From West to East:
Here we have Scooter who is being really smart. He piillaged the town on the island all the way down and used it to fund his research. Now he's going ot settle there and get ICTR which means +2 all the way. He's already settled an island in the north plus has currency and will have 2 +2 TRs per city. Smart. I'm going to do it too.
Also that galley has been annoying me not letting me chop the forest NW of my city. I'm going to move a chariot and axe onto the forest next turn so that I can chop it.
North here:
You can see Scooter's other island with the ivory. I'll show you my preparations to do the same north of Serdoa. Also you can see Brian here. He has the largest military but that axe is just sitting there. I'm going to move my chariot close to him out of sight. If he moves south I'll snipe it. Hopefully it'll escort a settler.
Here you can see Next turn I have a settler build and it will be going south to the gems site. That is a coastal site and I'll have Green Iguana build fishing boats for it.
Also the site to the East will get the pigs and be coastal. That's going to build the galley I'll use to get on the island with the town. That settler is to be whipped next turn.
Current settler moving to the double fish site. Will chop a galley and have the settler that is to be whipped next turn be shipped to the ivory site.
Techwise I am looking to grab CoL for Caste and deny Confu. I still need Sailing which is a 1T tech for me. I may tech it next turn.
Mnnnn, check that out. I'm good in GNP, that's 0%. I'm average in production and finally I'm 2nd in crop. I'm really picking it up. Soldiers I'm not too far behind, not worried, no ones going to mount a serious offensive. Top is Brian and he's more worried about Scooter. Scooter had a galley pillage Brian's fishing nets. I will finish 3 setlers next turn and have 4 moving. I think that'll catch me up on land area.
I think I'm doing just fine. The initial boost of IMP is starting to wear off and I'm right there in the thick of it all. Good demos, settlers on the way and doing great in tech. I should be able to leverage FIN and SPI to get ahead.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”