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[SPOILERS] Khan's Thread

Thoth culture victory progress:

Culture Graph:


Auro got Cumbustion and Thoth got Railroads. Seen one transport from Auro, and a few airships too. 

He's also getting frisky over here with some galleons and cavs inside Kituhwa:

I put some Infantry and Cavs inside King, he'll be able to see that with airships, so he'll know that I know about his units in Kituhwa.

Meanwhile, I decided I just need to rush through techs as fast as possible, and thanks to some fail-gold from the Kremlin, that Alhazard got last turn, I'll be able to get Combustion in two turns. 1 Turn at normal 100% science, then next turn building research/gold where needed to finish it off.

My power continues to climb faster than anyone else's, but my expenses are growing by ~10 gold each turn.

nothing that much interesting, although somehow I had more money at the beginning of this turn than I thought I should.

Victory Screen



Power Graph for funsies:

About the money thing. Looking at last turn I had 887 and was going to lose 468.

This turn I had 516? That is not what I should have had. I'm not really complaining as asking how that could have happened.

Anyway, got Combustion. My next turns are going to be saving cash for the Industrialism run, and preparing to get as much overflow as possible for the turn I get it, so I can make as many tanks as possible that turn.

Not much to say, so I'm just going to put the usual victory screen and techs in spoilers.

Al got Democracy and Thoth got Economics. Auro is currently saving cash. I got Combustion as planned.

The ex-OH city of Astley II revolted over to me. It comes with a courthouse, a bunch of towns, and a pair of free Infantry  dancing

Another city of mine is being culturally crushed by some of Thoth's cities, I've been forced to keep it building culture to try and compete, but it's getting bad. I'm starving down a city to hurry my next GP, but I'll only have a 1/3 chance of getting an Artist. The other options are going to be Spy or Engineer. A GSpy I'll infiltrate one of Thoth's cities so I can swap my focus over to Auro, atm I can't see either of their techs, I'm even running 20% on the slider this turn to try and get Thoth's. The Engineer will sit uselessly for a while until I can use it on something like Christo Redentor or the Eiffel Tower.

Here's techs:

Al got Steam Power and Thoth got Corporation, which means that Assembly Line is next and I'm going to start losing my hammer edge. I need to get to Industrialism fast and get the Tanks I'll need to attack Thoth. I feel like I'm in an impossible situation. I need to attack Thoth to prevent him from winning with Culture, but I also need to have enough military to defend against Auro, his apparent puppet. Meanwhile my own "ally" Alhazard seems content to sit around and play defensively. He's building up a pretty large military, but so much of it is Rifles, and not the Cavs he'd need to launch an offensive. Things are looking grim.

Only thing of note is Auro got Philosophy and Liberalism the last two turns, so he's probably going for Communism. Thoth is teching Assembly Line, but slowly while saving cash, while I built up a whole lot of case last turn and I'm going all out for Industrialism. ETA 3 turns, then it's Tanks Tanks Tanks.

Tanks and Marines are being built, and I got another free city (and free couple of Infantry):

I'm continuing to build up for an attack on Thoth. He's also building units, Machine-guns mostly. Not the most effective defenders against Tanks or Marines. Auro teched to Assembly Line and Communism.

I'm mainly posting to complain about this:

All those wasted hammers  rant  rant The only thing to dump them into is Broadway, not the most useful wonder, and a-tank-a-turn is more important anyway, but it still pains me.

well work the lake and gave hammer to other city...

(December 6th, 2017, 05:01)mackoti Wrote: well work the lake and gave hammer to other city...

The other city doesn't really have a citizen to spare, I'd have to swap out a town, and the ironworks city doesn't have as many commerce modifiers, and I don't have the time to build that observatory (what's more important right now? Maximising efficiency or another tank?) Also, if I did that I wouldn't have as much to complain about...

Edit: although I'm not even teching right now, so I still probably should...  smoke

Windmill over a mine?

Well, the reality is that I had been almost exclusively putting both cities on wealth/research builds to avoid this kind of waste. But now, I need the tanks, especially the West point 3-promo ones. I suppose now I'm finished railroading I have the worker labour available to windmill the mines for a bit, pre-mining them again for when I want to build the Eiffel Tower and Christo Redentor. I may just go back on wealth builds as I'm going to have to upgrade my entire fleet soon...

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