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a quick WW poll

How would quotes work?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


would ignore anything within a quote tag (although this is harder than it looks because the [quote] tags don't show up in the view of the thread - ill have to look at it) - allowing you to quote other's posts freely
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

Yeah, it would require some work. I think we could do it though.

I think the hardest part would be player mistakes. People breaking the quote tags and people voting in the wrong color because they clicked the damn orange color next to red.

which is why i think using just a text string to trigger a read is best, like ^VOTE=Waterbat^ or something. ensuring spelling is an issue then though.

I assure you that it'll be harder for some people to follow that than to get the correct color. Also, that's less human-readable.

(January 11th, 2013, 02:04)NobleHelium Wrote: I think the hardest part would be player mistakes. People breaking the quote tags and people voting in the wrong color because they clicked the damn orange color next to red.

This dito

Also - typos, inability to spell a nick (like Qgqqqqq which I can only do by very careful counting & I'm a good typer/speller), names we almost all abbreviate but aren't consistent about (most of the time people don't type out MNG's actual forum handle but sometimes people do, to pick the first example I thought of). There's a lot of places at the moment where the GM makes judgement calls on who a player is voting for (even if some of that is subconscious).

I'm not sure enforcing accuracy on the players is a kind solution, it's just frustrating for those who mistype etc. Tho it might get rid of the last minute votes - coz if you can't type it fast & accurately you're not changing your mind right at the very end lol

(edit: I like the idea of automating it, I'm just not sure it works in practice without forcing players to jump through hoops. And not everyone will find the hoops as easy as everyone else.)
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Maybe we could make a custom [vote] tag. Then format those tags in a unique color or something that's easy to recognize unambiguously, and count all votes as they are written. It would then be up to the mod to merge votes for e.g. MNG and Mr. Nice Guy. There could of course be a set of predefined synonyms, too.

The problem of broken quotes still remains. Usually people notice when they make formatting mistakes, though, even if it is after they have submitted their post. So they can just correct their vote in the next post if they do make a mistake. The mod would be the final judge of which votes should count or not, anyway.

I suppose it's also possible to require that all votes are in a post of their own. Might take some getting used to and feel a bit spammish, but it would also make rereading easier when you're just skimming for voting trends.
If you know what I mean.

(January 11th, 2013, 03:14)zakalwe Wrote: Maybe we could make a custom [vote] tag. Then format those tags in a unique color or something that's easy to recognize unambiguously, and count all votes as they are written. It would then be up to the mod to merge votes for e.g. MNG and Mr. Nice Guy. There could of course be a set of predefined synonyms, too.

The problem of broken quotes still remains. Usually people notice when they make formatting mistakes, though, even if it is after they have submitted their post. So they can just correct their vote in the next post if they do make a mistake. The mod would be the final judge of which votes should count or not, anyway.

I suppose it's also possible to require that all votes are in a post of their own. Might take some getting used to and feel a bit spammish, but it would also make rereading easier when you're just skimming for voting trends.

I really like the vote tag idea, to have it look seperate and be easier to parse. And yeah there would be predefined synonyms that could be manually set, so it'll read MNG or Mr. nice Guy, and either zakalwe or zak or Zak or whatever. It does seem like broken quotes would be the hardest thing to watch out for.

I guess we could make voting a seperate post thing, that might be unwieldy but it would definitely fix that problem. Just make a rule no quoting vote posts.

Ya know, if we make a bot that auto tallies votes, it would be easy to have that post a death post at end of day too. And make it read PMs to record night actions. Heck, we cold have the whole game automated :P

I think this is a lot of work and I'm not sure its even a good idea. There is something to be said for making villagers put effort in themselves, and not just having it handed to them on a platter. I know scum has won a lot of games lately, but the pendulum will swing back, and I feel like something like this will make things too difficult for them in the future.

also, its a useful tell sometimes how much effort a villager is willing to put into "research" tongue
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