Questions: do we have enough defense? If not, how would we get more? Do we want to build this many axes, or also build some spears (we'll go up to eleven axes with this current sim)? Do we whip the granary or the work boat first at Alemanni? Do we definitely want to build Moai at HF, or do we want to build it at a site with more coast tiles (BB or Alemanni)? Do we definitely want to settle 1S of the western wine with the GM settler?
Save stack is attached. kjn, I modified your worker movements towards SL because I think we have a preliminary consensus to settle the city to grab as many of the flood plains as we reasonably can (1S of the wine). And we should finish the axeman at HF before overflowing into Moai Statues.
Also, I think we should edit the sandbox and change our color to say China's magenta, because signs are fucking impossible to read with all the plains and desert around, and the borders are hard too.
Biggest medium-term concern is figuring out exactly how to get MoM completed. I did a quick test and it seems like we could finish it by say t110 doing what we're currently doing (adopting HR/OR and whipping stuff into it). If we whip FP harder (down to say size 2) that would probably go down to t106. That doesn't seem very good. I nominate novice to fix that for us.
NH and I worked pretty closely with this plan. I took our two first separate plans and combined them, then NH did plenty of refinements, and then I ran through and documented it and updated to the latest map data and so on. And one final pass for NH - the result of which you see now.
My latest run-through was made with 0 pillage gold (amusingly enough, my axe failed to take Alemanni in that one), but we still made it through to Currency. We haven't really bothered to estimate how much extra commerce Currency will bring and the international trade routes in our new cities, so our gold and beaker numbers should be lower limits. We should be at at least 50% sustained post-Currency, though that will drop as we plant the new cities.
The basic idea in the west was to grow our cities at max speed, and once Currency is in turn all that pop into more settlers and workers. In the east, our old cities grow slower, while FF whips out a worker and then grows again. MM is food-starved, but manages to push out two more workers without bleeding more food. Our workers are in many places time-critical, finishing the silk just as AO grows to 9 and a cottages for AO and TH just as the cities grow.
The Google docs spreadsheet should be safe to follow - I've been going over the tile assignments and the worker and build actions pretty thoroughly. Errors are more likely in food and especially production numbers.
Our plans post-T95 are of course dependant on where we are to send our two new settlers, but our thoughts are to send two workers up to TH to get two riverside grass cottages going, finish off the various half-built tile improvements in our core, and get a cottage on the tile shared between AO, HF, and GM. And make sure FP gets a lot of worker action, and that MM can grow.
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wouldn't it be ever so slightly better to move the Galley 1w out of HF when its built and moving the settler onto it instead of loading it within the city? ... would mean that it would be able to get back and load what ever it is it's going to load ever so slightly faster
(January 11th, 2013, 05:02)Sian Wrote: wouldn't it be ever so slightly better to move the Galley 1w out of HF when its built and moving the settler onto it instead of loading it within the city? ... would mean that it would be able to get back and load what ever it is it's going to load ever so slightly faster
Then we can't get the axe with the galley when it loads the settler, ie it will tie down our scouting axe. We also get the workers over very quickly after the city is founded.
T89: loads settler and axe (axe just moved into the HF), and moves 2W
T90: moves 1W, unloads settler and axe, and back 1E
T91: moves 1E, loads two workers, moves back 1W
T92: moves 2W into BbB, unloads workers, who can improve the horse by T93 and connect them T94
I'm not sure we can improve upon this, especially since getting the workers loaded faster would also mean delaying the silk. Right now, the workers also lose only a single turn each, when they go to the galley on T91.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width