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[SPOILERS] scooter, pindicator, and Huayna Capac try some fast Zulu cuisine

(December 28th, 2012, 09:36)scooter Wrote: I was kind of surprised we got 2xp out of this 99.1% attack, but we did. Cool. Anyways, offer cease fire:

It's 4.00 to 2.00, and XP = FLOOR(4 * Def Str / Att Str) = 4 * 2 / 4 = 2.00 (I'm assuming full HP here): if we had any promotions, it would be 1XP.

(December 28th, 2012, 10:52)NobleHelium Wrote: Yeah but Commodore's aggressive ancestors killed them off. Those bastards.

Lol, Great thread, keep it up!

This will have to be brief - traveling and stuff right now. Commodore rejected cease fire, offered peace:

[Image: t64_commodore_peace.JPG]

Yeah since I totally trust you wouldn't abuse that (rejected, offered cease fire again). North Impi:

[Image: t64_north_impi.JPG]

This guy is 2xp from a cover (or something) promo. If the warrior attacks us, whatever, we just need 1 random xp from anything. If it beelines the city, we can whack it on the forest at what I think will be roughly 90% odds. I'd kinda prefer it just attack us and make it simple, but whatever. South Impi:

[Image: t64_south_impi.JPG]

Well then, there's another coppper. We'll definitely want to settle for this, and we'll want to try to sell it to someone probably. We could sell it to Commo- HAHAHA no we can't. lol

Also, it warms my heart to see the lurker thread lit on fire today. Awesome. I hope you guys are totally picking sides and fighting over which of us is meaner. Neither of us are likely to win at this point, but dangit we will Win The Crowd. (and do it without cheap publicity stunts like double-move drama)

And thanks GreyWolf and Ceiliazul. I should be less snide probably - believe it or not, I'm having fun too. smile

Oh awesome. Let's make sure to claim that copper, yeah. We could maybe sell it to Azza for gpt or something. And I'm pretty sure the warrior will attack us.

For the next turn's moves, the northern impi either heals or chases down the northern barb, and the southern impi moves 2SE?

Anything particular for workers?

Edit: New turn up and from civstats it looks like Commodore planted his city #4.
I will be able to jump in later

Turn 65

We're still at war with Commodore and unless you think it's best to be annoying with Cease Fires then we may as well stay at war. I mean, Cease Fire isn't that far removed from war really.

Also, I need a new mouse.

[Image: y4mAUKSQoCNSKtT6wC1WXnjhCbl-33B8JzhF7X3i...pmode=none]

The right click on my current mouse is starting to go out. So when I selected my impi and went to hover over the warrior to see the odds, the connection interrupted due to faulty hardware and we attacked. We won -- yay! But the mouse malfunction also caused a worker to be moved somewhere less than ideal, so we lost a worker-turn around McDonalds.

The southern impi scouted out the south a bit more.

[Image: y4mrUYGCoNFH1lKeZBkRoDfcdeWr_86oCwdYxV2N...pmode=none]

He should probably heal up next and then head back to the frontline.

Our scout also needs to get lucky next turn:

[Image: y4mnr1II8cNxlxFi1THGxuH8iv-Dai1D9hJOMbHd...pmode=none]

You should always press G and hover over the unit to get odds. DO NOT use right click + hold down, that's just asking for trouble. I use that for regular movement too instead of right clicking.

Oh and I would move the south impi back 2NW before healing up.

Checking in for a quick heads-up. According to Civstats, Lewwyn has razed an Azza city. I popped in real fast and it's Azza's northernmost city. Our horse will be hooked as soon as we complete that road, so next turn if at all possible, log in before Azza and finish the road and offer the horse so that he can get himself a chariot or two to defend himself. Lewwyn razing a new city is one thing, but Lewwyn capturing those nice core cities would be bad.

I'm just assuming at this point that he's finishing Wheel now, so if the horse ends up not mattering for lack of wheel, then I dunno what to say. But we can't afford to give up copper for 10T, so this is the best we can do.

Well on the plus side, Azza will probably not be settling southwards anytime soon.

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