that. What do you think, should I take out the part about wanting them to drop dead? lol

And for the record, (hi Kalin and athlete after the game!) I don't really want them to drop dead. I do find their diplomatic lies quite lame, and am a bit annoyed about them being up on the high horse in the email thread. But I don't hold anything out-of-game

In game though, if I have anything to say about it though, they will not win the game.

sooooo Wrote:Yeah I think that would be bad form. Sleep on it before you send it.

Agreed. You seem to be be taking it as a personal attack on you as a person, rather than on Peter of Byzantium.

The chances of anyone winning this game without ever going to war are slim to none and they gave themselves the best possible chance of winning the aforementioned war whilst staying within the rules. Granted, using shady diplomacy (i.e. downright lies!) but hasn't everyone who has played multiplayer lied to some extent at some point or another?

I know how big a timesink this game can be and that majority of your plans are now in shatters so it's easy to potentially lose perspective but sooooo is right, take a step back and look at it with fresh eyes. Then find a way to turn it around. This group has some exceptionally skilled players. If anyone can turn it around, you guys can.

EDIT: bah i was typing this before your last post. Slow typing frown

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