Yeah, I'm still planning on finishing The Enlightenment policy at the end of this upcoming turn (Turn 130), which will then set up policy swaps for both Rome and China on Turn 131. We will know by then whether Russia/Germany have accepted or rejected our Declaration of Friendship offer, and we can choose policies accordingly. I'll go ahead and send a Friendship offer to TheArchduke on my turn as well, just so that they know this wasn't a one-off thing. It's pretty funny that Singaboy couldn't send Germany a Declaration of Friendship offer because he'd already been denounced.
Now that I've had another night to sleep on this, I'm more convinced than ever that a war with Russia/Germany isn't in our best interests right now. The short answer is that TheArchduke and EmperorK have done an excellent job of setting themselves up to defend their territory. TheArchduke raised more gold than I expected he would be able to put together for upgrades, and EmperorK amassed more faith than I thought he could get. A big war between us right now looks like it would be highly damaging to both sides, and I don't think we should opt into that if we can avoid it.
Since it's me posting, you get a longer answer as well. The dynamics of this game are pretty interesting: three teams, all of them with a legitimate chance of winning. The ideal scenario would be to team up with another team to take down the third team; being on the "2" side of a 2 vs 1 dynamic is always desirable. However, since we are currently winning the game in most every category (score, science research, military strength, etc.) it's going to be nearly impossible to pull off the diplomatic coup of having an ally work together with us. The best that we can likely hope for is to face only one opponent at a time. We signed a Declaration of Friendship with England/Nubia earlier under the hope that they would work together with us against Russia/Germany, but they have since rejected all of our offers for additional Declarations of Friendship or alliances... or even resource trades! So no help coming from that direction. I suspect that they would really like to see us attack Russia/Germany right now and side on the sidelines while we smash each other up pretty good.
However, we're under no obligation to fight Russia/Germany if we don't want to do so. I thought before that it was in our best interests because we could hit Germany with our huge military and deal crushing damage before England/Nubia came in to assist them. That assumption falls apart if we can't defeat Germany quickly though, and I don't see us being able to do that right now. In the three team scenario we have right now, the second-best scenario from being on the happy side of the 2 vs 1 is to be sitting on the sidelines avoiding warfare while your two rivals fight against one another. England/Nubia was setting themselves up to be in that scenario, and I don't see why we have to opt into giving them their dream outcome. England/Nubia is the weakest of the three teams from an economic perspective, and there's a strong case to be made that they are the ones to target first if possible. We do not have a tech edge on Germany, but we absolutely can get a tech edge on England and Nubia. Add in the Venetian Arsenal, and there's a major incentive not to let them sit back and build up for a long period of time.
We also have to consider the role of geography here. Our border with Germany is minimal, a small isthmus between our lands, and both sides have fortified it with heavy defenses. We basically have an equitable split of the land and no real conflicts there - both sides have been content to let the other keep what they currently have thus far. I think it would be very difficult to capture territory from Germany and hold it permanently, especially with Russia having Defender of the Faith protection throughout a good chunk of their continent. Now if this were a 1 vs 1 game, I would be content with razing their cities and that being the end of it. Hurting them would be all we need to accomplish. However, this isn't a 1 vs 1 game because we have three teams. Therefore we need to have the goal of strengthening ourselves in warfare, not just expending resources to hurt another team. It's not enough to burn cities down alone, we need to get something out of our investment into units and upgrades. Right now, I don't see enough of an opportunity to do that on the German/Russian continent. Conversely, I think we have ample opportunity to take more land from Nubia and England in former Khmer territory. The frontier is wide open there and there's no pesky Defender of the Faith to worry about. Add in the possibility to attacking with a tech lead, and it looks like a much, much more attractive proposition.
On the tech front, the key question is whether we can get to Steel tech by Turn 146. That opens up two huge units for us: battleships and artillery. Battleships are the kings of the sea, with 70 ranged strength and 3 range firing ability. We've never seen them yet on a large scale in a PBEM game (just the little taste of the Minas Geraes in PBEM4) and they're just the ticket to take down England's navy. They require coal though (from Industrialization tech) and the boost for Steel involves having at least one ironclad present, so you pretty much have to go deep onto the top side of the tech tree to Steam Power to claim them. If we can deploy battleships for a Turn 146 attack though, I think we can sweep the eastern sea of all English cities present there. The other unit at Steel, artillery, is a monster in its own right. Catapults and bombards are pretty lousy units because of their "cannot move and shoot" ability, but artillery get around that with their 3 range ability and 80 (!) ranged strength. (They get -17 strength against units but deal full damage against cities and districts.) If we can somehow get to Flight tech for observation balloons, that expands to 4 range and becomes absurd. And with Logistics policy, you actually can get +1 movement in your own territory and move and shoot with artillery - they actually require "2 movement" points to fire, and additional movement points from Great Generals or Logistics let them get around their disadvantage. And obviously artillery are amazing at destroying the defenses of enemy cities. If it looks like we can make it to Steel tech, we might want to faith-purchase some additional bombards for upgrading. That's a long, long ways off but we should keep it in mind.
Can we make it to Steel by Turn 146? We need the following techs:
Industrialization: 845 science, will not boost
Steam Power: 970 science, will not boost
Military Science: 845 science, already have boost (422 science)
Rifling: 970 science, already have boost (485 science)
Steel: 1140 science, easy to boost (570 science)
We have about 250 beakers already invested into Industrialization; if we get no boosts at all, that leaves us with roughly 3000 beakers needed to be researched. We would need to average 190 beakers/turn to research all of that in the next 16 turns, so that's clearly not happening. (Darwin would have been REALLY helpful here, sigh.) Unless... if we could land the boost for Industrialization or Steam Power with the current Great Scientist, that would save us 500ish beakers and make this a lot more doable. That would mean that we'd only need to average a little over 150 beakers/turn, and while that's also not going to happen, it does mean that Rome could likely hit Steel tech shortly after Turn 146, in time to have a very meaningful impact. We're going to need to cross our fingers and hope we can land the boost to either Industrialization or Steam Power, which to be fair is 50/50 odds and not a bad chance. Obviously Rome's science output will also be increasing over the upcoming turns as more cities build libraries/universities and Rationalism gets slotted into place.
I should also point out that England is currently making 65 beakers/turn (and Nubia making 89 beakers/turn), plus they are about 4-5 techs behind us, so they are ENORMOUSLY far away from reaching Steel tech. That's another reason why I think this potential war looks like a better option than the one we have in front of us right now. Always try to avoid fighting an opponent at equal tech if possible, and we do not have a tech edge over Russia/Germany at the moment.
Anyway, I hope all of this sheds some additional light on what I've been thinking. I hate to jump around like this, doing war planning for the last two weeks and then suddenly backing off at the last minute. However, if you can't change your decisions to account for changing circumstances, then you're likely to run into disaster. The case for attacking Russia/Germany made sense 5 turns ago when Germany had 86 gold in the bank; it doesn't make sense when Germany has 2500 gold for upgrades and Russia can fire out faith-purchased units left and right for defense. Sorry to all of you reading along - I know you wanted more Blood for the Blood God.
Maybe you'll still get your wish and Russia/Germany will reject our offer. Since they offered the same deal to us just two turns ago, I think they'll accept though. We'll know later today. (Or at least Singaboy and I will - you guys already know their answer, heh.)