Turn 166 - 1060AD
The biggest thing that happened to Team RB this turn was that Sullla has reached the end of his 'fun' limit. He posted a few times about his current feelings for the game and requested to be relieved. After a few days of back and forth, the following shiny new structure emerged ...
Primary Turn-player/Pilot: NobleHelium
Primary Tactician/Co-Pilot: sunrise089
C&D: kjn
Diplo: scooter
PR @ CFC: Ceiliazul
Obviously, the major change is in the top two positions.
Now, here is a question for you ... when wiki reports on Sullla stepping down after 165 grueling turns, do you think that they will get in as much trouble as when they called the military take over of
Egypt a coup d'etat?
The other question I have for you is ... do you think that our team has been infiltrated by one of the enemy? I think it is fair to say that this request to lengthen the turn timer to 7 weeks is a direct attack on Realms Beyond ... obviously, the team in question is just trying to stretch the turns so that there is more '
muscle car' time that will eventually cause us to self implode.
Ok, to get down to business of reporting this turn ...
Right - report over. You want more? You know that you might have to work for it?
Sunrise reports that CFC finally humbled themselves and agreed to trade us the marble. If only we had a use for it. He also reports that they have 771 gold that we could steal (I don't think that is really a sensible suggestion myself). Oh wait - he has written 'steel gold' on the pic, not 'steal gold'. Ok - Sunrise reports that CFC are saving gold to tech Steel (or they have enough gold now to let loose the research hounds).
There was also an AP stop the CFC/CivFr vote.
He also mentioned the 'Nationalism steal and counter-EP mission have already been mentioned above' but I cannot find any reference to them ... ergo - they didn't happen.
Edit: Ok, they did happen ... but I haven't seen comments about who did it. Of course, I should have checked the C&D thread more closely because kjn reported on the
Nationalism steal (with a postulation that Civplayers are heading towards
Military Tradition as well, but they will need Gunpowder to unlock the cuirassiers) and the
counter EP mission.
Finally, he provides some interesting screenshots illustrating how easy it is for Apolyton to land drafted rifles quickly in old German lands.
Sunrise (again) reports on a frustrating stream run by Noble with the aim of getting his feet well and truly wet. Apparently, there was massive city build changes almost everywhere. It seems we are turning into that old smelly lady that has too many cats.
There were some city micro questions asked ... but I suck at micro so I won't even bother mentioning them here. If you are interested, you'll just have to follow the link above.
Given that I have read ahead before producing this turn report, I feel obliged to say that Sunrise, in the above post, started the 'pillage the roads' stampede.
3] A couple of minor (and odd) things to point out ...
- The marble trade took place on T166
- That trade will have no impact on any in-game mechanic to stop a DOW
- The next GP will pop around 183-ish
- Knights cannot flank cannons (contrary to the Civ4 wiki
- the Bard city (not a mis-type, copied from MWIN because I thought it was funny) is still alive and kicking
4] On the diplo front, we are now prostituting ourselves to CFC by offering them our next GP. I'll report on the results of that offer in my T167 summary.
5] Finally, Noble posted his
T166 review stream ('Most of it is just me narrating stuff related to thought processes and whatnot')
I was going to post a few pics (ie the turn log) but Noble is currently in-game discussing possible T167 changes.
We have two spies in our territory ...
There isn't much that we can do about it. And before everyone starts bleating about getting a chariot down into CFC territory ... someone is turns in front of you ...
It is a C1, Shock chariot (not a sentry chariot). Why? Why isn't it our sentry chariot? Because we only have 1 of those and it is looking into Apolyton land (a much better use if you ask me).
Now - while I am talking sentry chariots ... why do we only have 1? I have been banging on about putting withdrawal on some chariots that had 90+% odds for ages so that we have the option of getting more sentry units. You might not be able to find any posts to that effect (I am sure that they are there) but I know for sure that I have been shouting at my screen about that.
We do have 3 knights that can get the Sentry promotion now. I am not suggesting we do that ... just something to think about. Just in case this war that is coming doesn't come.
We have a boat heading towards some crabs. Crabs that will not be in our territory for a few turns.
By my reckoning, that boat can make the yellow dot before having to turn around and net the crabs.
Finally - I mentioned in the diplo thread that if war on T170 doesn't come to us ... maybe we should take it to them.
Here are the CivPlayer cities that we could hit on the first turn of any war (North on the left, South on the right) ...
They can be hit from the red dots. The center (or centre if you prefer) two cities have 2-3 pikes in them so I don't see those as being nice targets.
BTW - that stupid CFC city has walls. Did anyone else mention that?