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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Peter of Byzantium

Email from sullla
Quote:Dear regoarrarr and Team Byzantium,

No problem, we saw your worker (Alexander) on his way back to Byzantine territory. Did he make it back safely? There was a Woodsman I Ottoman warrior (Dice Ibegon) lurking around in the area last we saw.

I like the idea of the "Greek sandwich!" smile We've also been on good terms with Jowy thus far, so maybe we'll indeed be able to make a three-team pact work in the future.

We sent a couple of greeting emails with IKZ, and then they stopped responding to us too. Maybe they'll respond in time? Or maybe Kodii is just concentrating on the RBPB1 game right now...

Keep fighting the good fight!

My reply
Quote:Our worker made his way....oh so close.... before dying this turn to an Ottoman chariot. And by dying I mean being forced into a lifetime of evil servitude.

We did finally hear back from IKZ and I had a nice long chat with IamJohn so I think we're good on that front though I haven't heard back from Jowy lately. Still, I think something like Operation Gyro sounds like something we could be on board with.

That is, if we can ever get rid of this choke. We currently have 2 chariots and a warrior in our territory, pillaging us back to the stone ages.

We plan to possibly put our warrior Spiros (that was sharing a tile with your woody 2 warrior) on the forest to hopefully get his 5th xp from the nearby barb warrior. So if you could move your warrior in such a way that the barb doesn't attack you, that would be nice.

Keep in touch

T61 played.

This turn our western chopping warrior cannot be captured. However he can be captured next turn if the enemy chariot moves onto either hill. The problem is he cannot escape back into the city either. Therefore I propose the following:

*Worker chops this turn (I go ahead and do this since I see no good alternative).

*We slave an archer this turn, which we should be able to do through the end of the turn, right?

*If the chariot moves west onto a hill, during our movement period next turn we 2v1 the chariot with archers and (hopefully) kill it.

Note the general alternative is to move one of our two archers out of the capital now, but I don't think we want to give Athlete a ~10% chance to knock us out of the game.

Spiros was also moved as suggested.

Ah I was thinking that he could cross the river (1 movement point) and then since he was on the road, he could follow the road for 1/2 movement and then take the worker.

But you are correct, of course, since they can't use our roads.

Also, email to Jowy

Quote:Gee thanks for telling us smile I'm a bit dissapointed that I hear about this so late, especially when you've definately told other teams about it! Perhaps you were afraid that I would break our NAP and pile on you. I think this just shows how in low regard you hold us. It's a shame. Had you kept me in the loop, the chances of me breaking the NAP would be much lower smile Anyway, I'm a man of honor and integrity, I won't break the NAP unless you do something really drastic. Good luck in your war.

~ Jowy

Seems kind of odd since I didn't think it had been that long since it happened that I told him, not to mention he should have known already since he has met both of us

Reply back to Jowy

Quote:Apologies for any delay in communication. I was curious so I actually went back and checked. We got the email declaration of war from the treacherous Ottomans on December 5th and they took Paris on Dec 6th. I emailed you on Dec 7th. So for sure, no delay was intended and we did not think that you would break our NAP (though there were some members of the team that were paranoid that we were on the bad side of some sort of tri-partite diplomatic freezeout, as it had been several days since we had heard from either you, the Ottomans or IKZ).

But if there was any perceived delay from my regular super sonic speed of communication :-D, I blame it on having to take a bit of a step back from the game after the way in which the Ottomans declared war. I really felt like that while they did not technically break any rules, they performed their attack in somewhat of an underhanded and dastardly way. Just in pretending to negotiate in good faith while in the meantime chopping and whipping a chariot army, and then you probably saw athlete's post in the email / technical issues thread about having "technical problems" "remoting in", which caused him to "misclick" and send a warrior closer to our border. Which turned out all to be an elaborate lie.

But anyways.... There's more, but it's all in the past and you probably aren't that interested in hearing the ramblings of a broken and defeated old man....

I actually think that this has the opportunity to bring our 2 civs CLOSER together, rather than driving a wedge between us. Obviously, it's not in your best interests to see a dominant Ottoman power with twice the land of anyone else. And since we have been crippled and hamstrung with very little chance of actually winning the game, we are much less of a threat to you and IMO make the perfect allies. I can see it very likely down the road that we would do all that we could to support your candidacy for world domination, as long as it is at the expense of the Ottomans. You have much less to fear from us than say the IKZers, who are going to be one of your prime competitors for winner in this game.

What all have you heard from Sullla of the Indians? They have contacted us and our relations are decent. They spoke highly of you guys and we threw out the idea of maybe some sort of cooperation between our 3 nations. I don't know what your thoughts are on that, or how close they are to your borders if it would even make sense or not.

Anyways, hope to hear from you soon

And I think that we should whip the archer this turn, and we should heavily investigate a 2v1 no matter where the chariot moves.

Okayi I logged in. Chariot did in fact move to the mined hill W of Athens. Warrior also moved to the hill SW of Athens. Both threaten our worker.

I did whip the archer, so next turn we will have 3 archers in Athens. I will run some sims to see what our odds look like to kill the chariot.

We will be at 21/25 for a 4th archer next turn thanks to overflow, so we should get the 4th one the turn after next

Hmm...somehow you were able to whip the Archer after sunrise ended our turn (at least according to the log on civstats). That's odd, I didn't realize you could do that. Anyway, I think we need a reload as that's not legal.


Well sunrise and I talked about that - see email / technical thread.

If we're reloading, I request to reload to our part of the turn so we can whip, as that was our intention.

Here is a timeline.

12/9 @ 17:41 - regoarrarr first suggests whipping the archer the turn in question.
12/9 @ 20:14 - turn flips and regoarrarr debates whipping this turn or next and asks for clarification
12/10 @ 2:25 am - sunrise gives the turn report and says "*We slave an archer this turn, which we should be able to do through the end of the turn, right?"
12/120 @ 8:24 am - Ottomans move
12/10 @ 8:42 am - regoarrarr suggests slaving the archer this turn (without having logged in to see any Ottoman moves)
12/10 @ 9:58 am - regoarrarr logs in and whips the archer.

Not sure how much of this we should post in the email thread. It's kind of odd because I feel like we didn't act in good faith as we thought we could whip the archer.

If we reload (and that looks likely) I think we should reload to a time when it is "our" turn so we can whip. And then allow them to move or not move as desired.

I would prefer to stay out of the public thread as I feel like I am already getting crucified from everyone as some sort of cheater / rules-bender. frown

regoarrarr Wrote:I would prefer to stay out of the public thread as I feel like I am already getting crucified from everyone as some sort of cheater / rules-bender. frown


I must say the hard time you're getting is rather silly: after all you did offer to reload the turn* which is what dsp agreed to do in exactly the same situation (legal, but dodgy move) but Exploit refused.

*not strictly relevant but that was the standard fix in the Poly game too.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:alright

I must say the hard time you're getting is rather silly: after all you did offer to reload the turn* which is what dsp agreed to do in exactly the same situation (legal, but dodgy move) but Exploit refused.

*not strictly relevant but that was the standard fix in the Poly game too.

Thanks Swiss!!!!

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