Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Yeah, there's really no reason to offer multiple gpt gifts on the same turn.

NobleHelium Wrote:Yeah, there's really no reason to offer multiple gpt gifts on the same turn.

Of course there is! Since when is "to make a million gold" not a reason? But you mean there's no legitimate reason, eh? Here are a few.

You've promised to given a certain player 50gpt starting on a certain turn. But a third party conquered your city that was going to pop the great person enabling the golden age that would let you swap into caste system to run the necessary merchants. So now your golden age is 5 turns late, because you had to get the GP elsewhere, but you still owe them money, but you won't have the gpt until next turn. So this turn you make two offers of 25gpt which is what you have, knowing with complete certainty that next turn you'll get a GP, pop the golden age, swap into caste, and have enough income to cover both trades.

Still not legitimate?

OK, it's a no talking game and you've just been surprise attacked by knights. You don't have iron, but every other player does. If you only had iron, you could build pikemen, and maybe survive; without it you're screwed. So you offer 20gpt for iron to every other player in the game, hoping at least one of them will bite. If multiple do, you'll be paying more than you wanted (maybe you'll have to build wealth in a few cities) but it's worth it for the increased chance of being able to defend yourself at all.

You make it sound so simple, if you offer gpt to more than one player it's bad, otherwise it's ok, but it's not simple.


I meant to the same player by the way.

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