Turn 042
Well, it turns out I may want to be a bad neighbor to Cyneheard after all. (And possibly become very irritated at the mapmaker.) We'll know more next turn.
That looks like a dead end. Which means Cyneheard has one method of expansion: through me. And don't you dare say "he has the islands", because it takes a lot more investment to expand by galleys, it's a lot less secure due to boating, and gives less of a payoff than developed land. So if that is the deadend it appears to be, then I've just been put in the middle of a sandwich and my normal choice would be to rush a neighbor and take them out as quickly as possible. Probably Cyneheard so I'd have my backs to the sea.
Oh wait, he's Egypt. So forget rushing. And he's Cyneheard so he's not only a good Civ player, but also a more-than-competent strategian and will not miss the implications of this once he scouts well enough to see what's going on. FML.
I'm starting to wonder if Barry is also at another end. He still has yet to assign EP away from me. So he hasn't met anyone else or he's forgetten. But his scout did turn around after first finding me, and I haven't seen it since. Perhaps it was eaten.
And there's the landbridge to the south, which is just weird in this context. Maybe I'm the middle of a 3-pointed star with people on every side.
Ugh, I need more info.
Back to things I have control over.
First off, go back to the picture above and in the lower right you can see that Cyneheard has whipped his second city. I'm guessing he whipped a monument there. Possibly a worker. Almost said granary until I realized this is RBMod and his EXP doesn't help with granaries like my PRO does. (Further confusing the issue for me is that I'm playing EXP in BtS PB19. Yay cheap granaries!)
I did offer peace to Cyneheard. I thought about what might happen if my scout is trapped, but if I can move my scout far to the north and west then it's possible I can teleport through his lands back to my side of things. Again, assuming all land ends immediately. And those borders will pop in 10 turns.
More things I can control, but have possibly screwed up:
I hadn't gone over my micro with a fine-touch comb enough to catch that I possibly could have combined the two workers onto the tile south of Scales and improved it to 3/4 this turn. I currently plan on cottaging both tiles, which I caught as a revision to an earlier plan that had me cottaging just the plains tile, but then forgot to see if I could only cottage the tile south of Scales and build a road or something. Anyway, I had been avoiding doing further revisions because if horses pop under my culture then I just need to redo the whole thing anyway.
We've also started a settler that I plan on whipping in 4 turns.
And next turn there will be micro magic. But I'm not giving it away yet! Stayed tuned, next time!
(Seriously, Cyneheard better have more than one neighbor.)