I would say 1 of the 2 needs to actually concede, as their statements indicate they will only concede if the others want to.
[No players] Big epic lurking - PB74
Is there any agreement/rule on RB, how to handle this?
A lurker should not ask someone "oh btw, what do you think about PlayerX is winner?" and commenting in tech-thread is kind of diplomacy, but there might be something like a secret voting system. A clear statement in his own thread independ of anyone else. Just "I would be ok with PlayerX winning". Nothing will happen at first, but if all other active players also write such lines, then "domination" is triggered. COuld also be taken back if the situations develops surprisingly. Just an idea I had...
That's just the concession text, klops. We say nothing. They're all thinking about it and reporting, so we wait for a clearer signal.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Mig & Pin have not conceded. Both Mig and Pin are willing to keep playing, but only if someone else is as well. As soon as one of the two actually concedes then it can be called.
To me its "I want to try to fight, but I don't want to waste peoples time if I'm the only one". In this case two people want to try to fight. I don't think its our job to stop them trying to fight unless they are indeed the only ones when their condition is then satisfied for concession.
Now I don't think they have much chance as Commodore is experiencing real life war wariness, but its not up to the lurkers to call a game. I know I would feel miffed as a players if I wanted to try to fight, but the game was stopped by overzealous lurkers.
I read all of their posts and I do not agree with your takeaway.
I'll PM them separately so they can post to your satisfaction. |