Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB62] naufragar and Rusten earn their wage in rostygold

Scout survived the wolf attack with no wounds and can take Woodsman 1 next turn.

My cursor is over the marked tile; Bing's on a fresh water lake. Speaking of, he stopped splitting his EP and his directing them all into his other neighbor, which is a cheery sign.

Demos shows someone with 11food. Got to be a workboat->size 2 opening.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

I could've sworn vision rules worked differently:

Ugh. Wasted scouting move.

By the way, since I remembered that CtH shows this info...

yikes Holy smokes. Bing going for AH before Bronze could be innocent or could be the prelude to a chariot rush... Not an easy game.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

He started with agriculture and the wet corn is untouched so he must have pigs or something in his BFC that he went to improve first. I wouldn't panic just yet.

Yo, Comm, wtf?

I thought you were ride or die with the cylinders.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

That's shocking! eek

Good for us though as it means more sneaky angles with boats.

I see that we've reached the critical stage from the sandbox. You remember how to grow exactly to size 3, right?

Yeah. I had actually wanted to spend the turn report gushing about how elegant your plan is. The warrior completes. The overflow dumps into a worker. We spend one more turn on the worker. The next turn the Deer camp completes putting us at +8 food, which cuts our time to grow from 2 turns to 1 exactly, so we switch off the worker to a warrior and grow to size 3. Then we resume the worker while the worker on the Deer puts a couple turns into the furs camp. It's delightfully elegant. I've been doing some demos reading and I'll have that up in about 30 seconds.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

As I said in the previous post, I wanted to make Rusten's opening clear to lurkers. Instead I need to puzzle aloud about Bing's graphs. We got his graphs this turn, helped by him putting his EP into someone we still haven't met. I'll go from least confusing to most.

Least confusing:

No sweat. Bing completes Animal Husbandry right when he should. Notice that on this graph he has not grown a pop point yet.

Still not confusing. (Mfg and Crop Together)

As you can see from my notes, Bing moves from a 2/1 tile to a 3/0 tile. (I believe I can confidently say he settled on a plains hill given the fog reading in our previous screenshots.)

The GNP graph is where things get strange.

Things to note: that 3f/0h tile gives no extra commerce unless I've made a serious error somewhere. Since we know he switched to this 3/0 tile after borders expand, I'm assuming it's a flat grassland pig, and it required a full turn of worker movement to reach. This means we should see a +3 food jump on the graph next turn. (I admit I didn't count it out, but I'm pretty sure he does not grow next turn as well.)

The weirdness is that we already see a +1GNP tick on his graph. To my knowledge, he has not started working a tile with improved commerce. (If he improved a sheep, he would have +commerce but also +food.) I don't think he could have completed mining yet, and even if he did, if his next text were BW, he should be showing +2GNP. I have no idea how to explain this bump. I even thought about a monument, but the timing doesn't work out. (Also it would be surprising.)

I'll think more and come back to this. Oh, also, I'm trying to see if there's a North-South land route. I think there is. Rough counting says the X-axis is something like 32 tiles across. That's about right for Torusland and Great Plains but too small for others like Highlands and Continents. (It really looks like a Highlands map but the dimensions don't fit.) I'll keep working on this later too.
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

Known tech bonus?

(October 13th, 2021, 13:02)DaveV Wrote: Known tech bonus?

Possibly. According to Civfanatics, known tech bonus is 0.3*(known civs with tech/starting civs), so it would have to be multiple people. And I'm not sure if it rounds or truncates, so Bing would have to know 2 or 3 other people with Mining. (I'm assuming Mining, but it seems a safe assumption.)
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

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