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[69] Ginger and Miguelito do as fortune commands

Well, the secret silver bullet is that we're gonna maximize F/H, crawl to Math to secure the best wonder wink
then mass chop forests into scouts for 30gold each, this will let us hit currency, combined with Rep we should escape the tech trap and have some Imp/Exp savings still visible in our demographics. Of course, the tradeoff is that we're not actually chopping now, and we need a lot more workers.
Peace is non-negotiable

(January 17th, 2023, 15:53)Ginger* Wrote: crawl to Math to secure the best wonder wink


I am now fully rooting for you!

(January 17th, 2023, 16:33)Mjmd Wrote:
(January 17th, 2023, 15:53)Ginger* Wrote: crawl to Math to secure the best wonder wink


I am now fully rooting for you!

I think they mean Pyramids, not Hanging Gardens. mischief
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

While I would love to wait for Math before dumping the 10 or so chops we've earmarked into the mids, I'm not sure our tech timetable will actually allow us to afford that without risking the wonder itself. Maybe if we skip Sailing, but three cities definitely want lighthouses, and you need Sailing to actually benefit from OB in most games. Unless we road to Naufragar lmao.

The plan is to use our Stone and and EXP bonus to build, indeed, the Hanging Gardens in the north on our presumed border with Magic Science. Nice thing about that wonder is that like Oracle, it can be used to culture-bomb a border city without becoming an economic target (RIP Gorbachev pb64).

Even if we get our pair of wonders (and nice trickle of Engineer GPP Heysexy ) I'm not super optimistic about our long term economic prospects. Only way to make use of all these plains tiles seems to be serfdom but without SPI, that's a big big ask.
Peace is non-negotiable

Like how to build an economy here is still top of my concerns, especially bc it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to productively bully any neighbors with Joao.

Normally I’d say Monk bc it’s a decent size map and securing the trinity is completely broken, but I don’t have prophet points to bulb Theo or DR
Also Pyramids and a couple luxuries means we probably avoid Monarchy until it’s time to hit Feud.

I suspect Naufragar might try his hand at monk economy being spiritual with an incoming Buddhist shrine (and/or Theo bulb), we could try to time a back stab right around the middle of an AP infra push to steal it out from under him? But I don’t see a decisive tech advantage (fucccckkkking Joao) where we can make that happen, and Nauf is a good and bitter defender
Peace is non-negotiable

I can think of another type of economy  hammer hammer hammer

Well it's tempting to whip up some horchers that could flex between different frontlines, maybe if we get a certain quest wink
Like if you have 3 neighbors, you whip an army, and only one or two of your neighbors follow suit, you kick down the door of the one who skimped. At least that's the success mode of such a campaign. The failure mode is that you are not sufficiently economically developed to integrate and defend your conquests or at worst you get preemptively pincered by the two neighbors who built power in order to prevent a runaway.

Even a successful military campaign has to still increase your odds of winning. I know this sounds like a dumb maxim to follow, but conquest even when you have the ability to do so isn't always the correct investment because it carries new liabilities.
That being said I don't really know how I'm supposed to wage a successful war against Naufragar here given his very strong start and Agg trait. Magic Science or Carthage maybe? Horchers against Carthage sounds particularly appealing.
Peace is non-negotiable

Thoughts on following Nauf to Priesthood after Pottery and stealing the Oracle hitting Math?
It's *excellent* value denial and net neutral for us in terms of tech and probably in terms of hammers given chops.
Plus, it's a possible culture bomb if we build it in red dot (though this gives up the north to Magic Science)
Peace is non-negotiable

I was being nagged for pictures so here ya go ya filthy animals

We settled our third city Javert this turn, with plenty of chops and two food sources, this will likely be the site of our Pyramids push. Building a monument to claim all the forests in BFC, will switch to a granary when Pottery is done

We will stall expansion briefly to build granaries. The exception is that Creon will slowbuild a settler off the sheep and horse (and one chop) for our Moai copper/crab city. I didn't want to settle that backfill while there is still land to claim, but the copper is too good a tile to be unworked, and no additional defense is required unless Bingvac want to get frisky with a Galley (they went sailing super early for being neither ORG for LH or PRO ictr I guess FIN maybe their cap has seafood like ours, still would've gone pottery/granary first imo). I could chalk it up to BING trolling, but Civac has some serious REX/early snowball skills, so I'll be watching with interest.

Here is our aspirational dotmap for the north. The competing interests are that the pink set makes claiming the ivory, dye long-term as well as the stone and wheat short-term quite simple, but forces us to make an awkward reach settle for the sheep and the horse, Magic Science is complicating matters by settling in that direction as well. 

Here is our future southern border with Naufragar. Now the red dot is ideal to claim stone and ivory first ring but will necessitate a city for the deer (marked in black, not actually settling on the deer, but that's the locus of points where we could plant in order to work it). The big problem with red dot is that it is on flat land, reasonably obnoxious* and will probably never control its own diagonal against a city that's started to produce 6 culture per turn from last turn until the end of time. 

So the alternative to permanently staffing spears and pikes on flatland ad infinitum is probably to settle some of the green dots, but that's two cities worth of infra to build and they are quite forkable. I'm not really happy with either solution, of course it depends on Naufragar. 

*I consider the plant obnoxious bc it takes two resources, but the border is not particularly inconvenient for either player, so it probably is livable long term if Nauf swallows his pride. Of course, Nauf is a psycho so he's gonna try to hit it, but if he's gonna be a psycho anyway, we play like Gav, assume hostile intent and provoke on our terms.
 Yee Yee Prisoners Dilemma defaulting twirl

I'm not particularly concerned if we get muscled out of our desired dotmaps by either Nauf or Magic Science, though if both converge we will have some trouble.
Peace is non-negotiable

(January 19th, 2023, 19:15)Ginger* Wrote: this will likely be the site of our Pyramids push.

You spelled Hanging Gardens wrong.

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