me: are you happier with willem of maya over darius of sumeria?
or cre vs org
building wise we will have libraries in most places and ball courts will be popular too
org gives us lighthouses and ziggurants
I looked back over the 17 threads
maintenance wasn't crazy there
Krill: it wasn't, no
but that had intercontinental trade routes
this won't have them
me: true
I'll be surprised if we aren't settling the islands.
so org will be good
being able to place cities in the best spots long term over short term gain is useful
Krill: I think we can still take Sumeria
me: willem of sumeria?
is the zig cheaper than a ch?
Krill: yeah
me: 60h?
Krill: 30 hammers cheaper
me: so by taking willem of sumeria we have cheaper ch's, libs, lh's, factories
Krill: and earlier ch
me: yeah - i don't know how important that is in the long run as will we be building any that early?
i like the ep situation it gives us though
Krill: You guys know I never build libraries
and go horizontal
me: we will have good intel
do you think some of the others are around to run it by?
Krill: just poast to forum
We have to take Willem. I can't see any possibility of not doing that.
Maya's start techs are terrible but Ball Courts are frigging nice. I don't get the Sumeria love but I accept that Krill knows what he's talking about more than I do. Perhaps its because I always get CoL before Priesthood.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
I just favour horizontal growth and getting in peoples faces. With CRE/FIN it's really easy to do that, and not go broke. The only difficulty with Willem is getting granaries in place to slave hard. This is something that pretty much only *I* do though, and not something that other people can just turn up and not fuck up. Whether this is something the team thinks is a reasonable strategy is hence up for debate.
The difference between Egypt and Sumeria is pretty simple, Egypt has better chariots and a UB that makes it easier to get a shrine, Sumeria has a cheaper court house and an axe that is better against war elephants than the standard axe
Yeah. I mean I do believe synergy is overrated. And I also believe that if you take Willem you intend to REX hard.
I guess at the end of the day I'd probably be happier to have an Ag/Wheel start than I will be to have a better happy cap in 80t when you can start thinking about whipping out Ball Courts. So I guess I'm saying I'm on board with Sumeria or Egypt. Could talk myself into Ottomans as well.
I'm not really worried about Khmer. I suspect that was a compromise choice to mollify the CFC elements of Parkins team who wanted to take Agg Rome or something. This way he can take Khmer ostensibly for the Ballistas but really he gets to get HC on the swingback and turtle up and build wonders like he wants to.
If we lose, I really hope its either Dave's or Darrell's team.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?