Ok, so what to do next? I see the following priorities:
1.) Decide on the next techs (easy) and on the order to get them (uh...).
2.) Decide which cities are contributing to research and which are building units. Subsequently, decide on what to build in which city. Keep 1.) in mind for what will be available.
3.) Decide which cities to settle next and when.
4.) Decide on worker actions to help with all that outlined in the first 3 points.
So, to be quite honest, we are slowly but surely reaching the time of the game where I struggle the most. I think I do play a pretty good early game - if I don't try anything fancy and do C&D, so that I have a feeling what my position is relative to the others - but comes mid-game I start to have too many options and normally instead of beelining to the strongest I do from all a little bit (see PBEM25 and losing Shewdagon Paya). I will try to change that this game.
First misconception I have to get rid of: I do not have to win this game by the time Knights come around. In fact, I can defend all game long if I want and actually - leading the game - that is probably my best course of action!
Ok, lets look at research:
HBR was finished this turn and I have all of the first 6 techs. What other techs do I want?
1. Metal Casting[/SIZE]
Defense: Triremes will probably be the most advanced seafaring units for quite some time. Right now though, afaik no one except Commodore can build those. And he has ... better things to do.
Infrastructure: Forges are the only way to get more production via buildings for quite some time. Those would be a foregone conclusion if I was IND. Being PHI/IMP though, I have to invest the full 80 hammers into them. Thats nearly 2 settlers. Also I don't need the happy right now.
Others: MC also opens Colossus and workshops. I'm not sure if I could get Colossus, even if I straight beelined right now for it. I'll need 4 turns research + 6-7 turns build time (Forge + Colossus) and I would expect Commist to have it finished by then. On the other hand... I would have expected them to have it finished like 10 turns ago.
Workshops are another benefit. Though not right now. I'll need at least Guilds and Chemistry (I don't think I can leave Slavery for Caste yet) before they are really worth it, imo.
Viking Conclusion: Good tech, but not first priority.
2. Construction[/SIZE]
Defense: Catapults and WE. Thats my defense for Commist and I need it in like 15 turns. Maybe 20 now. I've talked quite a bit about that I feel, so no need to rehash it.
Infrastructure: Just Colosseums. +1 Happy for 53 hammers. I still need no happy and even if I would, I'd rather get my source of Gems and build Forges for an additional 3 happy (+1 gold via forge, +1 gems, +1 gems via Forge) then a Colosseum.
Others: With this I can build bridges. Thats nothing I need right this second, but I certainly want it before any real wars start.
Viking Conclusion: Necessary but not necessarily the next tech. It is half researched though, so can be 1-turned with not too much difficulty.
[SIZE="3"]3. Banking[/SIZE]
Defense: None, none at all.
Infrastructure: Banks. +50% Gold. My cap is making 17 gold right now (6 GM, 5 GP, 6 from 2x Merchant spec.). I want to get a market in there for an additional 2 merchant specialists, making it a total of 23 gold / turn. Market, Grocer, Bank should push that to 46 gold / turn. Right now my empire costs ~84 gold per turn.
Others: Mercantilism. In a SE (I still have not build a single cottage...). With Pyramids.
I need that like tomorrow. Thats +66 beakers right there. And my break-even is somewhere around 80. Thats basically doubling my research. W A N T !
Viking Conclusion: Get it ASAP! That unfortunately means still some way to go as I need at least Poly -> PH -> Monarchy -> Feudalism -> MC -> Machinery -> Guilds before I can tech it. Thats 3489 beakers till I have it. With the typical 20% break-req bonus that means 2908 raw beakers. I do 80 / turn. Thats 36 turns
Getting a GM last turn would have given me the opportunity to bulb Banking, shaving off some of those turns. Well, can't have everything.
[SIZE="3"]4. Feudalism[/SIZE]
Defense: Longbows. I'll flash a few together with a WE at Commist and hope he doesn't even come for me... yeah, right, that'll work
Well, no matter what happens, several of those will hold a hill city. And if he dares to enter my culture, he will get catapulted and elephanted to death. To top it off, I get Vassalage, so that I can have 5XP units out of the gate - Guerilla I+II for example, giving +50% defenses (used against me in PBEM25).
Infrastructure: Nah, we need no stinking infrastructure.
Others: Apar from Vassalage, also Serfdom is to be found here. Though I don't see why I would ever adopt Serfdom over Slavery or Caste System. Both are better imo.
Viking Conclusion: Like Construction necessary. Unlike Construction on the way to Banking and mandatory for it. So yeah, we'll be getting this, and soon.
[SIZE="3"]5. Literature[/SIZE]
Defense: None.
Infrastructure: HE, NE, TGL. I want NE - in fact, I might beeline for it right away thinking about it. Thats my best shot in producing even more GP, especially if I can land TGL as well. Of course that makes Marble more desirable. Much more desirable in fact. With Marble and some timing, TGL will be a 4-turn build in the capital. As for HE, well, I miss a unit with the necessary XP for it right now, otherwise of course it would be great to have it.
Others: None. Directly at least. Indirectly I could push for Music afterwards for the GA. A GA-bomb right when Commist comes might very well be enough to let me kill his stack unexpectedly. Alternatively I could use him for a GA. I should make 31 base GPP in the cap at that point (2x scientist TGL, 2x scientiest from Lib-slots, 4x merchant from Market and Grocer, 2 for SH, 2 for TGL, 1 for NE, 2 from Mids). With NE, PHI and a GA thats 124 / turn. I'd probably be able to get 2.5 GP just from the cap in the GA.
Viking Conclusion: Either completely ignore it or push for it early.
[SIZE="3"]6. Code of Laws[/SIZE]
Defense: None or maybe 25% per city if I build Chichen Itza. I guess those 25% are only working pre-GP though? Anyhow, that might still be worthwhile, making a hill city LB a str 19.5 unit (6 base +25% for city, 25% for fortify, 50% for Guerilla II, 25% for being on a hill, 25% due to the hill, 50% for walls, 25% for Chichen Itza). Nah, who am I kidding? Thats 5 more LBs instead for those hammers.
Infrastructure: Courthouses. Some more Espionage wouldn't hurt but it is also not really necessary right now. The maintenance reduction is nice, but I am paying right now ~50 gold in maintenance. If I would build a Courthouse in every city, that would save 25 gold. For 880 hammers. Thats payback in 35 turns. Not sure on that one.
Others: Confu is still available. And it would get me Caste System as well. Now, I really want to get a religion sooner or later, but for Pacifism I need Philo (Taoism) anyway and so Theology might still be the wiser choice. Though as of now, I won't have time to spread any religion - survival is most important right now.
Viking Conclusion: Right now if I want to secure this religion, otherwise sometimes much later.
[SIZE="3"]7. Calendar[/SIZE]
Defense: None.
Infrastructure: MoM. Thats it. But thats a big wonder. +50% GA-lenght is strong, really strong. I missed out on this in PBEM25 by (if memory serves) 2-3 turns. That hurt... a lot. My whole defensive plan was reliant on being in 3 consecutive extra-long GAs. Missing out meant coming short on getting Grenadiers before my first defensive attack (
) and made me overall a much, much easier target. That said, I don't want to rely my gameplan on a single-wonder again, but if I can get this one, I will do it. That strenghtens the case for Marble again.
Others: I can build Plantation, finally getting the happy from the Incense. I have also Dyes and Spices in my borders and should soon get Bananas and Silks into them as well. Yeah, I guess this would be a good tech to get soon.
Viking Conclusion: Probably should tech it soon if I want to secure MoM. If not, then I probably should push it back till after Banking.
[SIZE="3"]8. Gunpodwer[/SIZE]
Defense: Well, Muskets. Fortified in a hill city with Guerilla II and just 40% cultural defenses (should be doable with Merc) should make them 21.6 strenght. This won't be penetrated for quite some time without extreme numbers or catapults. And if slow-movers are involved the defender can always attack first.
Infrastructure: None.
Others: Nothing of importance.
Viking Conclusion: Get it after Banking.