Suggested city names:
Cry Me A River
The Ocean
Beyond the Sea
On the Beach
At the River
Fields of Gold
Echo Beach
Cry Me A River
The Ocean
Beyond the Sea
On the Beach
At the River
Fields of Gold
Echo Beach
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
[PB62 Mjmd] Let the Bullgine Run!
Suggested city names:
Cry Me A River The Ocean Beyond the Sea On the Beach At the River Fields of Gold Echo Beach
With all the grains in the BFC you should call it "The River Saskatchewan" after this famous Canadian ballad:
(October 20th, 2021, 17:37)Thoth Wrote: With all the grains in the BFC you should call it "The River Saskatchewan" after this famous Canadian ballad: I know that song as the Last Bristalion Pirate . Literally same song (90%). It is on my list, but it has been moved up. Thanks for including links (goes to lookup Krills 7). Barge ballad is also a river song about lots of food (which this city can share quite a bit; speaking of #1 in food T31 by 1). Also about an experienced captain (Pin) and a learning barge lad who sounds like hes doing most of the actual work (me)
Krill - I'm looking for sea shanties or at least sea shanty adjacent (with a fairly wide margin; folk songs sometimes make it in). I even except modern spins. Speaking of people who didn't understand the assignment. Commodore I guess I requested my copper not be pointed at anyone............ BUT UM ![]() ![]() I guess if I had had to choose the WORST possible 3rd ring spot for copper it would have been the desert hill..... that being said, Commodore chose the 2nd worst tile!!!! Like ya I had a filler planned up there to farm the grassland tiles, but it was SOOO filler that even on a map this tight I hadn't put it in the dot map yet ![]() Glances at Vanrober. Was that just IN his original BFC?!?! Like I don't understand the balance here. Currently has options of new food to grab with his (a novel and strange concept). I'm hoping he settled on the 'please spot'. Bings I don't know food situation, but at least its ON a river, so you know better than mine. Oh btw I don't know if I calculated tiles wrong, but that is indeed the Dutch to the NW. I'll meet next turn. Edit: because I refrained from expletives, just to be very clear: I AM PISSED.
That overview really shows how awful our starting position is. We only have good food in ONE direction: to our west, and that is very difficult to defend. Meanwhile our north is pretty much a barren wasteland: between the lake in the northwest, desert in the northeast, and 1 decent food tile among lots of bad tiles in the north on most maps that would be an afterthought. There's good tiles to the east but no food. There's a wet rice 5 tiles to the southeast, but again - hard to defend.
This maps sucks.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player
Went on a hike with my kids today. Was a pretty fall day here.
Tarkleel power SHOT up. I'm not too worried. There are forests and hills between and no reason for him to come this way (I'll also have skirmishers before he could make it). Anyways before things get hot, lets ponder how Commodore managed with 120 tiles / players to get people 9 tiles from each other and give me 5 neighbors. If you look back at the PB49 map, which as a reminder had LESS tiles / player and also 12 tiles between AND fewer neighbors, the answer is pretty simple. The answer is even simpler if you look back at a map like PB60 which was also 120 tiles / player but had 23!!! tiles between caps and room for 17ish unopposed cities (vs not even 1 between each players cap in this map). You could also take the step and simulate a whole bunch of small lakes maps and compare. Anyways, simple answer is Commodore didn't put a lot of water / lakes in. I've seen 2. The one nearest me is small and other doesn't look a lot bigger. It looks like there are less lakes than players. Less water naturally dilutes the tiles / player number making it tighter and also gives more neighbors (as there aren't geographical boundary features). The easiest solution of course would have been to give each player a lake (one my size) and then maybe put a another couple minimum lighthouse size lakes to break people up a bit as well. You could still get it tight (if that was the goal; I personally don't think of 120/player as tight) and put 10 tiles apart, but could reduce the number of neighbors and give people a bit more room. Anyways, last map comment. I'm just assuming that copper was randomly generated and nobody looked at how awful it truly was and moving on. Only nice fall days from here right? That's how seasons work I think.
I reward lurker interaction. Although using Last Bristilian instead of Thoths as its less obviously a joke song (evidently it is based on The Last Saskatchewan Pirate, which is a modern joke shanty; which neither would probably make it in normally, but LURKERS!!!). ![]() Anyways, Vanrober hopefully won't be unhappy about putting a city (checks notes) 3 tiles from my capital....... Some of you may have noticed that this doesn't line up with micro shown earlier. So I may have simmed out a chariot rush pre knowing Van settled ON copper (Van you can 75% blame these thoughts on Pin). Anyways, based on that micro work to get horse connected sooner came up with micro that didn't require a chop and got city going sooner. It also means capital didn't grow as much and road network is a bit more awkward, but ah well. I'm first to 3 cities that I can see and I doubt SD beat me to it. Mind the rest of the world seems to have other things on its mind ![]() ![]() ![]() Just a quick note for the sake of PB56, remind players that if they are dying they should be teching archery and NOT pottery ( ![]() |